
The industry has reached (or will

The industry has reached (or will soon reach) a stage where a human, through a conversation with an , hashes out a detailed specification of small pieces of softwarefunctions, modules, librariesand the machine generates the pieces of code in proof assistants (Coq, Agda, Lean, etc.) that comply with the specification, along with the mathematical proofs that provide correctness and performance guarantees.

This man-machine collaborative approach may well be the foundation upon which future large-scale is built.

The Register: Docker launches Testcontainers on former rival Red Hat's OpenShift

Docker launches Testcontainers on former rival Red Hat's OpenShift

CEO Scott Johnston on company pivots and trying not to surprise the community Interview  As the IT industry faces an inflection point thanks to AI, lessons can be learned from Docker in how a company can - or must - pivot in the face of a changing reality.

UnSaflok: il bug di sicurezza che apre le porte di 13.000 hotel senza preavviso

I hanno scoperto che colpiscono 3 milioni di serrature elettroniche Saflok installate in 13.000 hotel e case in 131 paesi.

The Register: Russia's Cozy Bear caught phishing German politicos with phony dinner invites

KI ist zwar knstlich aber nicht wirklich intelligent:

KI AfD Gppingen wirbt mit einem Fake-Gesicht:
Die AfD Gppingen wirbt mit dem Gesicht einer Frau, die es so nicht gibt. Das Bild wurde mithilfe einer KI erstellt, analysieren Experten und warnen vor Auswirkungen auf Wahlen.


What's that that when an / that doesn't know you and you've tries to tell your but, as AND also to their own : ...

(s) ...

: Made by for and ...

's a

The Register: Flox rocks the Nix box by conquering code chaos

Hacker News: Human vs. Non-Human Identity in SaaS

How Far is it?

The Register: Vernor Vinge, first author to describe cyberspace and 'The Singularity,' dies at 79

lintelligenza artificiale sar entro il 2029 pi intelligente di tutti gli esseri umani messi assieme. Parola di Elon Musk

Musk ha risposto su X, sostenendo che la tempistica sarebbe stata molto pi breve.
L sar probabilmente pi intelligente di qualsiasi singolo essere umano lanno prossimo, ha scritto Musk su X. Entro il 2029, lintelligenza artificiale sar probabilmente pi intelligente di tutti gli esseri umani messi insieme.

From the ar(t)chive
Stylized 3D illustration for a 2007 issue of the Dutch Computable magazine, accompanying an article about LAN security.

Flox rocks the Nix box by conquering code chaos

FOSS CLI package management framework for repeatable, declarative deployments across multiple platforms FOSDEM  Flox aims to make Nix easier for newcomers, simplifying the job of installing identical development environments across Linux and macOS.

IT: Sales Manager -

The Register: EU antitrust cops probe Microsoft ties between Entra ID and 365 services

Tra innovazione tecnologica e armi il passo breve

Nellultimo mese, l ha condotto in varie localit della , volte a prepararsi per la futura.

Russia's Cozy Bear caught phishing German politicos with phony dinner invites

Forget the Riesling, bring on the WINELOADER The Kremlin's cyberspies targeted German political parties in a phishing campaign that used emails disguised as dinner party invitations, according to Mandiant.

StrelaStealer: il malware che prende di mira assicurazioni, edilizia e entit governative

Un nuovo rapporto dei ricercatori dellUnit 42 di Palo Alto rivela una nuova serie di attacchi di volti a distribuire chiamato . Questa minaccia colpisce pi di 100 organizzazioni nellUnione Europea e negli .

UNC5174: gli hacker Cinesi colpiscono con Malware Linux e mitigano le falle per un accesso esclusivo

Frog: A Linux OCR Tool for Extracting Text From Anywhere

Hacker News: Russian Hackers Use 'WINELOADER' Malware to Target German Political Parties

The Register: BOFH: So you want more boardroom tech that no one knows how to use

Full-time Program Manager at Sovereign Tech Fund

Full-time Systems Administrator at The Tor Project, Inc.

Full-time Rust Developer at Tor Project

Fortunately we realized the March CU had this problem on DCs and spiked it before it got pushed worldwide. Looks like another round of testing on Monday

Apple iPhone AI to be powered by Baidu in China, maybe

Of course it's called ERNIE seeing as Google has BERT Future iPhones in China could include AI features powered by Baidu's ERNIE chat bot.

Labor watchdog wants SpaceX's gag clauses to go the way of its exploding rockets

This is why Big Biz is trying to dismantle America's crucial regulators The US National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has challenged SpaceX's severance agreements, alleging the paperwork unlawfully limits what staff can say and do once they leave the rocket maker.

Chinese snoops use F5, ConnectWise bugs to sell access to top US, UK networks

Crew may well be working under contract for Beijing Chinese spies exploited a couple of critical-severity bugs in F5 and ConnectWise equipment earlier this year to sell access to compromised US defense organizations, UK government agencies, and hundreds of other entities, according to Mandiant.

Was ist Frauenfeindlichkeit

Ich werde von einem Mitvortragenden und Mitveranstalter gefragt einen Vortrag zu halten.

Der Typ, der fr die Organisation verantwortlich ist, stimmt sich mit den anderen Vortragenden (alles mnnlich) ab,
ausser mit mir.

Er verkndet den Vortragstermin. Ich bin an dem Tag auf Dienstreise.

"Also, das war schon schwierig genug, jetzt knnen wir das auch nicht mehr ndern."

The Register: Truck-to-truck worm could infect and disrupt entire US commercial fleet

Der : Freund oder Feind - Es geht um und . Mit
einem Verdchtigen namens .

Hacker News: Massive Sign1 Campaign Infects 39,000+ WordPress Sites with Scam Redirects

The Register: Microsoft faces bipartisan criticism for alleged censorship on Bing in China

Deutsche Bahn gibt offenbar halbe Milliarde Euro fr IT-Berater aus

Hacker News: Implementing Zero Trust Controls for Compliance

The Register: Redis tightens its license terms, pleasing basically no one

Uncle Sam wants to know how big airlines use passenger data

'Problematic' carriers can look forward to scrutiny, fines, and new rules Ever suspected an airline was using your data to upsell, overcharge, target you with ads, or was selling it to third parties Worried about how secure their systems are when you input that passport number The US Department of Transportation is looking into it

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With these conditions, I will achive the middle+ level through self-learning.

Hacker News: AWS Patches Critical 'FlowFixation' Bug in Airflow Service to Prevent Session Hijacking

Peter Leon Quinn is famous for fake degrees.