
Virgin Atlantic flies world's first fossil-fuel

Virgin Atlantic flies world's first fossil-fuel free transatlantic commercial flight

Sustainable aviation fuel is hot right now as low-emission aviation takes off A Virgin Atlantic 787 took off this morning from London Heathrow bound for New York in the world's first example of a long-haul commercial flight powered entirely by sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

How Far is it?


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AWS unveils core-packed Graviton4 and beefier Trainium accelerators for AI

Also hedging its bets with a healthy dose of Nvidia chips too Re:Invent  On Tuesday Amazon Web Services has unveiled its next-gen Graviton4 CPUs and Trainium2 AI accelerators at its Re:Invent shindig, which it claims will deliver a healthy boost in performance and efficiency in machine learning.

Vertiv goes against the grain with wooden datacenters for greener bytes

Will timber tech take root or just go up in flames Datacenter infrastructure biz Vertiv is offering a wooden version of its prefabricated modular structures, claiming these have a reduced carbon footprint compared to steel alternatives.

& THE SUNSHINE That the I like

Lexploit PoC per lRCE di Splunk online. Un ricercatore pubblica una analisi approfondita del bug

Hacker News: Key Cybercriminals Behind Notorious Ransomware Families Arrested in Ukraine

The Register: They did it for science: 40 years since Spacelab module first launched

They did it for science: 40 years since Spacelab module first launched

The legacy lives on, but best not mention that landing, eh This week marks the 40th anniversary of the first launch of the European Space Agency's (ESA's) Spacelab module aboard astronaut John Young's final Space Shuttle mission.

Harman, Samsung, Roon -

AI agents can copy humans to get closer to artificial general intelligence, DeepMind finds

Googles AI offshoot finds copy-cat robots capable of aping human mentors A team of machine learning researchers from Google's DeepMind claim to have demonstrated that AI can acquire skills in a process analogous to social learning in humans and other animals.

Attacco informatico al servizio idrico in Pennsylvania. I Cyber Av3ngers colpiscono l'israeliana Unitronics

Questo fine settimana, dal 25 al 26 novembre, alcuni hanno violato la Municipal Water Authority di Aliquippa () in e hanno preso il di una delle sue di .

Added the Organization of State Broadcast Engineers to the list of professional groups who I've emailed cat memes. Wonder if I can make this one of my KPI's on performance reviews.

Hacker News: Guide: How to Minimize Third-Party Risk With Vendor Management

BFS -Projekt stsst an die Grenzen der -Infrastruktur:
Das Bundesamt fr Statistik wollte Verlufe von 'igkeit besser erfassen und prognostizieren. Im -Projekt musste einiges korrigiert werden.

Nun ja die arbeiten wohl nicht besser als und mit Arbeitslosen. Was fr eine berraschung ber der Technik NICHT!

The Register: DevTernity conference collapses amid claims women speakers were faked

Activist Investor Elliott calls for a management reboot at Crown Castle

Urges US cell tower giant to reverse 'value-destructive strategy' Elliott Investment Management is taking a close interest in US wireless cell tower provider Crown Castle, disclosing a $2 billion stake in the company and pushing for a change of leadership to counter a "value-destructive strategy."

Are you ready to ditch your Get the scoop on new passwordless solutions from Microsoft, Google, and Apple, as well as details on voice (and voice cloning risks), biometrics, and more! Register:

blog: Tracking Health & with Monitor 2023

Meta sued by privacy group over pay up or click OK model

Scrolling through endless humblebrags without targeted ads is a fundamental right, according to privacy expert Privacy activist group noyb (None Of Your Business) has filed a data protection complaint against Meta over the "Pay or Okay" subscription model, one it reckons is now being considered by many of Meta's rivals.

Hacker News: Transform Your Data Security Posture - Learn from SoFi's DSPM Success

iRobot 17% Amazon -

The Register: Europol shutters ransomware operation with kingpin arrests

My dream child of FTP, NFS and Samba that doesn't exist:

- Encrypted by default, but can be unencrypted
- Automatically adapts to network latency
- Highly optimized for reading, writing and enumerating files.
- Random access is as fast as sequential access (within hardware limitations, of course)
- Optional built-in HTTP server with directory listing
- Authentication can be anything, including password, token, public key, IP address or no authentication
- Supports resuming interrupted transfers, even after days
- Supports simultaneous up- and downloading of the same file (streaming)
- UTF-8 only
- The server can calculate hashes on request, allowing for differential file transfers
- Can be mounted as a filesystem (And automatically handles dropped connections)

Europol shutters ransomware operation with kingpin arrests

A few low-level stragglers remain on the loose, but biggest fish have been hooked International law enforcement investigators have made a number of high-profile arrests after tracking a major cybercrime group for more than four years.

Brits turn off Twitter, although teens and tweens keen on generative AI

Bing grows but Google remains top dog, according to Ofcom report There was good news for Microsoft and bad news for Musk in the 2023 Online Nation report by the UK's data regulator. It seems Brits are falling out of love with X formerly Twitter.


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Hacker News: How Hackers Phish for Your Users' Credentials and Sell Them

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The Register: Microsoft, Databricks double act tries to sew up the data platform market


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Couchbase takes fight to MongoDB with columnar side store upgrade

DBaaS update aimed at customers looking for live analytics on apps Document database Couchbase is adding a columnar side-car to boost analytics performance for users who want more insight into their real-time data.

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OwnCloud per tutti! scoperte 3 Vulnerabilit critiche, una con score 10: le Password degli Amministratori sono a Rischio!

Microsoft opens sources ThreadX under MIT license

The 'Azure RTOS' used in millions of Raspberry Pis is now FOSS Microsoft is open sourcing the realtime operating system that it acquired with Express Logic, donating it to the Eclipse Foundation.

1h55min nach Beginn der Idee fr eine Aufnahme im bereits vorbereiteten Projektstudio gelingt es mir, nach dem Scharfstellen auf meine Visage die per Fernbedinung auf manuellen Fokus umzustellen.

Da alles auffrisst, werden auch alle Probleme zu IT-Problemen. Und wer kann ahnen, dass man erst RESET whlen muss, dann NEIN und dann kommt noch ein Netzwerk-Reset hinterhergefragt! Dieser setzt auch das unbekannte Passwort zurck.

Noch ein Windows Komplettfreeze zwischendurch, und schon lsst sich der Fokus der Kamera fernbedienen, Firmware-Versionen gecheckt, das Geslze ahnungsloser Frher-war-ich-Perten auf YouTube angehrt, lalala.

Ja gut, Musikverffentlichung bei YouTube, muss man das

Heul leiser, sagen die Giftmenschen, httest du halt was richtiges gelernt, msstest du deine Profilierungssuchtversuche nun nicht ffentlich beweinen. Sie haben Recht.

Die wahren Idioten auf YouTube sind die, die was mit Kunst machen.

Nicht nur auf YouTube.

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Pronto Soccorso bloccato in USA. 6 ospedali rimangono senza sistemi a causa di un ransomware. E se succedesse in Italia

Come sappiamo, in italia la sanit costantemente viene bersagliata da attacchi informatici, l'ultimo stato l'ospedale di Verona, ma in italia potrebbe andare molto peggio.

Share your 2024 tech forecasts (wrong answers only) to win a terrible sweater

OpenAI led by the Swedish Chef Musk aims for Mars and hits Venus instead What are your predictions Competition  Another year has passed, and another of Microsoft's Christmas sweaters is seeking a new home. Come up with a suggestion for OpenAI's next CEO, and our retro Paint-themed monstrosity could be

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textile bargain