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Sektor und

Tagelange Strung: versuchten mit zu reparieren

"Betroffene in Ldenscheid waren wegen eines zerstrten Glasfaserkabels fnf Tage telefonisch nicht erreichbar. Grund dafr war, dass Bauarbeiter versucht haben, das Kabel mit einem Panzertape zu flicken."

h lolwhut

Alta... meine kpomplette abgefackelt ! Echt jetzt !

Macht ja Bock

Autenticazione ed email: sta per arrivare una scossa tellurica nella cybersecurity

Chi ha un di o ha ben chiaro quanto la casella possa essere piena di messaggi non richiesti, se non di tentativi espliciti di frode.

E con ogni probabilit, gli utenti di questi si sono chiesti molte volte se il loro potesse fare qualcosa per ridurre almeno la di posta , e con essa il di .

The Register: Industry piles in on North Korea for sustained rampage on software supply chains

The Register: AI chip outfit Graphcore's sales to China hit by US export rules

Gli Stati Uniti fanno causa a Meta per aver violato attraverso Instagram la privacy dei bambini

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

#memes #meme #shitpost #war #crime #it #programing

P.S. this is a not identity in the / future :

The Register: Lenovo's USB-C Power Banks pack more heat than expected

Useful stuff for dev guys:

IT Tools - Handy online tools for developers

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The Register: India diplomatically debuts digital public infrastructure repository with international contributions

It seems that Jeff is really enjoying his combo of a cookie and a cup of coffee this morning!

Nun ja weshalb wohl, "bse Auslnder" die unsere Oder ist - zu teuer um dies seris umzusetzen, sprich den AntiVirus zahlen wir ja doch schon

Gegen - sich seris vorzubereiten ist nicht simpel und kostet sehr wohl. Doch wie viele mMn dies teilweise ist massiv und die Wirkung dazu ist extrem. Wenn diese uns evt nicht sogar in die fhren knnen.

The Register: PHP 8.3 is released with new features as 8.0 heads for end of life

-11%: Apple Xiaomi, Honor -

CTS is keeping clients informed through a dedicated communications list, offering detailed information on the outage and the measures taken in response to the cyberattack.


Apple , RCS iOS! iMessage, iPhone Android. .

Pitch , ! , . , , .

! pitch.com

Debian : , , " "

The Register: Steering a steady tech course in choppy waters

Windows 11 in 2GB Ora possibile con Tiny11 di NTDEV sempre pi snello e performante

Attacco SEO#LURKER: il cybercrime sfrutta Google per diffondere malware tramite annunci ingannevoli

Il DARPA alla ricerca di uno Scienziato Autonomo basato sullIA e offre un milione di dollari

KI on der Schulen in der an den Unterrichtten sehr wohl als -Tool whrend der . Wie schon erwhnt sehe ich es eher skeptisch da ich Manipulation dahinter befrchte.

KI an den Schulen - Lehrpersonen mssen kreativer werden in der Aufgabenstellung:
-Tools sind aus den 'n nicht mehr wegzudenken und werden zwangslufig die Anforderungen an die Schlerinnen und Schler verndern.


$38 000 -

i will kill no matter how .... get ! :antifa100:


. .

: AI

These guys are the real heroes

The Register: Stop shaming service providers for outages, argues APNIC chief scientist

Also... : ...

's also ...

Zack Knight x Jasmin Walia Bollywood Workout

The Register: India's space gatekeepers pick Eutelsat OneWeb to provide satellite broadband

X Twitter $75 -

Ok, but what exactly is this "problem" that my Microsoft account supposedly has
May I suggest that the problem is with Microsoft and not the account That Microsoft is a jealous entity and my account hasn't checked in recently enough That Microsoft is concerned that someone may be using "their" operating system without enough telemetry payment

May I suggest that it's none of their business.


, , . , , . . , . .

The Register: Singapore to deter crypto investors with tactics like those used on smokers, gamblers

But... But... ...

's ... 's if you a on ...

The Register: Europe's Ariane 6 rocket rated 'ready to rumble' after passing hot fire test

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