
VDI isa lot. It costs a

VDI isa lot. It costs a lot of money, takes a lot of time, and gives you a lot of security. But is the juice worth the squeeze if you're trying to keep BYOD secure

Anyone looking into VDI to secure personal and contractor devices has a lot of factors to consider. But our latest blog could have some useful information for you.

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New solvent might end winter charging blues for EV owners

Subzero temperatures and batteries don't mix but there may be a solution Researchers have discovered that using "small molecule" solvents could help improve the performance of lithium-ion batteries, speeding up charging and ensuring they work at low temperatures.

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Chip fab supplier Applied Materials gets subpoenaed over China sales

Comes after US probe into the companys dealings with SMIC Chip kit maker Applied Materials was served with multiple subpoenas relating to Chinese shipments, the company disclosed today.

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Hacker News: Superusers Need Super Protection: How to Bridge Privileged Access Management and Identity Management

The Register: US military pulls the trigger, uses AI to target air strikes

FAA gives Boeing 90 days to fix serious safety shortcomings found in report

Expert panel finds 'a lack of awareness of safety-related metrics at all levels,' and more, at plane maker "Inadequate," "confusing," "disconnect," and "lack of awareness" aren't words passengers would like to hear associated with aviation safety, but according to the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that's

I also remember the last halvening


Palo Alto investor sues over 28% share tumble

Lawsuit alleges it misled investors with claims new AI products were 'facilitating greater platformization' and more Palo Alto Networks (PAN) is facing a proposed class action lawsuit that alleges investors were deceived about the traction of its platform tactics and hurt by an unexpectedly low billings forecast that crashed the share price.

Neulich im Zug

FOSS replacement for Partition Magic, Gparted 1.6 is here to save your data

But beware Gparted Live hasn't been updated yet There's a new bugfix release of Gparted, a FOSS replacement for PowerQuest's wonderful Partition Magic.

Hacker News: Iran-Linked UNC1549 Hackers Target Middle East Aerospace & Defense Sectors

101 Teilnehmende bei " - Kompass der fderalen -Architektur"! Vielen Dank - auch und vor allem natrlich an die Vortragenden Marianne Mauch und Philipp Bornheimer fr den interessanten Einblick.

Die Unterlagen zum Vortrag gibt's hier : .

Dranbleiben lohnt sich - weitere Termine unserer Veranstaltungsreihe folgen in Krze.

The Register: FAA gives SpaceX a bunch of homework to do before Starship flies again


Czy ludzie naprawd uywaj jeszcze patnych antywirusw

Willy Wonka event leaves bitter taste with artificially sweetened promises

Charlie and the AI factory flop compared to 'meth lab' In the most flagrant case of false advertising since The NeverEnding Story, cops were called to a Wonka-themed "Willy's Chocolate Experience" in Glasgow, Scotland, because promotional material was made entirely from AI-generated slop.

Die knnte in die IT investieren aber nicht nur in Tools, sondern auch in Schulung & Aufklrung der . Scheinbar ist dies wieder zu umstndlich und kompliziert seine einzuhalten.

-Sicherheit in Deutschland Viele Mitarbeiter missachten bewusst -Regeln:
Einer Studie zufolge ignorieren rund zwei Drittel aller deutschen Angestellten am Arbeitsplatz bewusst gngige 'spraktiken meistens aus reiner .


HijackLoader amplia le tecniche di attacco per aumentare lelusione della difesa

I di CrowdStrike hanno identificato un di (alias Loader) che impiega tecniche di evasione sofisticate per aumentare la complessit della minaccia.

It used to be easy to pop an email message out to its own window in Gmail so you could read it while typing a response. But nope, can't keep that easy to use!

Maybe I should spin up a webmail client.. I wonder what's out there, it's been a number of years since I've looked.

Does anyone in the or world have suggestions for a self hosted web based email client

Nikola founder faces ranch forfeiture following fraud conviction

Trevor Milton bought it for cash and stock options, and he wants the cash back Try not to weep into your morning coffee, but convicted fraudster Trevor Milton might lose a ranch that a fresh filing claims he bought after lying to its owner "about Nikola's business" to persuade the man to sell to him.

Hacker News: FBI Warns U.S. Healthcare Sector of Targeted BlackCat Ransomware Attacks

The Register: Broadcom CEO pay award jumps 164% to $160.8 million

Broadcom CEO pay award jumps 164% to $160.8 million

Stock awards front loaded, get five years in one go Broadcom's boss Hock Tan more than doubled his total compensation package in fiscal 2023, which will no doubt be well received by the thousands of small VMware customers and cloud providers he's upset.

Attacco DDoS per un file Mp3 104 mila dollari per un aumento vertiginoso del traffico di un piccolo si su Netlify

Intel 1- 2027 $100 -

Remote Access Trojan per tutti! Con Xeno RAT, laccesso al malware un gioco da ragazzi

Un nuovo avanzato di accesso remoto () chiamato stato pubblicato su recentemente.

Atos confirms sale talks for datacenter and hosting biz have failed

Czech billionaire buyer walks away from ailing Tech Foundations division Troubled tech giant Atos confirmed today that negotiations with the prospective buyer of its legacy IT operation have ended prematurely, coming after the recent cancellation of its rights issue to raise cash.

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:wolfparty: :fediverse::fediverse:

City council megaproject to spend millions for manual work Oracle system was meant to do

Train-wreck public sector project was forecast to save 'bankrupt' council money Europes largest local authority has allocated 5.3 million in next years budget to pay for manual workarounds deemed necessary after its effort to transition from SAP to Oracle ended in an expensive disaster.

Hacker News: Building Your Privacy-Compliant Customer Data Platform (CDP) with First-Party Data

The Register: On-disk format change beckons for brave early adopters of Bcachefs

On-disk format change beckons for brave early adopters of Bcachefs

New versions of both Overstreet's baby and OpenZFS will hit the street soon New versions of the two leading next-generations filesystems are coming: both OpenZFS 2.2.3, and some time afterwards, an improved bcachefs.

Oh yeah... thanks client trying to ring me... leaving a voicemail saying they're trying to log into someone else's computer as the other person and even including the other person's password in the voicemail... nice

Me at work, using or

Palantir boss says company's software the only reason the 'goose step' has not returned to Europe

Motor-mouth CEO Alex Karp claims Palantir stopped 'innumerable' terror attacks in Europe The CEO of controversial data-mining firm Palantir has claimed that the company's technology has prevented terrorist attacks in Europe, thereby implicitly saving the continent from the return of fascism.

GoGain Course near Bayswater