
with a and ... And, ...

with a and ... And, ...

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's that we're , aye...


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The Register: Micron told to pay $445M in memory patent infringement case

no longer as fat32 as an option when quick formatting drives Do I have to use diskpart and wait 2 hours

is Portuguese

Microsoft Windows XP. Perch oggi cos insicuro ed inutilizzabile

Negli annali della storia dellinformatica, sono pochi i operativi che hanno raggiunto lo status di icona di .

Rilasciato nel 2001 come successore di e , diventato rapidamente un punto fermo nelle case e nelle aziende di tutto il mondo.

Ma andiamo con ordine.

The Register: Elon Musk says he doesnt want 100% tariff on China-made electric vehicles

Heres one of the many reasons why I stick to simple, replicable, and quickly restorable setups. When you don't have control over your data or rely solely on a specific service, everything could go wrong in an instant.

Ranga Yogeshwar ber KI und die Medien:

"Im Moment wird der Einsatz von KI in erster Linie von Geschftsmodellen, Investitionen und Profit getrieben vom Kapitalismus. KI ist ein Werkzeug unter vielen, um kapitalistische Strukturen zu strken. Dabei geht es nicht um Gerechtigkeit, Fairness oder Gleichheit, sondern eine Welt der Ungleichheit."

The Register: How Apple Wi-Fi Positioning System can be abused to track people around the globe


Update Chrome Browser Now: 4th Zero-Day Exploit discovered in May 2024.

Google rolled out fixes to address a high-severity security flaw in its Chrome browser that it said has been exploited in the wild. Assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2024-5274, the vulnerability relates to a type confusion bug in the V8 JavaScript and WebAssembly engine.

The Register: Bored students can now enjoy Sonic 2 on TI-84 Plus CE calculators, thanks to port

Bored students can now enjoy Sonic 2 on TI-84 Plus CE calculators, thanks to port

Blast (processing) from the past Retro interview  Just a few weeks ago, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was ported to the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator.

The Register: Bad vibrations left techie shaken up during overnight database rebuild

loge du bug : quand le dysfonctionnement nous aide repenser le numrique avec Marcello Vitali Rosati , Univ. Montral et membre du conseil scientifique d'Huma-Num

Musk: Lintelligenza artificiale e i social media minacciano lumanit e i nostri figli

I commenti di alla conferenza hanno acceso un dibattito significativo sul ruolo della , in particolare dellintelligenza artificiale e dei social media, nella vita moderna.

Wie schon bei Antivirus so wie Kryptowhrungen, sind die Betrger bei KI die Ausnutzer. Dieser wird sicherlich nicht die einzigen sein aber die IT-Konzerne und OpenAI knnen sich deswegen als seris vermarkten.

Betrugsvorwurf Rabbit-CEO soll Krypto-NFT-Scam betrieben haben:
Ob das KI-Gadget Rabbit R1 je funktionieren wird, ist unklar. Das Unternehmen dahinter hat jedenfalls eine sehr fragwrdige Vergangenheit

Il 23enne Rui-Siang Lin rischia lErgastolo! Era il Boss di Incognito, il Market che ha venduto 83 milioni di dollari in droga

Il 18 maggio stato arrestato a il presunto e del della , specializzato nella vendita di sostanze vietate.

The Register: BOFH: Come on down to the dunge erm basement

Allucinazione e Disinformazione nelle AI: Tra Cani allNBA, Batman Poliziotto e Pizza con la Colla

Una nuova svolta da un utente attraverso una AI di ha sorpreso tutti.La rete neurale ha suggerito una versione insolita della pizza. Il AI pensa che sia possibile aggiungervi della colla.

: MSI 20

... ... .... ... With the , by ...

's (again)...


sind zwar keine , in ihrer knnen jedoch gravierende Folgen haben, die weit ber den hinausgehen. Jngst auch wieder zutage getreten bei einem betreffend eine in :

"Die rechtlich besonders geschtzte Kommunikation von Anwlten, wie etwa der Stand von Gerichtsverfahren oder Infos ber Vertrge und geheime Vereinbarungen, eigneten sich bestens fr Erpressungsversuche."

Although I think OpenBSD is best BSD system, I think that its licensing policy is too anti-copyleft(WHY I CANNOT USE GNU GPL!), at least it is very stable, has no security problems and FREE

The Register: Ubuntu 24.04 upgrades available to Mantic users

Hey, it's Jamie! New account means a new introduction!

I'm an IT engineer from the United Kingdom. I'm married and have a 4-year-old boy who absolutely runs rings around myself and my wife!

My interests include Tech, TV and Film, Music and Football. I'm a big Liverpool FC fan!

I also have a big interest in gaming, so much so that I have a dedicated account for it here: .

The Register: 4 more years! Intelsat, Northrop Grumman extend satellite servicing contract

Does anyone need FreeDOS as a daily driver OS

What *BSD do you use(or will use instead of GNU/Linux) If your *BSD is not listed, write in comments what *BSD do you use

The Register: Nvidia faces local competition for its 'China special' GPUs

Was there no one at Microsoft who looked at Recall and said: This really, really sucks

Our vultures weigh in on the week that was more 'what we Built' than 'what you can Build' Kettle  Microsoft held its annual Build developer conference this week with that bizarre Copilot+ PC launch tacked on the side.

The Register: Best Buy and Geek Squad were most impersonated orgs by scammers in 2023

ICQ is shutting down. Pour one out while yelling UH OH.

The Register: Man behind deepfake Biden robocall indicted on felony charges, faces $6M fine

Apple WPS: Un ricerca lo definisce un sistema di spionaggio su larga scala

I dellUniversit del hanno affermato che il Wi-Fi Positioning System () di potrebbe essere utilizzato per spiare le su larga scala, compresi coloro che non utilizzano affatto i dispositivi .

Beware: These Fake Antivirus Sites spreading Android and Windows Malware.

Threat actors have been observed making use of fake websites masquerading as legitimate antivirus solutions from Avast, Bitdefender and Malwarebytes to propagate malware capable of stealing sensitive information from Android and Windows devices.

The Register: Was there no one at Microsoft who looked at Recall and said: This really, really sucks

New instance, who dis

A new is somewhat mandatory now.

Hey everyone!
My name is Alessandro but you can call me Alex.

I am part of the and work as an architect, but "it's nothing serious".

My pronouns are he/him, I'm married and a crazy cat person wannabe

I love and have another account dedicated to a gaming community, but this is my personal account. I'm a huge / fan, and I love and .

Sektor und

Probleme im : Bauarbeiter ausgebeutet und schikaniert

"In der -Branche hufen sich nach Report-Mainz-Recherchen Flle von Lohnbetrug und illegaler Beschftigung. Die Rufe nach schrferen Gesetzen werden lauter."

advance medical directive