
US Army turns to 'Scylla' AI

US Army turns to 'Scylla' AI to protect depot

Ominously-named bot can spot trouble from a mile away, distinguish threats from false alarms, says DoD The US Army is testing a new AI product that it says can identify threats from a mile away, and all without the need for any new hardware. 

Gerade mal wieder eine Recruiternachricht bekommen mit dem Text:

"...auch, wenn Sie nicht in Hamburg leben, wollte ich Ihnen da eine Position zukommen lassen, fr die Sie vielleicht einen Umzug erwgen wrden"

In welcher Welt wrde ich fr einen (Software!) IT Job einen Umzug in Betracht ziehen

Ich bin Software-Engineer und niemand der Kabel zieht oder Netzwerke baut.

Ich knnte auf dem Mond leben und selbst dort meine Aufgaben noch (annhernd - aufgrund von ca. 1-2s Delay) genauso erledigen wie jetzt. Ich arbeite seit bald einem Jahrzehnt fast vollstndig Remote (das z.Z. vierteljhrliche Team Meetup mal auen vor).

Warum also in aller Welt sollte ich ber einen Umzug wegen eines Jobs ernsthaft nachdenken

The Register: Microsoft accuses Google of creating a lobbying front called 'Open Cloud Coalition'

Wer im Moment Pakete aus der Packstation von DHL abholen mchte oder seine Sendung verfolgen will, muss sich gedulden.

Belgian cops cuff 2 suspected cybercrooks in Redline, Meta infostealer sting

US also charges an alleged Redline dev, no mention of an arrest International law enforcement officials have arrested two individuals and charged another in connection with the use and distribution of the Redline and Meta infostealer malware strains.

I often get asked about starting a in , , or : do you need college or a bootcamp I didnt go the traditional route, so heres my take on getting into the field without them. Hope it helps! Watch here:

Tonight we will be continuing Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind on stream along with our usual , , and hangout.
Come and join around 7:30 PM EST on Twitch, YouTube, and TikTok all my socials can be found here

Help Wanted!
Unemployed but looking for a graphic designer interested in gaining experience and connections! I need , , and cards for my , websites, and businessall on a shoestring budget.
In exchange, heres what I can offer:
A dedicated shout-out post or video to promote your work
Full credit on all my about pages
IT support for your business (limited but gladly offered!)
If youre game, lets connect!

If you are into , , , , , , Networking, , , , or please interact with me. Trying to find more people to follow and have a community with since more are leaving Twitter!

The troublesome economics of CPU-only AI

At the end of the day, it all boils down to tokens per dollar Analysis  Today, most GenAI models are trained and run on GPUs or some other specialized accelerator, but that doesn't mean they have to be. In fact, several chipmakers have suggested that CPUs are more than adequate for many enterprise AI use cases.

Oh, also tags:

Hacker News: Dutch Police Disrupt Major Info Stealers RedLine and MetaStealer in Operation Magnus

The Register: GenAI's dirty secret: It's set to create a mountainous increase in e-waste

Admins better Spring into action over latest critical open source vuln

Patch up: The Spring framework dominates the Java ecosystem If you're running an application built using the Spring development framework, now is a good time to check it's fully updated a new, critical-severity vulnerability has just been disclosed.

Nvidia Intel 30% -

How to manage time between doing research and actual client work

The approach that I'm using is VERY NARROW FOCUS . I identified the properties of applications, models, and tools that are important to me so I can use them to provide VALUE to my Customers.
I use that definition as a filter. If that brand-new technology does not meet those criteria, I will just let it go.

How do you handle the research versus actual work time in your case

Ok folks.

I have running on a server (ARM linux) with a dedicated - and I don't know how to onto that machine.

Any pointers

Chinese chips, quantum and AI now on US investment blacklist

Wouldnt want to inadvertently fund the PLA The US treasury department finalized a rule on Monday that limits domestic entities' investment in Chinese semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum information technologies, and AI.

How Far is it?

Hacker News: Researchers Uncover Vulnerabilities in Open-Source AI and ML Models

The Register: Microsoft engineer describes a flaw in Git that can hugely bloat repositories fix is on the way

Datacenter developer says power issues holding up new builds

'The single biggest constraint is access,' says exec looking to invest 'hundreds of millions' One of the UK's major commercial property developers says it would be pumping investment into new datacenters if it could just secure the energy supply needed for those facilities, reflecting a growing problem worldwide.

German MPs and their Staff fail simple Phishing Attack Test.

The Bundestag, the lower house of the German congress, conducted a secret penetration test (pen test) against members of parliament by sending phishing emails that supposedly came from the Bundestag administration. Many MPs and their staff members passed the test.

Monitoring shouts at me: "This server is DOWN!"
I immediately check - it doesnt respond to ping requests. I try to reboot it remotely - no luck.
I attempt to request a remote console after more than 45 minutes, theres still no reply.
I check the logs: the last ZFS send/receive based backup occurred just 23 minutes before the outage (it's an hourly backup).

I call the client to explain the situation: we can either wait or restore from a backup. They express a preference to get back to work after lunch (13:30).

I set up a VPS, install FreeBSD and some packages, then connect to the backup server:
zfs send -RLvw mybckdataset/bastillelastSnap pigz - mbuffer -m512M ssh destserver "pigz -d - zfs receive -x canmount -x readonly zroot/bastille"

After a few minutes (50 GB later):
zfs load-key -r zroot/bastille (since theyre encrypted)
zfs mount -a
service bastille start

Everything's up and running. DNS record changed - disaster recovered. Time: 12:48.

I call the client and say, "Hey, youre back up. Now well wait for the original server to come back, and then well resync the datasets."

The customer, with a witty remark that cleverly shows gratitude without being direct, replies, "Oh come on, and I was hoping to extend my lunch break! "

FreeBSD, jails, and ZFS have, once again, done an excellent job.

Now, I can have my lunch.

FCC chair: Mobile dead spots will end when space-based and ground comms merge

Jessica Rosenworcel looks at policy challenges for the next decade The chair of America's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) foresees a single network future where space-based comms will be integrated with terrestrial networks to ensure connectivity anywhere.

Hacker News: A Sherlock Holmes Approach to Cybersecurity: Eliminate the Impossible with Exposure Validation

The Register: Merde! Macron's bodyguards reveal his location by sharing Strava data

Ubisoft , XDefiant 'sCreedShadows -

Merde! Macron's bodyguards reveal his location by sharing Strava data

It's not just the French president, Biden and Putin also reportedly trackable The French equivalent of the US Secret Service may have been letting their guard down, as an investigation showed they are easily trackable via the fitness app Strava.

Which of you software developers can explain to me whether UUID v5 stored in BLAKE3 (or something similar) makes sense for secure assignable anonymization or not :BoostOK:
(I know, a strange question, pls retoot)

This is me

UK immigration seeks tech support, development partner for border crossing systems

After years of delay, new systems with 'diverse tech stacks' need a hand in 195M deal The UK's Home Office has launched a procurement for tech support and services to oversee border control and immigration via a contract estimated to be worth up to 195 million ($253 million).


Have the at complied with , yet

: "SSG ...."

's ... and

Hacker News: U.S. Government Issues New TLP Guidance for Cross-Sector Threat Intelligence Sharing

The Register: Five Eyes nations tell tech startups to take infosec seriously. Again

Five Eyes nations tell tech startups to take infosec seriously. Again

Only took 'em a year to dish up some scary travel advice, and a Secure Innovation Placemat Cyber security agencies from the Five Eyes nations have delivered on a promise to offer tech startups more guidance on how to stay secure.

Open Source Initiative legt KI-Definition vor:
Die Open Source Initiative hat festgelegt, welche Informationen KI-Anbieter offenlegen mssen, um tatschlich Open-Source zu sein.

Den Begriff Open-Source wird schon lange fr kommerziellen Marketing missbraucht. Was dies nun wirklich ist und was nicht ist von detailiert aufgelistet und erklrt.


Microsoft accuses Google of creating a lobbying front called 'Open Cloud Coalition'

Seemingly dissatisfied with CISPE settlement, new UK-centric cloudy industry group calls for end to 'restrictive licensing' Microsoft has alleged that a new group of cloud providers and users is a front for Google a notion the ads and search giant rejects.

Hacker News: New Research Reveals Spectre Vulnerability Persists in Latest AMD and Intel Processors

The Register: Brazen crims selling stolen credit cards on Meta's Threads

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