
The Register: Rust developers at Google

The Register: Rust developers at Google are twice as productive as C++ teams

Two surveys by tech vendors reveal a significant slowdown in adoption as and leaders consider the legal and practical ramifications

Rust developers at Google are twice as productive as C++ teams

Code shines up nicely in production, says Chocolate Factory's Bergstrom Echoing the past two years of Rust evangelism and C/C++ ennui, Google reports that Rust shines in production, to the point that its developers are twice as productive using the language compared to C++.

The Register: Innovating with InnerSource

Sei depresso Ora sar semplice saperlo per le AI, dai post sui Social Setwork

Un recente studio pubblicato negli Atti della National Academy of Sciences ha scoperto che l () in grado di rilevare segni di depressione sulla base dei post degli utenti sui social media.

10 su 10! Backdoor nella libreria XZ Utils mette gli utenti Linux in pericolo

Venerd, ha diffuso un avviso di riguardante due versioni compromesse della ben nota libreria di compressione , precedentemente nota come Utils.

Kubernetes Kubernetes

, Kubernetes , . Kubernetes . .

The Register: Why Microsoft's Copilot will only kinda run locally on AI PCs for now

, prima n i pe locul 6 n lume la numrul de specialiti certificai la 1.000 de locuitori (raport).

Why Microsoft's Copilot will only kinda run locally on AI PCs for now

Redmonds strategy for blending cloud and client is finally taking shape Comment  Microsoft's definition of what does and doesn't constitute an AI PC is taking shape. With the latest version of Windows, a dedicated Copilot key, and an NPU capable of at least 40 trillion operations per second, you'll soon be able to run

From the ar(t)chive...
3D illustration for a 2004 issue of the Dutch ComputerTotaal magazine, about... yes, computer security.
From the ar(t)chive...
3D illustration from 2006 for the Dutch ComputerTotaal magazine, about desktop search engines.
Looking at the time stamp of the original image, I finished this at 2:35 AM. Back then I was in a continuous battle with pushy deadlines and slow renderers.

The Register: HPE bakes LLMs into Aruba as AI inches closer to network takeover

New Darcula phishing service targets iPhone users via iMessage.

Darcula uses 20,000 domains to spoof brands and steal credentials from Android and iPhone users in more than 100 countries. One thing that makes the service stand out is that it approaches the targets using the RCS protocol for Google Messages and iMessage instead of SMS for sending phishing messages.

From the ar(t)chive...

3D illustration from 2006 for the Dutch ComputerTotaal magazine, about desktop search engines.

Looking at the time stamp of the original image, I finished this at 2:35 AM. Back then I was in a continuous battle with pushy deadlines and slow renderers.

schade, dass ihr nur Studierte sucht. Fr uns 60 ohne Hochschulabschluss scheint es wohl keine adquaten Jobs mehr, auer den des Hausmeisters, in der heutigen -Welt zu geben.

Ihr wisst gar nicht, wie viel Potential dadurch verloren geht.

Wir in der Schweiz sind neutral und haben nichts zu verbergen * hstel* oder was wie jetzt!

800 Schweizer Unternehmen htten weniger berwachungspflichten wenn sie davon wssten!

The Register: Cloud server host Vultr rips user data licensing clause from ToS amid web 'confusion'

Addebiti multipli sui conti correnti per i clienti BNL. Situazione in normalizzazione

La Banca Bnl-Bpn Paribas si trova a gestire uninsolita di sui conti correnti dei suoi clienti (riporta lANSA), causando alcuni a rimanere con il conto in rosso. Questo problema stato rilevato e la banca sta lavorando per risolverlo.

Microsoft sotto attacco: come Lazarus ha sfruttato una vulnerabilit zero-day per mesi!

Gli sostenuti dal hanno ottenuto una vittoria importante quando ha lasciato un zero-day senza patch per sei mesi dopo aver che era sotto sfruttamento attivo.

StopCrypt: il ransomware per i comuni mortali difficile da rilevare ma altamente virale

I di hanno scoperto una nuova variante del chiamata , noto anche come . Questa versione utilizza un processo di esecuzione per aggirare gli strumenti di sicurezza, rendendo il particolarmente pericoloso perch difficile da rilevare.

The Register:

AT&T resets account passcodes after millions of customer records leak online TechCrunch

Phone giant AT&T has reset millions of customer account passcodes after a huge cache of data containing AT&T customer records was dumped online earlier this month, TechCrunch has exclusively learned.

The U.S. telco giant initiated the passcode mass-reset after TechCrunch informed AT&T on Monday that the leaked data contained encrypted passcodes that could be used to access AT&T customer accounts.

A security researcher who analyzed the leaked data told TechCrunch that the encrypted account passcodes are easy to decipher. TechCrunch alerted AT&T to the security researchers findings.

In a statement provided Saturday, AT&T said: AT&T has launched a robust investigation supported by internal and external cybersecurity experts. Based on our preliminary analysis, the data set appears to be from 2019 or earlier, impacting approximately 7.6 million current AT&T account holders and approximately 65.4 million former account holders.

AT&T does not have evidence of unauthorized access to its systems resulting in exfiltration of the data set, the statement said.

The Register meets the voice of Siri Down Under

Karen Jacobsen had no idea what she was getting into when she applied for a very odd job in 2002 Interview  In 2002 Australian singer-songwriter Karen Jacobsen was living in New York City when she was offered the chance to audition for a job that required a voiceover artist with a native Australian accent, resident in the north-east of t

hhh ja ich muss es mir mal noch genauer ansehen obwohl es mMn bei Open-Source Lsungen schneller behandelt wird.

xz-Attacke: Hintertr entrtselt, weitere Details zu betroffenen Distros:
Experten halten die Hintertr in liblzma fr den bis dato ausgeklgeltesten Supplychain-Angriff. Er erlaubt Angreifern, aus der Ferne Kommandos einzuschleusen.

The Register: Hillary Clinton: 2024 will be 'ground zero' for AI election manipulation

The Register: Microsoft rolls out safety tools for Azure AI. Hint: More models

Attacco spray password: Cisco mette in guardia contro la botnet Brutus!

ha pubblicato una serie di linee guida e messo in guardia i clienti sugli attacchi di spraying password che prendono di mira i servizi (Remote Access ) configurati sui dispositivi Cisco Secure .

The Register: AI hallucinates software packages and devs download them even if potentially poisoned with malware

The Register: Easy-to-use make-me-root exploit lands for recent Linux kernels. Get patching

: ... 's ...

:wolfparty: :fediverse::fediverse:

Beneficii ale AI pentru democraie -iti din care sprijin conservatorii, respectiv laburitii, explic cum pot folosi instrumentele AI n campaniile electorale.

The Register: Can a Xilinx FPGA recreate a 1990s Quake-capable 3D card Yup! Meet the FuryGpu

Can a Xilinx FPGA recreate a 1990s Quake-capable 3D card Yup! Meet the FuryGpu

The 'most painful' part Coding the Windows drivers If you've ever wondered whether a Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ FPGA can be configured as a homegrown gaming 3D GPU capable of accelerating Quake and other faves from the 1990s, we have an answer and it's yes.

Microsoft progetta Stargate. Il supercomputer da 10 miliardi di dollari per potenziare Open AI

sta sviluppando piani per costruire un da 100 miliardi di dollari soprannominato .

Scandalo nel mondo delle criptovalute: Sam Bankman-Fried condannato a 25 anni di prigione e confisca di 11 miliardi di dollari!

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RAPORT Ghid salarial. Ct ctig n medie un angajat n , vnzri sau contabilitate.

The Register: Malicious SSH backdoor sneaks into xz, Linux world's data compression library
