
Thousands of Juniper Networks devices vulnerable

Thousands of Juniper Networks devices vulnerable to critical RCE bug

Yet more support for the argument to adopt memory-safe languages More than 11,500 Juniper Networks devices are exposed to a new remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability, and infosec researchers are pressing admins to urgently apply the patches.


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I have rebranded my website! I felt it was time to align it better to my updated passion and future.

Welcome to Kyles Tech Korner.

Las 4 tendencias tecnolgicas que marcarn el2024

En un mundo en constante evolucin tecnolgica, anticipar las tendencias que marcarn el futuro es esencial para impulsar la competitividad, agilizar procesos y proteger la informacin. Si bien hay varias innovaciones de las cuales se viene hablando hace un tiempo, el 2024 ser un ao de profundizacin, de profesionalizacin de los recursos en tecnologas emergentes, y de un avance significativo hacia la

And, ...

... ... And, a ...


When I'm not using , I prefer ...

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stumper: I can't tracert a website URL (unable to resolve, no entry in ARIN) but I can view it in browser. Other folks can't tracert OR see it on web if on PC but can if using phone+data from same location. Seems like , and I was able to override with hosts entry once I figured out the website IP (using web-based tracert, and ARIN had IP). But I'd love to know why. (not my site, just helping a friend)

Crippled Peregrine lunar lander set for fiery return to Earth in matter of days

Doing science and still alive ... but not for long Astrobotic has confirmed that the doomed Peregrine Lunar Lander's mission will end on Thursday, January 18 with the spacecraft burning up in the Earth's atmosphere.

The Register: WTF Potty-mouthed intern's obscene error message mostly amused manager

Patch time: Critical GitLab vulnerability exposes 2FA-less users to account takeovers

The bug with a perfect 10 severity score has been ripe for exploitation since May GitLab admins should apply the latest batch of security patches pronto given the new critical account-bypass vulnerability just disclosed.

Opera in Pericolo: la vulnerabilit MyFlaw rende possibile lesecuzione di file da parte degli hacker criminali

Naja, das wird nix mit den Verhandlungen zum IT-KV...

"IT-KV: Verhandlungen erneut unterbrochen Demonstration am 24. Jnner"

Ort: WK, Wiedner Hauptstrae 63, 1040 Wien

Zeit: Mittwoch 24. Jnner 2024, 14:30 Uhr

This is well worth a read - "How governments become addicted to suppliers like Fujitsu" -

Reports China's military is using Baidu's AI lead to stock plunge

Web giant retorts that researchers simply used its publicly available APIs Web giant Baidu's stock is down 12 percent after a report linked its AI platform with the Chinese military, amid separate claims the Middle Kingdon's armed forces are sidestepping US sanctions to buy Nvidia GPUs.

Hacker News: 3 Ransomware Group Newcomers to Watch in 2024

The Register: Why do IT projects like the UK's scandal-hit Post Office Horizon end in disaster

Les secteurs du conseil et de la programmation toujours sous tension en 2024

D'aprs le baromtre KYU Associs du mois de janvier, le march de l'emploi retrouve sa dynamique pr-covid l'exception de trois domaines :

Le commerce de dtail - prvisions + 1 point vs 2023

La sant - prvisions + 2 points vs 2023

La , le conseil et autres activits informatiques - prvisions + 2 points vs 2023

LeMagIT - Gatan RAOUL

FTC secures first databroker settlement banning sale of sensitive location data

Also, iOS spyware abused Apple's own ECC, breach victim says it can't figure out what hackers took, and some critical vulns Infosec in brief  The US Federal Trade Commission has secured its first data broker settlement agreement, prohibiting X-Mode Social from sharing or selling sensitive location data.

Wie sieht es eigentlich im aus in Sachen in der ohne

- A.L.I. Technologies .L.I.Technologies -

Il CISA avverte di non sottovalutare il bug su Fortinet di improper privilege management vulnerability

Eben Upton on Sinclair, Acorn, and the Raspberry Pi

The future's bright. The future's retro Interview  Inspired at least in part by Pi creator Eben Upton's dalliances with the home computers of the 1980s, the Raspberry Pi casts a long shadow over the retro computing world.


diskutiert Bruch des .

Innenministerin will und erlauben, - offenzuhalten und auszunutzen. Das geht aus Dokumenten einer Ampel-Arbeitsgruppe hervor, die wir verffentlichen. Das wollen sie nicht unabhngig vom Innenministerium machen, sondern nur etwas unabhngiger. ...

Hacker News: Opera MyFlaw Bug Could Let Hackers Run ANY File on Your Mac or Windows

The Register: Cloudflare defends firing of staffer for reasons HR could not explain

Rivoluzione nei dati! Un Drive da 10.000TB su ceramica, con durata di 5000 anni, resistente alle intemperie stato realizzato

Big Cloud deploys thousands of GPUs for AI yet most appear under-utilized

If AWS, Microsoft, Google were anywhere close to capacity, their revenues would be way higher Cloud providers have deployed tens of thousands of GPUs and AI accelerators in their race to capitalize on the surge in demand for large language models.

"Autismus ist kein Systemfehler, sondern ein anderes Betriebssystem" heit es auf der Website des Unternehmens auticon.

Die Firma beschftigt ausschlielich Autisten, und zwar als IT-Consultants. Den Beschftigten stehen Coaches zur Seite, die den Kunden vor einem Einsatz einstimmen/vorbereiten. Denn meist sind es Kleinigkeiten, die verhindern, dass Autistinnen im Berufsleben gut zurechtkommen, wie bspw. das Hndeschtteln. 1/2

il gruppo Hacker cinese Volt Typhoon sfrutta la vulnerabilit di Cisco per accedere alle infrastrutture

Secondo un rapporto del team di , gli del gruppo , legato al governo cinese, hanno ottenuto laccesso ai RV320/325, che hanno cessato il supporto nel 2019.

Microsoft braces for automatic AI takeover with Copilot at Windows startup

Experiment is limited to the Insider Dev Channel. For now Microsoft is experimenting with having Copilot open automatically upon Windows startup.

Hacker News: eBook: Overcoming the Security Blind Spots of Service Accounts

Rakuten . , .City - .City

The Register: AI and robots join forces to cook up proteins faster

AI and robots join forces to cook up proteins faster

Applications across chemistry, energy, and medicine await human-free acceleration Scientists have developed a platform based around a robot guided by an AI-based computer system, which could slash the time for engineering new proteins from months to weeks.

Il ransomware non guarda in faccia a nessuno! Colpita la No Profit Water for People che fornisce acqua ai bisognosi

CDW settles in lawsuit with rival reseller over Cisco sales

Meanwhile pending case from Cisco accuses CDW of selling counterfeit kit CDW, the world's largest reseller, has reached a settlement with relative minnow in an antitrust case involving Cisco.

NVIDIA $ 1 -

We've our for , and might be to to for a bit...

We're we last year 's a ...

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We'll have for ...

Jetzt frage ich mich, ber welchen Server wir hier rutschen :mastodon:
Mastodon: Groteil des Fediverse wohl bei Hetzner gehostet

Das sind die Momente, in denen ich mir die Zeit mit MS-DOS 6 zurckwnsche.
Googles Videostreaming: Adblocker macht Youtube langsamer

KDE 6 hits RC-1 while KDE 5 brings fresh spin on OpenBSD

New versions and ports of the Plasma desktop ahoy The KDE dev team has spent many nights working on the first release candidate of the new Qt 6-based release, during which time a tiny, intrepid band of coders was able to bring the current stable release to OpenBSD.

Iphone is fabulous