
Ubuntu 24.04 upgrades available to Mantic

Ubuntu 24.04 upgrades available to Mantic users

Enjoy some Noble Numbat novelty now but excluding GNOME 46.1 It comes a bit later than usual, but if you are running Ubuntu 23.10 "Mantic Minotaur," you should start seeing prompts to upgrade to the new release.

I loves me some Bill & Ted, but the soundtrack to the original definitely ventures in to cheese territory. For better or for worse, "The Boys And Girls Are Doing It" is stuck in my head this morning.

De nieuwe golf van identiteitsrisico's in cybersecurity 's -beveiligingsleiders IT-omgevingen

Elon Musk says he doesnt want 100% tariff on China-made electric vehicles

Tesla CEO would have preferred no tariffs, even though theyre beneficial to his company Tesla supremo Elon Musk is criticizing the import tax that the Biden administration has levied against Chinese electric vehicles, saying Tesla doesn't need them.

Hacker News: Hackers Created Rogue VMs to Evade Detection in Recent MITRE Cyber Attack

The Register: OpenAI tells employees it won't claw back their vested equity

OpenAI tells employees it won't claw back their vested equity

ChatGPT Write me a really horrid nondisparagement exit clause OpenAI has told former and current staff that it won't enforce nondisparagement agreements that could have cost employees dearly.

Micron told to pay $445M in memory patent infringement case

Case brought by Netlist involved DRAM modules in computer systems Chipmaker Micron is being ordered to cough up a total of $445 million after losing a patent litigation case involving memory module technology brought by rival Netlist.

Hacker News: How Do Hackers Blend In So Well Learn Their Tricks in This Expert Webinar

The Register: iFixit divorces Samsung over lack of real commitment to DIY repair program

Backups are more important than security tools change my mind

Wanna curb datacenter outages Try combating burnout with shorter shifts

If hiring more people to work fewer hours isn't appealing, you could always make a robot do it Datacenter outages remain a perennial problem, with human error among the top contributors. Analyst outfit the Uptime Institute suggests the key to curbing these disruptions could be as simple as shortening shift


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Are we , yet... ...

Also, there will be more even though 's and ...

:PirateBadge::wolfparty::PirateBadge: :fediverse::fediverse:

EMEA enterprise customers scrutinising deals more closely, and it's hurting Workday

Pesky 'macro' stuff forces SaaS biz to yank revenue forecast, share price plunges double digits SaaS application biz Workday is lowering revenue forecasts for the year after saying it is feeling the squeeze of larger customers taking longer to sign off on deals amid a wavering economy.

Mag ja ungern rufen aber bei deren - ist das schon ein Naturgesetz...

So wie Wasser nass ist...

I CISO non dormono! Il 70% teme un grave attacco informatico nel 2024

Secondo un sondaggio condotto su 1.600 chief information security officer ( ) in tutto il mondo, oltre il 70% preoccupato per la possibilit di un grave alla propria entro un anno.

... ... ... , and ... And, ...

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:wolfparty: :fediverse::PirateBadge::PirateBadge::fediverse:

Zoom adds Post-Quantum end-to-end Encryption to Video Meetings.

Popular enterprise services provider Zoom has announced the rollout of post-quantum end-to-end encryption (E2EE) for Zoom Meetings, with support for Zoom Phone and Zoom Rooms coming in the future.

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Microsoft fixes the fix for the Windows Server 2019 NTLM problem

Installation problems with non-English language systems resolved Microsoft has released a fix to fix the fix for NTLM traffic spikes on Windows Server 2019 after the original fix failed to install on some devices where Windows was not set to English language.

Chaos Ransomware: Cambiare Rotta! Una nuova minaccia distruttiva per lItalia

risaputo che esiste un generatore di basato su (riporta il Cert-), che consente di facilmente un attraverso una serie di opzioni.

Am 15. Juni zeigen wir dir bei der ABI Zukunft in Pforzheim, wie dein duales Studium bei der Komm.ONE aussehen kann. Stelle uns all deine Fragen zu den angebotenen Studienrichtungen, wir freuen uns auf dich!
Gestalte gemeinsam mit uns die digitale Zukunft in Baden-Wrttemberg!

Hacker News: Fake Antivirus Websites Deliver Malware to Android and Windows Devices

The Register: AMD's CFO Jean Hu talks CPUs, GPUs and the road ahead

AMD's CFO Jean Hu talks CPUs, GPUs and the road ahead

Surging demand, the AI plan, and spinning FPGAs into gold Interview  AMD claims it is touching 33 percent in server CPU market share as it looks towards the launch of its next-gen "Turin" processors, and is promising a GPU roadmap for what comes after the MI300 product line.

Manjaro 24 is Arch Linux for the rest of us

Because not everyone has time to be a tech guru Manjaro Linux is the DIY-spirited Arch Linux distro, but made easier so that those still on their way to guru status will be able to say: "I run Arch, BTW."

Cette faille de scurit dans GitLab permet aux pirates de prendre le contrle des comptes utilisateurs GitLab a corrig une faille de scurit 1-click (CVE-2024-4835) dans l'diteur de code Web IDE de GitLab Community Edition (CE) et Enterprise Edition (EE).
The post Cette faille de scurit dans GitLab permet aux pirates de prendre le contrle des comptes utilisateurs first appeared on IT-Connect.

Hacker News: DevOps Dilemma: How Can CISOs Regain Control in the Age of Speed

: OpenAI, Meta -

The Register: Where do Terraform and OpenTofu go from here

Where do Terraform and OpenTofu go from here

Here's the tea, for all open sourcers inclined to drink it Opinion  Oracle is dropping Terraform for OpenTofu, and IBM's CEO is talking up open source. What does all this mean for both programs Here's what I see happening. 

'Little weirdo' shoulder surfer teaches UK cabinet minister a lesson in cybersecurity

Tory comms leaked thanks to a barefooted Johnny Mercers wayward situational awareness In setting the date for the UK's next general election, prime minister Rishi Sunak this week essentially announced the start of open season for political reporters all hunting for the top scoop of the day b

wie im obigen verlinkten Artikel schon erwhnt, kann ich durchaus oder deren in Rust entwickelten Klon empfehlen, obwohl ich persnlich bevorzuge und ber eine Instanz die Daten zwischen den Gerten synchronisiere

Capgemini to keep the legacy lights on at HMRC for 245.5M

That's half a billion from generous taxpayers in 2.5 years The UK's tax collector has awarded tech consultancy and service provider Capgemini a contract worth up to 245.5 million to keep legacy systems up and running.

Hacker News: Japanese Experts Warn of BLOODALCHEMY Malware Targeting Government Agencies

The Register:
BOFH: Come on down to the dunge erm basement


Gli USA hanno Paura che la Cina tagli i Cavi Sottomarini ed Intercetti le Comunicazioni. Ma siamo proprio Sicuri

I temono che i di comunicazione , attraverso i quali scorre il 95% del traffico online mondiale, potrebbero essere sabotati o sfruttati dalla per sottrarre , dai alla e allintelligence militare.

Bad vibrations left techie shaken up during overnight database rebuild

Slow and steady wins the race, but sometimes flooring it saves the day On Call  In case the working week has given you bad vibrations, The Register devotes Friday mornings to a fresh instalment of On Call our (hopefully) cathartic reader-contributed tales of tech support chores that left your peers shaken and stirred.

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