
The Register: Fitbit pays Uncle Sam

The Register: Fitbit pays Uncle Sam $12M to sprint away from claims of burning-hot smartwatches

Theres really nothing to physically distinguish me from the stereotypical voter. Im white, cisgender, middle-aged. Ive got white in the beard and other than the long hair theres really nothing that physically indicates Im not one of the who voted for Lord Dampnut both times.

As my fellow liberals start to age theres going to be more and more of us who pass. Now, after years of working in , , , and tech in general Ive developed a look I refer to as Resting Sysadmin Face or RSF. Its the look you acquire from having a user complain their monitor doesnt work while the building is actively experiencing a power outage and it gets stuck. That tends to keep most of the folks I dont want talking to me from striking up conversations, but it does still happen from time to time.

Anyway, the point is that if you look like I do, eventually youll run into someone who thinks youre into the same things as them and will start chatting with you. The problem I run into is that my masking skills kick in and Im at risk of nodding along or laughing at a joke that is not at all funny and should never be laughed at. I find as I get older Ive become more comfortable with confrontation but I know some folks arent and I thought I might offer some advice if thats who you are.

Embrace the power of OK. I think if youre like me, you probably have dialogue scripts queued up and situations like this tend to stymie those. Just respond to the offensive language with a blank face and OK. Its not confrontational so it generally doesnt escalate things but it still delivers the message that you did not connect with the person and that they did not just find someone of like mind.

Because the goal here is we really want the burgeoning fascist cosplayers to know that there are way more of us than there are of them and that were not just going to laugh along while they kill our loved ones. They need to know theyre alone and were not.

playing Escape from Tarkov, join me

Hallo zusammen!

Ich bin neu hier und freue mich auf den Austausch!
Meine Themen: Wandern, Radfahren, Fotografie, IT und Modelleisenbahn immer mit einer Prise Humor.

Tipps fr spannende Accounts oder Hashtags Freue mich auf Eure Empfehlungen.

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:wolfparty: :fediverse::fediverse:

The Register: Stargate, smargate. We're spending $60B+ on AI this year, Meta's Zuckerberg boasts


US indicts five individuals in crackdown on s illicit workforce

The Register: AI chatbot startup founder, lawyer wife accused of ripping off investors in $60M fraud

Nice PDF, but can it run DOOM Yup!

DOOM is a classic game to implement on a variety of platforms, but doompdf created by high school student Ading2210 is one, I didnt see coming. It runs a bit slow and the controls are a little awkward, but it does run. Entirely within a PDF file, at that.

Nintendo Switch 2PS5au WebIT &Technology

La saga inacheve des ordinateurs TO7 et MO5, un phmre succs franais

The Register: UK telco TalkTalk confirms probe into alleged data grab underway

Do any of the Linux heads around here know anything more about this error, except that -110 appears to be a timeout error

I'm getting this regularily. It seems to be related to my two Oculus Rift Sensors (essentially USB cameras) connected via a 4 meter USB 3.0 extension cable. Windows, however, never has an issue with them.

I'm curious. What exactly is happening here

The Register: Someone is slipping a hidden backdoor into Juniper routers across the globe, activated by a magic packet


Have the at complied with , yet

: "Are the dead-servers still dead , I smurfed it in the Fedi."

's also ...

Someone is slipping a hidden backdoor into Juniper routers across the globe, activated by a magic packet

Who could be so interested in chips, manufacturing, and more, in the US, UK, Europe, Russia... Someone has been quietly backdooring selected Juniper routers around the world in key sectors including semiconductor, energy, and manufacturing, since at least mid-2023.

's ...!


: , ...

:wolfparty: :fediverse:::fediverse:

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994) - Finally Scene (7/8) Movieclips


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The Register: LinkedIn accused of training AI on private messages

UK telco TalkTalk confirms probe into alleged data grab underway

Spinner says crim's claims 'very significantly overstated' UK broadband and TV provider TalkTalk says it's currently investigating claims made on cybercrime forums alleging data from the company was up for grabs.

The Register: WINE 10 is still not an emulator, but Windows apps won't know the difference

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:wolfparty: :fediverse::PirateBadge::PirateBadge::fediverse:

: Finally (Official Music Video)


that was .... ...

just you and you also , either...


Italy cant be involved in Ukraine peace process-Moscow TopNews


, S25 D , D

I would follow , and .

You can actually follow hashtags, so any post your instance sees with the hashtag will be in your feed
Thats how your post entered mine.

The in has been forced to partly close after a disgruntled former sabotaged business-critical systems (interestingly this was done on site rather than remotely, and the suspect hung around long enough to be arrested by )

AI chatbot startup founder, lawyer wife accused of ripping off investors in $60M fraud

GameOn It's looking more like game over for that biz The co-founder and former CEO of AI startup GameOn is in a pickle. After exiting the top job last year under a cloud, he's now in court along with his wife for allegedly bilking his company and its investors out of more than $60 million.

: North Korean workers steal source code to extort employers

Stargate, smargate. We're spending $60B+ on AI this year, Meta's Zuckerberg boasts

Can't keep the drama Llama out of this race Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed plans on Friday to blow through as much as $60 to 65 billion in 2025 on plenty more AI resources for his social media mega-corp and signaled his intention to continue the spending spree for years to come.

Fitbit pays Uncle Sam $12M, sprints away from claims of burning-hot smartwatches

Your workout warm-up instructions didn't say anything about setting wrists on fire allegedly! Years after recalling one of its smartwatches over overheating batteries that burned people, Fitbit has agreed to pay a $12.25 million civil penalty to the US government to settle allegations it knew about th

The Register: Exchange update refusenik Consider yourself warned by Microsoft

Regarding desire for three lights , in support of the Nanoleaf idea: if you can get the garage is open signal into the HomeKit world, you can do anything. You could buy a 2x4, some raw threaded lightbulb sockets, wire, and a plug from Home Depot, and 3 smart bulbs, spend 5 minutes with a screw gun mounting them in a row, and more time setting up your automations, and then you can put your now-ugly three lights anywhere you want! sUglyButItWorks

Exchange update refusenik Consider yourself warned by Microsoft

If you have a 'significantly out of date' Exchange Server, emergency mitigation might stop working Exchange Server administrators lagging on their cumulative and security updates be warned: Microsoft has stated that the Exchange Emergency Mitigation Service (EEMS) might stop working on "significantly out of date" versions

I'm currently trying to leave the blue bird for good, especially with what Elon has done.
Where are the active & people on mastodon

The Register: Mental toll: Scale AI, Outlier sued by humans paid to steer AI away from our darkest depths

I like Meloni says Trump when asked about Italy tariffs Politics

Microsoft heeft Windows-beheerders eraan herinnerd dat de synchronisatie van stuurprogramma's in Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) op 18 april, over 90 dagen, zal worden stopgezet.

Het be...

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