
The Register: SpaceX grounded after fumbling

The Register: SpaceX grounded after fumbling Falcon 9 landing for first time in years

Een nieuwe ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operatie genaamd Cicada3301 heeft al 19 slachtoffers op zijn afpersingsportaal vermeld, terwijl het snel bedrijven wereldwijd aanviel.
De nieuwe cybercrimi...

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Zweiter Teil der kleinen Serie -Basics, Tipps & Tricks, etc:

Die meisten Browser gehen bei einer hohen Zahl von Tabs in die Knie. Es gibt zwar viele Erweiterungen, die Tabs dazu bringen knnen, schlafen zu gehen und Ressourcen freizugeben.

Die zu bedienen kann bei einem stark ausgelasteten System aber schwer bis unmglich werden.

Die meisten Web-User nutzen Google Chrome oder Ableger davon z.B. Vivaldi und Brave.

Meine Lsung dafr ist Suspend Tabs at Startup.

Hacker News: Saas Attacks Report: 2024 Edition

The Register: Gelsinger opens up about Intel troubles amid talk of possible split

This is cool, and also unsettling because there's so many unsecured Lantronix Gas station telnet ports, but still neat.

Shodan always surprises me


Het populaire Docker-OSX-project is van Docker Hub verwijderd nadat Apple een DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) verzoek tot verwijdering had ingediend, waarin werd gesteld dat het inbreuk maak...

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GitHub wordt misbruikt om de Lumma Stealer informatie-stelende malware te verspreiden als valse oplossingen die in project comments worden geplaatst.
De campagne werd voor het eerst gemeld door een ...

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The Register: MongoDB takes a swing at PostgreSQL after claiming wins against rival

Apple Intelligence ep569 # Apple Intelligence ep569 Riverside.

... ...


Have the at complied with , yet

: "... 'ave the failed-servers still failed... "


's ...

... ...!

Have the at complied with , yet


's ...

The Register: 31.5M invoices, contracts, patient consent forms, and more exposed to the internet



Have the at complied with , yet

's also


: <<Sings-Like-A-Smurf>> "Doo Dooo Da-Do Doo Dood... Lah La La La-Lag..." - Smurf is a prohibited word.

Have the at complied with , yet


Dzisiaj zaczynam now prac. Administrator sieci w - Tak si tu chwal, bo teraz to modne -)

The Register: iGulu F1 could be the hoppy ending to your home-brew horror show

iGulu F1 could be the hoppy ending to your home-brew horror show

Good things come to those who wait and have deep pockets Review  It's no secret that this vulture is partial to an adult beverage or two. But brewing your own That way lies madness due to the complexities involved. However, the iGulu F1 seeks to make home-brew disasters a thing of the past thanks to automation and idiot-proof

Ich will mal mit einer kleinen Serie probieren, wie -Basics, Tipps & Tricks, usw. ankommen.
Heute beginne ich mit:
Der Inhalt ist seriser, als es einen das Titelbild ahnen lsst.

The Register: Feds claim sinister sysadmin locked up thousands of Windows workstations, demanded ransom

If you have never seen these recordings of give them a look. She was a something else.

There's a reason shit in gets automated...

I dare you to manually update 10.000VMs daily!


X, , " " , 10

Debian 12: 12.7 released

Debian 11: 11.11 released

... ... ... , and with an ...

(, ) that and I have been a of a of recently I've on my ... ...

's , there are available from a that I ...

We've had a lot of on , recently...


The Register: Starliner's not-so-grand finale is a thump in the desert next week

The Register: Canadian artist wants Anthropic AI lawsuit corrected

The Register: Check your IP cameras: There's a new Mirai botnet on the rise

Check your IP cameras: There's a new Mirai botnet on the rise

Also, US offering $2.5M for Belarusian hacker, Backpage kingpins jailed, additional MOVEit victims, and more in brief  A series of IP cameras still used all over the world, despite being well past their end of life, have been exploited to create a new Mirai botnet. 

There was much hoopla about theories, back in the late 1980s and the early 1990s, both in and in . As to OO practice, people were wetting themselves over patterns, UML, etc. And there were many impracticable UML-driven OO code generatorsnaturally.

Today, despite the IT folk being over eager of practice, I don't see a similar eagerness with category theoretic FP design techniques and indeed in any FP theories at all. Worse, IT practitioners are not exploiting the practicable proof assistants that "generate" FP code that is proven to meet the specifications, all in one language, be it Coq, Agda, Idris, F*, et al.

This asymmetry is both befuddling and illuminating, at once.

Hacker News: North Korean Hackers Deploy FudModule Rootkit via Chrome Zero-Day Exploit

The Register: Have we stopped to think about what LLMs actually model

The Register: EV sales hit speed bump as drivers unplug from the electric dream

die 90er Jahre

, das 1991 von Linus ins Leben gerufen wurde, begann als ein bescheidenes Projekt eines finnischen , entwickelte sich jedoch schnell zu einem bedeutenden Akteur in der Welt der Betriebssysteme. In den ersten zehn Jahren seiner Existenz erlebte Linux eine rasante Entwicklung und wachsende Popularitt, insbesondere unter und -Enthusiasten. ...

Aktuell sind Buchungen fr in -Pfalz sowie Ostkreuz auf Grund eines IT Notfalls zur Zeit nicht mglich.

Canadian artist wants Anthropic AI lawsuit corrected

Tim Boucher objects to the mischaracterization of his work in authors' copyright claim Interview  Tim Boucher, a Canadian artist, author, and AI activist, sent a letter to the San Francisco judge overseeing an authors' lawsuit against AI firm Anthropic to object to the way the legal filing characterizes his work.