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The Register: What can be done to protect open source devs from next xz backdoor drama

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week-long outage caused by a attack

What can be done to protect open source devs from next xz backdoor drama

What happened, how it was found, and what your vultures have made of it all Kettle  It's been about a week since the shock discovery of a hidden and truly sophisticated backdoor in the xz software library that ordinarily is used by countless systems.

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Dieser Artikel ist m.E. auch sehr gut fr verstndlich, insbesondere dank ergnzender Hintergrundinformationen. Entsprechend taugt dieser Artikel evtl. auch fr ein Unterrichtsgesprch abseits des Schwerpunkts.
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Ein schnes Wochenende.

... 's ...

we might "need" a ...

Maybe... ...

... ... Some ...



: Chinese Burn (Headcase Medipac Mix)

Hexspace Treffen

11. April 2024, 17:30:00 CEST - GMT+2 - Die Kometin (Kulturverein), 8010, Graz, sterreich

"China will unabhngiger werden von Software und Chips aus dem Westen. Es knnte zusammen mit Russland und anderen autokratischen Staaten ein neues weltweites IT-kosystem erschaffen."
Konsequent und nachvollziehbar, aber sicher nicht gut fr "den Westen", bzw. fr alle, denn hier wird "Konkurrenz" sicher nicht "das Geschft beleben".

The Register: Microsoft warns that China is using AI to stir the pot ahead of US election

$186,9 -

IT , .

The Register: Google sues app devs, claims they're Play Store crypto scammers with 100k+ victims

oder: Wie die an Ostern die Welt gerettet hat

Die Feiertage. Die ganzen - feiern mit der Familie Die ganzen IT-Abteilungen Nein! Eine von unbeugsamen Open-Source-Enthusiasten bevlkerte Mailingliste hrt nicht auf, den Eindringlingen Widerstand zu leisten.

Wir sind dieses Wochenende nur durch unglaublichen Zufall extrem knapp an einer schon lange vorbereiteten, wohl grssten Katastrophe rund um die globale IT-Sicherheit ...

Benetton Colpita da Attacco Informatico di Hunters International. I primi sample sono online.

Diversity in IT: A Reflection of Our World

The tech industry thrives on innovation, and diversity is its backbone. Women, with their unique viewpoints, problem-solving skills, and ability to communicate, are key to this innovation. Their contribution makes tech solutions better and more inclusive.

A recent discussion on Reddit highlighted a pressing issue:

Hacker News: Hackers Exploit Magento Bug to Steal Payment Data from E-commerce Websites

The Register: AI will reduce workforce, say 41% of surveyed executives

Anyone have recommendations for a good Windows 10 debloating tool Setting up a new workstation and don't want all the crap on there.

AI will reduce workforce, say 41% of surveyed executives

Biz leaders optimistic it can reduce living, breathing cost centers... er, valued workers A survey of senior biz executives reveals that 41 percent expect to have a smaller workforce in five years due to the implementation of AI technologies.

The Register: Huawei's Iran sanctions evasion trial pushed to 2026

Arriva Nuca: la fotocamera che spoglia le persone!

Una startup americana ha introdotto NUCA Camera, una in grado di spogliare le .

Ecco come funziona la fotocamera.La fotocamera scatta una foto di una persona e la invia alla rete neurale . Questa AI genera basate su descrizioni di testo. Sulla base dellimmagine risultante, la rete neurale crea una versione alternativa della fotografia in cui la persona nuda.

The Register: Sleuths who cracked Zodiac Killer's cipher thank the crowd

LIntelligenza Artificiale ha Fame! Ma il cibo digitale si sta velocemente esaurendo

Le che sviluppano l si trovano ad affrontare un nuovo problema: il volume di potrebbe non essere sufficiente per i loro ambiziosi progetti. Il Wall Street Journal ha descritto le possibili nel campo dellintelligenza artificiale.

ChaiLdr: un caricatore di shellcode che sfida gli antivirus

un che mira a creare un di che possa evitare il rilevamento da parte dei () e dei di rilevamento e risposta agli endpoint ().

pgAdmin 4 v8.5 Released

: '' AI


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"They're" for ...

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:wolfparty: :PirateBadge::PirateBadge:

Remembering when corporate IT required reinstalling Windows because it had a virus because one of the columns in the Excel spreadsheet was showing ##### instead of dates

Only the best employed by the Auckland District Health Board...

/ / /

Huawei's Iran sanctions evasion trial pushed to 2026

Meng Wanzhou is home, but the case is far from over Huawei looks set to face trial in 2026 over charges that it misled banks and Washington about historic business dealings in Iran in breach of US sanctions.

Google sues app devs, claims they're Play Store crypto scammers with 100k+ victims

The pair allegedly made 87 apps since 2019 and defrauded folks of tens of thousands of dollars Google is suing two Chinese app developers claiming they allegedly spent years creating fraudulent cryptocurrency investment apps that were downloaded from its Play Store.

The Register: Tough luck, bosses, AI is coming for your job, too

The Register: href="" target="blank"

Microsoft warns that China is using AI to stir the pot ahead of US election

Beware random inflammatory questions on social media they may come from a threat actor With the US presidential election looming, China is stepping up its disinformation game with increased use of AI, Microsoft's Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) reports.

The Register: Liquid cooling specialist snags Microsoft datacenter wizard as advisor

Ever leave your computer screen open when you walk away If so, you might want to change that habit.

Your unlocked computer can leave way to would be snoopers to check on your computer or even scroll around to see any personal or proprietary information on your computer. That could also lead way to someone stealing any personal information or even the snooper acting as the computer user to perform financial transactions. They could also create or respond to messages with the receiver thinking its the real person. Misuse by a snooper could put the computer user in a bad spot personally and professionally.

I teamed up with a colleague to create this video for work. Its good to get a creative outlet every so often while educating the public on ways to stay safe in the digital world. This video contains captions, by the way.

Have ideas for the next video Please leave them in the comments.

Liquid cooling specialist snags Microsoft datacenter wizard as advisor

Iceotope will need the help as it navigates the frosty waters of global expansion Liquid cooling specialist Iceotope has hired an ex-Microsoft datacenter exec on an advistory capacity as the company eyes global expansion amid insatiable demand for high-powered bit barns to feed the AI craze.

The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) education program has launched!

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