The I would to are:
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's ...
On those the will keep until I ...
That hasn't happened yet in ...
... 's , y'all...!
The Register: Uncle Sam is this keen to keep US CHIPS funds out of China
Find out how far it is between any two cities.Being unwilling to let yourself be incorrect/embarrassed in public makes it quite difficult to learn new things or try to see topics from an unfamiliar point-of-view
No accident the engine of science primarily progresses: peer-review
Rather disappointing that ppl here are unwilling to be challenged. Especially in matters of fact, science isnt matters of opinion
Was hoping for more from or than no-lol trolling bad faith arguments or tangents w/ no intention on discussions
My son is a engineer working for a nonprofit in Indiana. He has certifications and a degree but he doesn't get paid very well, and hasn't had good luck finding anything better. If anybody has any suggestions or places I can refer him, it would be appreciated (as well as boosts).
Are you , ...
is a for ...
They might sometimes be , sometimes but, 's not of ...
What's your when do you want to it, and does your ...
Il Boing B-52 riprende servizio grazie al software Unreal Engine 5 e a Fortnite!
Un popolare di gioco sta aiutando la a rimontare i di 60 anni fa per fornire loro altri tre decenni di servizio.
Wie Frauen in der IT unsichtbar waren:
Eine Historie wie Frauen in der Gesellschaft mit Computer und dem Programmieren sich eingesetzt hatten aber die Arbeitgeber es nicht ffentlich zugaben.
Lisa, der Nerd und die Unsichtbaren - Wie die Programmierung mnnlich wurde.
The Register: VR headsets to shift 30 million units a year by 2027, vastly behind wearables
Apple iPhone 15 15 Plus
The Register: Europe wants easy default browser selection screens. Mozilla is already sounding the alarm on dirty tricks
I know too much..
Take this device I just saw on a Facebook Ad. I saw it and unlike other techies was not like "Oh Cool!!!". Well I was a little, but I quickly went the other way of horror.
My response was:
Really cool. Now what new vulnerabilities did this just add How many years will it get patches for.. What happens when the company inevitably abandons it
Alexa: Sprachassistentin reagiert auf Blicke und untertitelt Anrufe
Make your own VPN - FreeBSD, Wireguard, ipv6 and ad-blocking included
Elektroschrott-Rckgabe: Umwelthilfe verklagt Aldi, Netto, Lidl und andere
about the 's just a ...
the ...
Hacker News: Deadglyph: New Advanced Backdoor with Distinctive Malware Tactics
... ... ... ...
's since we had an ...
I can a ...
FineWoven iPhone 15 .
The Register: How is this problem mine, techie asked, while cleaning underground computer
iPhone 15 USB-C .
See a lot of ppl switching their CapLock with Esc to improve ergonomics to exit insert mode. CTRL+C is built-in no config in vi/vim/neovim to exit insert
CTRL+ too, less caveats (thx for suggestion)
CTRL+C has important caveats
If you use CTRL+Z to throw vim into the background use fg cmd to bring it forward it should feel natural
Also stop using arrowKeys
Using hjkl for that matter should be rare, needing to move 1 position should be a rare event
If you program and use a mouse, just wanted you to know that you are doing it wrong.
Hacker News: New Apple Zero-Days Exploited to Target Egyptian ex-MP with Predator Spyware
The Register: Why Chromebooks are the new immortals of tech
Motorola 2023
Motorola , , Samsung, Xiaomi Lenovo....
iPhone 15 .
, Telegram 10.1
iPhone 15
Android , iPhone
Exploit sempre pi fake! Il PoC relativo allRCE di WinRAR conteneva un Remote Access Trojan
LFBI ammette allmWISE di Washington: La Cina il leader indiscusso dello spionaggio informatico
Alla scoperta di JanelaRAT. Ruba dati sensibili dai sistemi windows e ha un accento portoghese
Un nuovo chiamato , in grado di rubare sensibili da compromessi, ha preso di mira gli utenti in America Latina.
The Indian government plans to restrict imports of IT hardware components worth billions of dollars from China in an effort to boost local sourcing. With the implementation of a production-linked incentive scheme for IT hardware and an import management system, the government aims to create a stronger manufacturing ecosystem for devices and servers in India.
Full-time Senior Data Scientist, Community Growth at Wikimedia Foundation
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(JIP) . JIP .
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I'm a about ... ...
I should ...
's he gonna do... Have a about ....
Alabama 3: / The Sopranos (Rensus Remix)
Intel bringt Stapel-Cache in seine Prozessoren