
Update met verdere informatie van Microsoft.Microsoft

Update met verdere informatie van Microsoft.
Microsoft heeft een kwetsbaarheid met hoge ernst onthuld die Office 2016 treft en NTLM-hashes kan blootstellen aan een externe aanvaller.
Deze beveiligi...

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The Register: Software innovation just isn't what it used to be, and Moxie Marlinspike blames Agile

Microsoft heeft klanten eraan herinnerd dat meerdere edities van Windows 11 21H2 en 22H2 over 60 dagen, op 8 oktober 2024, het einde van de serviceperiode zullen bereiken.
De aankondiging geldt voor...

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, mastodon.ml .

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- Celeron 300 BeOS.
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Castopod (RSS ):




How to Install vTiger CRM on Ubuntu 24.04 vTiger is an all-in-one CRM (customer relationship man...
How to Install vTiger CRM on Ubuntu 24.04 vTiger is an all-in-one CRM (customer relationship man...

Hacker News: New Malware Hits 300,000 Users with Rogue Chrome and Edge Extensions

The Register: Raptor Lake microcode limits Intel chips to a mere 1.55 volts to prevent CPU destruction

Complete SQL and Databases Bootcamp Udemy Coupon Complete SQL and Databases Bootcamp Course by A...

Federal authorities have arrested a Nashville man on charges he hosted laptops at his residences in a scheme to deceive US companies into hiring foreign remote IT workers who funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars in income to fund North Koreas weapons program.

Find out how far it is between any two cities.

The Register: Twilio's Segment SDK challenged with wiretapping claim

Blake lively's nieuwe film verboden in qatar: een discussie over censuur en cultuur Lively film verbod Ends With Us Qatar Qatar censuur entertainment drama's

Blake lively's nieuwe film verboden in qatar: een discussie over censuur en cultuur Lively film verbod Ends With Us Qatar Qatar censuur entertainment drama's

Blake lively's nieuwe film verboden in qatar: een discussie over censuur en cultuur Lively film verbod Ends With Us Qatar Qatar censuur entertainment drama's

hat die Analyse zur Ursache des globalen IT-Crashs publiziert: Programmierfehler und erschreckende Nachlssigkeit.
Das muss ein Weckruf fr die Branche sein.
Meine Kolumne fr

Verbod op nieuwe film van blake lively in qatar wekt opzien Lively verboden Qatar Ends With Us film in Qatar filmdrama verbod

Verbod op nieuwe film van blake lively in qatar wekt opzien Lively verboden Qatar Ends With Us film in Qatar filmdrama verbod

Verbod op nieuwe film van blake lively in qatar wekt opzien Lively verboden Qatar Ends With Us film in Qatar filmdrama verbod

Hoe crowdstrike zich herpakt na een wereldwijde it-crisis -crisis Hat conferentie -update

Hoe crowdstrike zich herpakt na een wereldwijde it-crisis -crisis Hat conferentie -update

Hoe crowdstrike zich herpakt na een wereldwijde it-crisis -crisis Hat conferentie -update

The is for ... And, ... We're 's ...


In shock news, pumping the full of inane crap is bad for the .

"Excess and reply all emails are bad for climate, researcher warns

"Most data stored on power-hungry servers is used once then never looked at again...

"...'So when were storing things in the , we think it's a white fluffy cloud, but the reality is, these are incredibly hot, incredibly noisy, they consume a large amount of energy...'

Starship ...

The Register: Anaconda puts the squeeze on data scientists now deemed to be terms-of-service violators

OpenAI ChatGPT ...

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's in a , maybe....


The is for in ... And, ... We're


Windows Update downgrade Attack "unpatches" fully-updated Systems.

Microsoft said it is developing security updates to address two loopholes that it said could be abused to stage downgrade attacks against the Windows update architecture and replace current versions of the Windows files with older versions.

Nun passiert in bei der , was bereits bei der passiert ist:

(Bei der IT ist der europische Rckstand inzwischen eher 20 Jahre und ein Aufholen ist nicht in Sicht.)

Hacker News: Experts Uncover Severe AWS Flaws Leading to RCE, Data Theft, and Full-Service Takeovers

The Register: Intel's processor failures: A cautionary tale of business vs engineering

... ...!

Have the at complied with , yet

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Kubernetes , - . , , , , Skittles . , , , . . Kubernetes . , Kubernetes, / , , , , . , Kubernetes , . Kubernetes . Kubernetes .

Hacker News: Microsoft Warns of Unpatched Office Vulnerability Leading to Data Exposure


The Register: Core Python developer suspended for three months

ich habe so eben (wieder) entdeckt und dies kann mMn sogar die oben erwhnten Privatsphre im Internet nicht nur indirekt erweitern, sondern an Prominenz aufnehmen und deswegen populr in der Verwendung der Tools sein, die es nutzen.

How to Install Chromium on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Ch...

"-". . /sarcasm ( , ).

How to Install Chromium on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Ch...
