
The Register: Some Intel Core chips

The Register: Some Intel Core chips keep crashing, game devs complain

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:wolfparty: :fediverse::loading::loading::fediverse:

we all have to and ...

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feat. : Afrika Shox (Little Orange UA Bootleg)


Hi Mastodon,
ich steige nchsten Monat in eine Systemintegration ein.
Jetzt bin ich auf der Suche nach ausbildungsbegleitenden Medien. , oder die Themenbezogen meine Ausbildung begleiten knnen. Wenn ihr einen habt oder Vorschlge, welche Suchbegriffe und Hashtags sinnvoll wren, um meine Suche zu erweitern, wre ich dankbar.

Das Handbuch Fachinformatik habe ich schon. Und den Podcast mit begleitenden Folgen -Berufe Podcast finde ich auch gut. Aber die Behandlung des Handbuches dort ist von 2016.
Falls jemand Begleitliteratur Vorschlge fr einen angehenden mit Vorerfahrungen hat, bitte gerne her damit.

Among was : but...

She was only 5'0" and the was 5'4" ...

She and we with them for until into ...

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The Register: Microsoft catches the Wi-Fi 7 wave with Windows 11

And, ...

... ... And, a ...


When I'm not using , I prefer ...

's ... I like ...



Apple introduce il protocollo crittografico post-quantistico per iMessage: Cosa Significa per i Tuoi Messaggi

And, ...

... ... And, a ...


When I'm not using , I prefer ...

's ... I like ...



The Register: Judge slaps down law firm using ChatGPT to justify six-figure trial fee

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won't ...

:wolfparty: :fediverse::fediverse:

: For America (New Recording)

Hacker News: Microsoft Expands Free Logging Capabilities for all U.S. Federal Agencies

The Register: Web archive user's $14k BigQuery bill shock after running queries on 'free' dataset

Judge slaps down law firm using ChatGPT to justify six-figure trial fee

Use of AI to calculate legal bill 'utterly and unusually unpersuasive' You'd think lawyers ostensibly a clever group of people would have figured out by now that relying on ChatGPT to do anything related to their jobs could be a bad idea, but here we are, yet again, with a judge rebuking a law firm for doing just t

Open Source nel mirino: perch potrebbe diventare una Arma di Protesta

Nel mondo odierno dello sviluppo , i non costruiscono i propri prodotti da zero ma utilizzano componenti , in modo simile al processo di in cui le parti vengono prese in prestito da vari produttori.

... but, with in ...

Since 's a ...

and I are more than we we would...

But... 's

The Register: Are you ready to back up your AI chatbot's promises You'd better be

Die Schweiz ist ein freier Staat mit eigener und deswegen Nope es sind wieder mehrheitlich die & in der . Abgesehen das Regierungen selten -Tauglich ist, ist dies mMn angegangen:

will bei Strommangel Websites und runterfahren:
Die Schweizer Regierung hat ihre Plne fr eine Krise der Stromversorgung vorgestellt. Das Mobilfunknetz soll gedrosselt und 's abgeschaltet werden.

Noticed the popular project "undetectable-chromedriver" has been abandoned

the developer opted for "cdp" alternative called "nodriver" & described as the "successor"

But having hard time not seeing it as step backwards

Only methods I can think to make it "undetectable" is transparent proxy or patching browser

A reason given is performance

Soo did a rewrite in b/c it compiles. I plan to move towards Webdriver b/c supports top 5 browsers /w 1

The Register: Work for you Again After you lied about the job and stole my stuff No thanks

La Guerra dei Chip: stato dellarte tecnologico e geopolitico tra dipendenze e sovranit digitale

La produzione di , gli elementi costitutivi invisibili della moderna, diventata unarena di . Non solo tra giganti aziendali, ma anche tra governi.

Gli hacker cinesi e russi usano ChatGPT di OpenAI per automatizzare la scansione delle vulnerabilit

Una Intelligenza Artificiale capace di apprendere come un bambino In Cina viene presentato Tong Tong

Recentemente a Pechino, alla mostra Frontiers of General Artificial Technology, stato presentato un unico. Il dellIstituto di () generale di Pechino () una unintelligenza artificiale chiamata , che significa Bambina.

Tesla Malaysia Expands Its Workforce to Propel Growth


Tesla is hiring in Malaysia for various positions.

Key roles include Technical Project Manager and IT Support.

The hiring surge follows a successful market entry.

Learn More:

Conclusion of How I bricked a PC in 2 seconds.
Thunderbolt settings in some bios let you set the location the card is in. Idk if this refers to physical PCIe or port ID. Either way, changing this to PE3 or AIC 3 actually corrupts your bios. Doesnt matter if its EVGA, ASUS, MSI so on (all AMI based). Doesnt matter the chipset either.
The only fix is to flash bios, if not possible via flashback, then manually flash it. I hope this helps someone in the future.

When did I stop working from home but from the couch

I need to do that more.

Ich bin der Meinung, das den von freien nicht annehmen, weil sie schiss haben ihre zu verlieren. Die haben also die so wie und in deren Fhrung nicht begriffen. Sie wollen es auch nicht um sich anscheinend eigen und deshalb darzustellen. Ich finde es eklig, dass ich NUR noch deswegen ein virtuelles bentige und auf mein dies nicht geht.

Banken und Freie Software

Since 's a ...

You can on that, if you like...

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"Is or ..."

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Microsoft catches the Wi-Fi 7 wave with Windows 11

In with the new, but old Insider bugs remain More than a month after the Wi-Fi alliance introduced certification for Wi-Fi 7 devices, Microsoft has added support for the technology to Windows 11.

a BlackBerry crossbreed with a Raspberry Pi.

This is why I always advise my younger colleagues in never to discard their old computing devices.

Some Intel Core chips keep crashing, game devs complain

Oodles of problems with data decompression and suchlike, depending on system settings Some recent Intel microprocessors are crashing systems and the problem appears related to the chips' firmware and clock rates settings.

AI comes for jobs at studio of American filmmaker Tyler Perry

$800M expansion canceled after a mere glimpse at the power of Sora If you ask American film mogul Tyler Perry, AI isn't coming for jobs it's already taken them. Case in point, Perry's Atlanta film studio, where the movie maker just scrapped an expansion in the works for four years after getting a glimpse of OpenAI's Sora. 

LockBit extorted billions of dollars from victims, fresh leaks suggest

Investigating LockBits finances has blown previous estimates of the operations wealth out of the water Authorities digging into LockBit's finances believe the group may have generated more than $1 billion in ransom fees over its four-year lifespan.

The Register: Google sends Gemini AI back to engineering to adjust its White balance

China breakthrough promises optical discs that store hundreds of terabytes

The coasters are making a comeback ... but tech won't be commercially available for some time Optical discs that can store up to 200 TB of data could be possible with a new technology developed in China. If commercialized, it could revive optical media as an alternative to hard disk or tape for cost-effective long-

The Register: Please stop pouring the wrong radioactive water into the sea, Fukushima operator told

Varda capsule proves you don't need astronauts for gravity-defying science

Space factory startup celebrates successful re-entry Almost drowned out by last night's lunar landing, Varda Space Industries celebrated the re-entry and landing of the capsule from its W-1 mission in the Utah desert.

This CNI video overviews Duke University's IT Advisory Council's assessment of research needs to meet the demands of Dukes computationally intensive research enterprise, including all 3 phases of the initiative: Assessment, Recommendations, & Implementation:

Free Will