
Tiny Corp launching Nvidia-powered AI computer

Tiny Corp launching Nvidia-powered AI computer because 'it just works'

Startup criticizes AMD over buggy firmware After a weeks-long struggle to get its AMD RX 7900XTX-based TinyBox working on open source firmware, Tiny Corp says it will be launching an Nvidia RTX 4090 version for users who want something that "just works."

Termina il Pwn2Own 2024. Gli hacker guadagnano oltre un 1 milione di dollari per 29 vulnerabilit zero-day scoperte!

Over 170K users hit by poisoned Python package ruse

Supply chain attack targeted GitHub community of Top.gg Discord server More than 170,000 users have been affected by an attack using fake Python infrastructure with "successful exploitation of multiple victims."

Google's AI-powered search results are loaded with spammy, scammy garbage

If you're seeing AI-generated results in Google Search and you didn't opt in, be careful what you click Google's new AI-generated search results feature is suffering from the same problem that its regular results have had of late: Spammy, if not outright malicious links are rising to the top of the SERP s

Hacker News: Game On! Beat our Calculator in Guessing Your Organization's App Count

The Register: Microsoft confirms memory leak in March Windows Server security update

How Far is it?

AI bubble or not, Nvidia is betting everything on a GPU-accelerated future

LLMs powering generative AI may be moving GPUs, but Huang and co already looking at next big opportunity Comment  For many, apps like ChatGPT, Copilot, Midjourney, or Gemini are generative AI.

Allarme sicurezza per gli utenti Linux: Temi globali KDE possono cancellare dati personali!

La scorsa settimana, gli sviluppatori di hanno avvertito gli utenti di usare estrema cautela durante l di temi , anche dal Store ufficiale.

Woz calls out US lawmakers for TikTok ban: 'I dont like the hypocrisy

'Look at what we're accusing TikTok of, and then go look at Facebook and Google...' Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has criticized the US government's targeting of TikTok, saying it is hypocritical to single out one social media platform for tracking users and not apply the same rule to all.

CIS/207T class grade is in the books and I passed with a 100%!

Now I am in my Cyber Domain class and currently at a 100% but it is still young.

ZenHammer comes down on AMD Zen 2 and 3 systems

Boffins demonstrate Rowhammer memory meddling on AMD DDR4 hardware ZenHammer would be the perfect name for a heavy metal band, but alas, it's an AMD-focused variant of the decade-old Rowhammer attack that compromises computers by flipping bits of memory.

Get em boys.

IT trade union confirms cybersecurity experts investigating IT, email outage

Systems have been pulled offline as a precaution Exclusive  The Communications Workers Union (CWU), which represents hundreds of thousands of employees in sectors across the UK economy including tech and telecoms, is currently working to mitigate a cyberattack.

Software supply chain security tools face the same challenges as the original vulnerability scanners - too many alerts, no guidance on prioritization or remediation.

Finite State raises $20M funding to grow its tool that addresses these challenges for both IT and OT/IoT

Hacker News: Key Lesson from Microsoft's Password Spray Hack: Secure Every Account

The Register: Some 300,000 IPs vulnerable to this Loop DoS attack

Freiwilliges Engagement im Projekt !

Fachleute fr , , , Ingenieurwesen & , die Expertise als Freiwillige/r einbringen mchten, knnen sich heute um 18h bei einem Online-Event informieren.

Anmeldung via:

Mozilla fixes $100,000 Firefox zero-days following two-day hackathon

Users may have to upgrade twice to protect their browsers Mozilla has swiftly patched a pair of critical Firefox zero-days after a researcher debuted them at a Vancouver cybersec competition.

GoFetch security exploit can't be disabled on M1 and M2 Apple chips

For now, cryptographic work should be run on slower Icestorm cores The GoFetch vulnerability found on Apple M-series and Intel Raptor Lake CPUs has been further unpacked by the researchers who first disclosed it.

Boeing top brass stand down amid safety turbulence

They were all planning on leaving anyway, company claims The door plug on Boeing's C-suite has flown off, taking the CEO, board chair, and head of its commercial airplane division with it.

Airbus to Acquire German Cybersecurity Company INFODAS

Airbus to Acquire German Cybersecurity Company INFODAS

The way Apple, Alphabet implemented DMA rules 'seems to be at odds' with law

European Commission says 12-month investigation could lead to fine of up to 10% of global revenue The European Commission is opening its first official probes under the Digital Markets Act with a focus on curbing the power of tech titans Apple, Meta, and Alphabet via threats of heavy fines.

La Russia apre le porte alla Community Hacker. Tutti i prodotti potranno essere testati senza un esplicito consenso

La Duma di Stato della Federazione Russa si ad adottare un disegno di legge che le attivit dei white in , riferisce .

Gelsinger woos Musk as Intel seeks to drum up Foundry Services business

It's just not economical for Chipzilla to be the factories only customer these days Intel is keen to get its Foundry Services strategy off the ground and draw in more customers. With this in mind, it's made a move to cultivate Elon Musk and finalized an agreement with Arm intended to make it easier for chip desig

Hacker News: Hackers Hijack GitHub Accounts in Supply Chain Attack Affecting Top-gg and Others

The Register: Beijing issues list of approved CPUs with no Intel or AMD

Fujitsu's 30-year-old UK customs system just keeps hanging on

After declaring the end of CHIEF at least five times in as many years, HMRC hopes this June 2024 date will stick The UK's tax collector has named the date for migrating from a 30-year-old customs IT system for the fifth time in as many years after planning its replacement for more than a decade.

How would you sum up a decade of Kubernetes

The CNCF is looking for a tenth anniversary logo Logowatch  Are you feeling creative To celebrate ten years of Kubernetes, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is seeking a design for an anniversary logo. Perhaps just the letters A and I crudely taped onto a ship's wheel would do the job

Hacker News: Iran-Linked MuddyWater Deploys Atera for Surveillance in Phishing Attacks

The Register: The UK Digital Information Bill: Brexit dividend or data disaster

The UK Digital Information Bill: Brexit dividend or data disaster

Move could 'weaken' Brits' personal data rights when info is transferred outside Europe Comment  The UK government's proposed data protection law reform seeks to create a more business-friendly regime, though its implementation could further complicate the international flow of data between Britain and Europe, wh

Ora il paziente di Neuralink pu giocare a Super Mario Kart e sta esplorando giochi di strategia

ha pubblicato le riprese video del paziente tetraplegico di 29 anni Nolan Arbaugh che ha ricevuto il suo primo .

Ora il paziente di Neuralink pu giocare a Super Mario Kart e sta esplorando giochi di strategia

ha pubblicato le riprese video del paziente tetraplegico di 29 anni Nolan Arbaugh che ha ricevuto il suo primo .

We should rather use resources and time into educating the enduser instead of strengthening our existing since the weakest link is always the enduser.

And yes I know a universal standard to prevent unwanted intrusions is important but still this solution is annoying as shit and I know hope that we will be able to access this seamlessly via as I really dont want yet another 2FA code.


Uff... Ein der nach der Registrierung einem das gewhlte im Klartext per Mail zu sendet

UK health department republishes 330M Palantir contract with fewer

As Good Law Project considers response, ICO slams failure to comply with FoI request The UK health department has republished its contracts with US spy-tech company Palantir, blanking out fewer sections, following a warning from legal campaigners.

Iphone is fabulous