To the clever asshat who entered our student dorm's garage and unplugged the ethernet cable:
That was actually a pretty funny prank.
And I'm pretty sure someone did this on purpose as the cable was neatly tucked away, so there was no chance it did that on its own.
The Register: Latest figures show AMD chipping away at Intel's CPU dominance
Intune Exporter et importer une stratgie  Catalogue des paramtres  Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons apprendre exporter et importer une stratgie Intune base sur le "Catalogue des paramtres", en quelques clics.
The post Intune Exporter et importer une stratgie  Catalogue des paramtres  first appeared on IT-Connect.
Intune Comment exporter, importer et documenter facilement des configurations Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons utiliser l'outil IntuneManagement pour exporter et importer des configurations Intune en masse et mme gnrer une documentation.
The post Intune Comment exporter, importer et documenter facilement des configurations first appeared on IT-Connect.
The Register: US semiconductor building boom means staff shortages and talent slipping away
Even if you're just a junior , you can now feel like a senior rockstar:
Start using 'friendly timestamps', and watch their terrified faces as you casually tell them that their last backup was done 'sometime this past week' :thinkerguns:
Eine sehr gute Toot-Reihe von ber das kommerzielle Ausnutzen der kostenlosen Inputs von User*innen auf Stack Overflow ber ChatGPT von OpenAI:
US semiconductor building boom means staff shortages and talent slipping away
McKinsey's solution Reach out to middle schoolers The US semiconductor industry is said to be struggling to hire as well as retain staff as the country cranks up its chipmaking capacity to reduce its reliance on foreign supplies.
Battaglia tra titani! Signal e Telegram si sfidano a duello sui social network. Quale il messenger pi sicuro
Sui scoppiata una lotta inaspettata tra i principali servizi di del mondo, causando preoccupazione per centinaia di milioni di utenti.
The website is slow. Full of javascript. 2.5 gbit/sec connection. Client devices become hot when navigating it.
The workload is composed by docker containers, created and managed by the dev.
The dev: "The server is slow. we need moar power".
The Register: IBM sued again for alleged discrimination this time against White males
Funcionamiento brusco o intermitente: Este problema suele deberse a un muelle de compensacin defectuoso.
Leer ms
The Register: What's with AI boffins strapping GoPros to toddlers We take a closer look
What's with AI boffins strapping GoPros to toddlers We take a closer look
Turns out the See 'n Say folks might have been on to something AI researchers looking for better ways to train large language models are turning to the masters of language acquisition children to find out how it's done.
The Register: Iran most likely to launch destructive cyber-attack against US ex-Air Force intel analyst
Sektor und
accidentally deletes UniSupers online account due to unprecedented misconfiguration
The Register: Look to the skies this weekend as solar storms strike Earth
Das blde ist echt, das ich fr mein Seelenheil immer mehr Filtern muss. Mit den blichen Folgen. Der Technikbereich von Heise fliegt bald ganz raus.. eh nur noch Affiliate und Artikel die Klicks wollen anstatt zu informieren.
52.000 server Tinyproxy esposti: Scoperta vulnerabilit RCE critica CVE-2023-49606
Pi di 52.000 host che si possono trovare su Internet sono vulnerabili alla critica CVE-2023-49606, recentemente scoperta in un proxy .
Nuove Tendenze nel Ransomware: Crescita Record e Azioni Decisive delle Forze dellOrdine
Il primo trimestre del 2024 ha segnato un preoccupante per lattivit di , con un incremento significativo delle rispetto allanno precedente.
Hackbat: Il Nuovo Gadget per lHacking Etico Che dovresti conoscere
L etico, o il , un campo affascinante che richiede conoscenze e competenze . Gli e i professionisti della hanno acquisito un nuovo prodotto interessante: il dispositivo Hackbat per testare le dei utilizzando veri attacchi di .
Weshalb lgt mich die Presse an wenn es um die KI geht und helfen mir nicht, haben die darber nachgedacht! )
Studie Knstliche Intelligenz kann lgen und betrgen:
Die Macher von KI-Systemen preisen die Technik als groe Hilfe an. Was passiert, wenn die KI sich nicht an die Regeln hlt, sondern tuscht und manipuliert
Une projet, comment faire Une road map est une planification stratgique qui permet de dfinir les grandes tapes et les cls d'un projet sur une priode donne. Elle est gnralement reprsente sous la forme d'un diagramme chronologique qui indique les principales activits du projet, les dlais associs, les ressources ncessaires et les rsultats attendus.
The Register: Tesla accused of union buster bluster at Buffalo factory
The Register: SpaceX set to literally rock Florida with more and bigger Starship launches
The Register: Critical infrastructure security will stay poor unless everyone pulls together
Critical infrastructure security will stay poor unless everyone pulls together
Claroty CEO Yaniv Vardi tells us what's needed to defend vital networks Interview  Take a glance at the cybersecurity headlines of late, and you'll see a familiar phrase that keeps cropping up: Critical infrastructure. 
The Register: OpenAI insists it's not launching a search engine nor GPT-5 on Monday
E-mail audit questionnaire.Is your e-mail web based such as Hotmail or Gmail or do you use an application such as Outlook How many devices do you use to read your e-mails Are any of these devices publicly accessible by other users Do you have a strong password (dont ask for password) Are you aware of any ways in which your contacts can be shared or accessed by other applications Do any of the devices you use have spam filtering, malware or antivirus software installed Do you know what phishing is
Web browsing audit questionnaire.Which browser do you use Do you surf the web on multiple devices Do you have Adware, Malware, Spyware or Antivirus software installed Do you have a strong password for every site you need a username and password for Do you save your username and password on the devices Do you always use the same passwords Do you purchase from online websites Are you able to identify if a site is safe to purchase from Have you heard of the term pharming
Social media audit questionnaire.Which social networking sites or applications do you use On how many devices do you connect to social networking sites Do you have a strong password to log into your social networking site How many hours a day are you logged in on these sites Roughly how many Friends do you have and do you know everyone on your list Are you aware of who is able to see your posts Do you display personal information on the site such as Date Of Birth, mobile number Do you post real time statuses that tag where you are Do any applications in your social networking software post on your behalf or have access to your personal information Is there anything you post you feel uncomfortable about showing online
The Register: German plod defend Tesla gigafactory from eco-warriors
Corel Linux - The (Word)Perfect Operating System
Rivendicato un attacco informatico alla Europol su BF. 9.128 record in vendita e documenti classificati
Il rischio zero non esiste e su questo un punto sul quale dobbiamo riflettere. Quindi tutti possono essere , bastano , e . E le forze dellordine che hanno l di reprimere il , ovviamente un obiettivo ghiotto per molti criminali informatici.
The Register: Hey, Reddit. Quick question. All those clicks on my ads. Were they actually real
Hey, Reddit. Quick question. All those clicks on my ads. Were they actually real
Advertiser takes super-forum to court after demand for evidence rebuffed Reddit was sued by an unhappy advertiser who claims that internet giga-forum sold ads but provided no way to verify that real people were responsible for clicking on them.
The Register: Did IBM make a $6.4B blunder by buying HashiCorp
Hacker News: FIN7 Hacker Group Leverages Malicious Google Ads to Deliver NetSupport RAT
The Register: Apple crushes creativity and its reputation in new iPad ad
From the ar(t)chiveFrom the ar(t)chive
Stylized 2D vector illustration for a 2008 business report, about workplace automation.
Blackberry PDAs were popular mobile devices back then.