
So much of managing this week

So much of managing this week has been "hey did you see that order I need you to approve" It's like parenting but the dollar amounts are way higher.

US Army doubles down on laser tag with $95M for prototyping

Recently confirming first use of energy weapons in the field, military now wants bigger, better systems It hasn't been using them for long, but the US Army is apparently pleased enough with its early directed energy (i.e. laser) weapons systems that it's investing another $95.4 million in improved versions.


Laundering cash from healthcare, romance scams lands US man in prison for a decade

$4.5M slushed through accounts from state healthcare and lonely people Georgia resident Malachi Mullings received a decade-long sentence for laundering money scored in scams against healthcare providers, private companies, and individuals to the tune of $4.5 million.

So for those of you who missed it, I am hiring for fully remote positions worldwide, everything from Jr. to Sr. Programmers and Data Scientists.

Our company mission is ML related but we are currently in stealth mode, but we are well funded and have about 15 employees now and looking to hire abou 15 more.

The company is ethics and open-source first company, you can see the link to the website below. It also donates time from its employees for non-profit open-source projects heavily.

We can especially use NLP expert at the moment as well as good programmers who know Java, Linux, and hopefully comfortable being a polyglot.

You can see all our positions here as well as some details for how to apply:

If you feel you are a fit we guarantee everyone an interview. We also offer the opportunity to make some money on the interview even if you dont get the job (through open-source bounties).

If you want to schedule an interview you can use the following link:

If you cant find any time slots that work for you we have our extended hours link below:

Even TSMC can't cook chips fast enough to sate AI's hunger

Semiconductor foundry industry thanks its lucky stars amid slow general recovery Demand for AI-related tech is at a high point amid a relatively slow recovery for the semiconductor foundry industry, according to Counterpoint Research, which expects the situation to last for the rest of this year.

Hacker News: MS Exchange Server Flaws Exploited to Deploy Keylogger in Targeted Attacks

The Register: Uncle Sam to inject $50M into auto-patcher for hospital IT

Confused by the SEC's breach reporting rules Read this

'Clarification' weighs in on material vs voluntary disclosures The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) wants to clarify guidelines for public companies regarding the disclosure of ransomware and other cybersecurity incidents.

"10 projects top of mind for leaders today"

Great list from CIOonline from their annual survey. Important indicators for investors, vendors, and other leaders.

, , top of mind, ofc.

But what resonates here with you

Suivi des menaces et investigation numrique dans lActive Directory avec loutil ADTimeline Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons collecter les mtadonnes de rplication de l'Active Directory avec ADTimeline afin d'investiguer sur les modifications rcentes.
The post Suivi des menaces et investigation numrique dans lActive Directory avec loutil ADTimeline first appeared on IT-Connect.

Boeing's Calamity Capsule launch date slides into the future

Starliner or Padstayer Boeing's Starliner, aka the Calamity Capsule, has suffered another setback after a hoped-for May 25 launch date has been dropped as engineers work to deal with a helium leak in the spacecraft's propulsion system.

Direktlink ranking Platz 81

. Luxoft -

Hacker News: Researchers Warn of Chinese-Aligned Hackers Targeting South China Sea Countries

The Register: Starlink offers 'unusually hostile environment' to TCP

Research finds electric cars are silent but violent for pedestrians

You're thrice as likely to be hit by a battery-powered vehicle The road to net zero might be paved with good intentions, but it's also apparently littered with injured pedestrians.

Grave vulnerabilit rilevata su GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES). Un Authentication Bypass con score 10!

Addio ad NTLM! Microsoft eliminino a met 2024 un pezzo di storia che ha fatto molto discutere

Questa settimana ha confermato i suoi piani per eliminare gradualmente (). Lazienda ha inoltre annunciato una serie di nuove misure protettive volte a la del operativo.

John Deere now considers VMs to be legacy tech, Ethernet and Wi-Fi on the brink

Plans robo-tractors to help as folks flee the farm but the planet stays hungry Next  Agricultural equipment maker John Deere has decided virtual machines are legacy tech.

Raspberry Pi sets IPO jam for June

$40 million to be raised for engineering and sorting out the supply chain The Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Raspberry Pi is now set for June 2024, and $40 million is expected to be raised.

And, ...

... ... And, a ...


When I'm not using , I prefer ...

's ... I like ...



And, ...

... ... And, a ...


When I'm not using , I prefer ...

's ... I like ...



In Debian, APT 3 gains features but KeepassXC loses them

'Sid' is looking a little sickly of late, but it will pass The intrepid users of Debian's "testing" branch just discovered that a bunch of their password manager's features disappeared but their package manager is going to get new ones.

Blog: webhook messages to your favorite chat software by

So fortunate that for the last couple of decades I could use Linux at work 100%, while still having my desktop show on the Windows video projection machines in the classroom. My productivity would have suffered seriously, had I been forced onto Windows.

Giving Windows total recall of everything a user does is a privacy minefield

It's only a preview, and maybe it should stay there ... forever Microsoft's Windows Recall feature is attracting controversy before even venturing out of preview.

Hacker News: Rockwell Advises Disconnecting Internet-Facing ICS Devices Amid Cyber Threats

The Register: CIO who dropped VMware 18 months ago now feeling thoroughly chuffed

Atos delays sign-off on 2023 finances as it weighs restructure offers

Energy billionaire Daniel Ketnsk reportedly looking at ways to sway creditors Ailing IT giant Atos has delayed approval of its financial statements for 2023 until the end of this year as it continues efforts to restructure, which have seen renewed interest from billionaire suitor Daniel Ketnsk.

I really enjoy the fact that my IT department reboots my laptop overnight on a regular basis, combined with the fact that it takes about ten minutes for my laptop to stop going crazy when I log in. It makes for so much productivity when I sit down at my desk in the morning, energized to start work!
(Yes, this is , of course, and yes, there's performance-intensive security software running in the background that makes launching apps excruciatingly slow and compute-intensive.)

UK law gives green light to self-driving cars from 2026

Underground tunnel testing now available for autonomous vehicles Self-driving vehicles could be on British roads by 2026, following the Automated Vehicles Act becoming law this week.

Les pirates exploitent la fonction Quick Assist de Windows pour dployer le ransomware Black Basta Quick Assist, l'outil de contrle distance de Windows, est exploit par les cybercriminels dans des attaques pour dployer le ransomware Black Basta.
The post Les pirates exploitent la fonction Quick Assist de Windows pour dployer le ransomware Black Basta first appeared on IT-Connect.

Hacker News: The Ultimate SaaS Security Posture Management Checklist, 2025 Edition

The Register: LockBit dethroned as leading ransomware gang for first time post-takedown

LockBit dethroned as leading ransomware gang for first time post-takedown

Rivals ready to swoop in but drop in overall attacks illustrates LockBits influence The takedown of LockBit in February is starting to bear fruit for rival gangs with Play overtaking it after an eight-month period of LockBit topping the attack charts.

IBM packages its Power cloud into 'pods' that run on-prem

Zero bucks to start but then the meter runs on everything for years IBM has decided the time is right to bring its Power-powered cloud on-prem.

Guadagna fino al 50% in pi di stipendio! Conoscere lIntelligenza Artificiale oggi un Plus non da poco

Nel contesto del grande delluso dell nel mercato del , un nuovo studio ha rivelato interessanti. Si tratta della possibilit che i guadagnino salari pi alti grazie alle competenze in () che possiedono.

Exciting times!

Soon, and I will share some news about Healthy Living for Desk Dwellers.

We want to help office workers improve their lifestyle in small steps by offering a cozy and uplifting community, Web 1.0 style.

The first iteration is nearing completion, yay!

Follow us to stay up to date about this initiative.

CVE-2024-4985 : cette vulnrabilit critique met en danger les serveurs GitHub Enterprise Server ! GitHub a dploy des mises jour de scurit pour corriger une faille de scurit critique prsente dans sa solution GitHub Enterprise Server : CVE-2024-4985.
The post CVE-2024-4985 : cette vulnrabilit critique met en danger les serveurs GitHub Enterprise Server ! first appeared on IT-Connect.

Definition of Cheesecloth