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Verizon alerts 63k employees their details were leaked by an insider

Telco says it's a private matter Verizon is notifying more than 63,000 people, mostly current employees, that an insider leak exposed their personal data.

The next generation of glassholes have arrived

They're back, and more dangerous than ever thanks to the internet's tendency to reward bad behavior Comment  If you've paid any attention to social media in the past four days, it's likely you haven't been able to escape the torrent of photos and videos of people wearing Apple's new $3,499 headset in public, tapping away at empty space in f

A rebuttal to the "STOP USING DMARC" meme by making the rounds in IT mastodon. DMARC absolutely has a real-world uses.

For information about DMARC, it's benefits, and how to properly use it, check out

Eravamo scarsi di linguaggi di programmazione. I cetrioli sottaceto di Apple Pickle sbarcano nellarena!

Hacker News: Recent SSRF Flaw in Ivanti VPN Products Undergoes Mass Exploitation

The Register: GitOps pioneer Weaveworks unravels after funding fabric frays

IBM pitches bite-sized $135k LinuxONE box for smaller biz types

Fancy a mainframe that runs Linux You'll need deep pockets IBM has pushed out a new member of its LinuxONE enterprise-grade Linux lineup that it hopes will appeal to small and medium-sized businesses, but the price tag is unlikely to recommend it to many buyers in this market.

Chinese Coathanger malware hung out to dry by Dutch defense department

Attack happened in 2023 using a bespoke backdoor, confirming year-old suspicions Dutch authorities are lifting the curtain on an attempted cyberattack last year at its Ministry of Defense (MoD), blaming Chinese state-sponsored attackers for the espionage-focused intrusion.

Find out how far it is between any two cities.


's and in but, we have ...

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After eleven years of me asking the same people if they've rebooted, you'd think they'd start to remember to try that first.


Also, I'm hungry.

Good morning, Fediverse.

SAP hits brakes on Tesla company car deal

Despite EV commitment, German giant tells Musk marque to buzz off German software giant SAP has reportedly elected not to buy new electric cars from Tesla, the electric automotive manufacturer led by Elon Musk.

Hacker News: Experts Detail New Flaws in Azure HDInsight Spark, Kafka, and Hadoop Services

The Register: An established AI player is in nasty trouble in this market What Why

EquiLend back in the saddle as ransom payment rumors swirl

Still no word on how the intruders broke in or the full extent of any possible data compromise Global securities finance tech company EquiLend's systems are now back online after announcing a disruptive ransomware attack nearly two weeks ago.

You could have heard a pin drop: Virgin Galactic reports itself to the FAA

Everything's fine, but a fastening fell off when it shouldn't have Virgin Galactic has reported itself to the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) after discovering a detached alignment pin from the mechanism used to keep its suborbital spaceplane attached to the mothership aircraft.

Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser hat in Bonn das neue Nationale IT-Lagezentrum erffnet. Das soll nicht nur den Bund, Behrden oder Unternehmen, sondern auch die Demokratie besser vor Angriffen aus dem Cyberraum schtzen.

Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser hat in Bonn das neue Nationale IT -Lagezentrum erffnet. Das soll nicht nur den Bund, Behrden oder Unternehmen, sondern auch die Demokratie besser vor Angriffen aus dem Cyberraum schtzen.

Nokia G22

HMD Nokia, 2016 ....

Oh great now and want your data to train Meta's latest AI pipe dream.
Youll totally be able to opt out right

I used to be on but that was a long time ago. That doesn't mean that they don't have any of my and are now using it. In general, I think is bad , partly because of that.

Japan stumps up more cash for Kioxia and Western Digital to make memory chips

Pair still looking to merge after SK hynix blocked deal Japan is set to provide more subsidies for chip companies Kioxia and Western Digital to boost memory production. The move follows reports that a cancelled merger between the two could be on again.

Hacker News: Beware: Fake Facebook Job Ads Spreading 'Ov3rStealer' to Steal Crypto and Credentials

The Register: New kids on the ransomware block in 2023: Akira and 8Base lead dozens of newbies

's going to ...

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:spinningpinwheel::spinningpinwheel: :fediverse::loading::loading::fediverse:

Double trouble for Fortinet customers as pair of critical vulns found in FortiSIEM

Admins should get a move on while info is scarce and exploits aren't yet available Fortinet's FortiSIEM product is vulnerable to two new maximum-severity security vulnerabilities that allow for remote code execution.

Oracle partner gets multimillion top-up after Edinburgh Uni disaster

More changes required after ERP go-live left staff and suppliers waiting for payment Scotland's University of Edinburgh has awarded systems integrator and support company Inoapps an additional 3.6 million ($4.5 million) contract fee for "changes in requirements and additional work" following a troubled implementati

Hacker News: How a $10B Enterprise Customer Drastically Increased their SaaS Security Posture with 201% ROI by Using SSPM

The Register: Rocket Lab is a David among Goliaths in the space race

GitOps pioneer Weaveworks unravels after funding fabric frays

Company burned through $61.6M in investment Former cloud native darling Weaveworks has announced that it is closing its doors after failing to get acquired and suffering from a "volatile" cash position.

Student*innen aufgepasst: Wir haben Jobs zu vergeben - kommt in unser TEAM!

Zum nchsten mglichen Zeitpunkt suchen wir studentische Mitarbeiter*innen/Werkstudent*innen (m/w/d) fr unseren Bereich "ffentlichkeitsarbeit" und fr unseren Bereich "IT und Verwaltung".

Mobiles Arbeiten ist mglich, bewerbt Euch bei uns oder trtet es gern weiter in die Welt!
Wir sind ein nettes Team und haben Spa an unserer fr uns sehr sinnstiftenden Arbeit mit gemeinschaftlichen Wohnprojekten und Stifter*innen, die gemeinwohlorientiert wirken wollen

Beide Stellenausschreibungen findet ihr in unserem aktuellen Blog unter oder gezielt hier:

Stellenausschreibung Werkstudent*in A:

Stellenausschreibung Werkstudent*in IT:

KDE 6 misses boat to make it into Kubuntu 24.04

'Noble Numbat' users will face a major post-install upgrade, which isn't ideal The next major release of KDE Plasma is getting close, but not close enough for the next major Ubuntu release.

Spyware Pegasus: 35 attacchi su giornalisti e attivisti in Giordania! Ancora uno scandalo sulla privacy

New kids on the ransomware block in 2023: Akira and 8Base lead dozens of newbies

How good are your takedowns when fresh gangs are linked to previous ops, though At least 25 new ransomware gangs emerged in 2023, with Akira and 8Base proving the most "successful," research reveals.

Hacker News: Hackers Exploit Job Boards in APAC, Steal Data of Millions of Job Seekers

The Register: Google flushes cached search results forever

IT-Profis sollten heutzutage schon u.a. auf und/oder setzen, wenn ihr den Produkten sicheren Zugang anbietet. In der fr die und scheinbar nicht *grml*

Bund hlt trotz Daten-Super an gehackter -Firma Xplain fest:
Spezialisten vom Bund geben grnes Licht fr die weitere Zusammenarbeit mit . Diese verffentlicht neue Details ber die -Attacke vom letzten Frhjahr.

EU repair rights bill tells manufacturers to fix up or ship out

Provisional deal will mean companies cannot 'hinder repair' The European Parliament has reached a provisional deal on EU regulations to strengthen consumers' right to repair.

HMD : HMD, Nokia -

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