
Sabato sera mica male.

Sabato sera mica male.

sul 27

su Italia2

su Iris

sul 20

su TV2000

With contracts set to expire next Thursday at 11:59 p.m. ET (0359 GMT next Friday), Fain said the union had rejected General Motors (GM.

United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain said on Friday the union representing 146,000 workers wants a deal to avoid walkouts at the Detroit Three automakers but expects to go on strike against all of them next week if they do not improve their contr

Kurz informiert: Kernfusion, Google, Deucalion, Chatkontrolle

The Register: Atari pulls nostalgia power move and buys homebrew community forum

... ...

can to ...

's ...


The Register: Ransomware fiends pounce on Cisco VPN brute-force zero-day flaw

But... ...

you're with all the and , your about ...


I hate 2D printers, how is it after decades these machines still cant be reliable. This one is not even 3 years old! Now giving me tons of issues. My 3D printer is more reliable, if I could 3D print documents at this point I would do it just because I seem to have less issues. Do I need to buy another one already I like print 30 pages a month at most.


Attenti alle mod di Telegram sul Play Store. Sono pericolosi spyware che rubano tutti i tuoi dati

Gli del laboratorio hanno identificato pericolosi mascherati da versioni modificate del popolare messenger . Queste sono gi state scaricate da decine di migliaia di utenti nel  ufficiale.

Le versioni modificate (chiamate anche mod) fanno parte dellecosistema di messaggistica. Includono tutte le funzionalit , ma sono arricchite con vari miglioramenti. 

... ...

What's "King" been up to since, and / , ...

Has he , yet...

... 's in , aye... We "need" some ...


... Here's another ...

US$76bn from during his as of only for his "Colleagues" to of on ...

will he his and those of said "Colleagues" to his ...

Also, ... ...

heise-Angebot: iX-Workshop: Cloud-Expertise im eigenen Unternehmen aufbauen (Rabatt bis 19.9)

: (and 's a ) you've ever about the whole: ...

The ...

you you won't ... But I can always into the ...

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I can but, .com...

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Mit 300 KByte zur Embedded-GUI: Slint 1.2 ist da

... about that I've got some we can try... And ...


would be ...

The Register: Okay, SMART ePANTS, you tell us how to create network-connected textiles

iPhone 15

Honor Pad X9:


You are fucked! - Deutschlands erste Cyberkatastrophe


I CHIP al DNA stanno arrivando! Un miliardo di gigabyte in un grammo il target, anche se i costi ora sono elevati

La molecola del , in grado di immagazzinare enormi quantit di per lunghi periodi di tempo in un formato estremamente .

's all in ... ...

Our son got creative with my computer keys not once but twice. He started college to study IT. One day karma might visit him. Do you have a story like this you will never let your child forget

... What a , ...

My is for when 's the of the ... We should do some , maybe...

's also good , aye...

... to ...

There's and we have ...

The Register: NixCon drops Palmer Luckey's AI combat drone maker Anduril as sponsor due to military ties

Kollektivt gd taxi-app ger frarna mer betalt Fair Taxi
Igr, den en 8 september, lanserades den arbetargda taxiappen Fair Taxi av Freningen Taxiunionen. Appen lanseras inledningsvis i Stockholm med cirka hundra bilar. Frarna kommer inte vara anstllda av fretaget, utan egenanstllda precis som p

... ... ... ...

is in ...

of the (s) ... Because, and 's ...

's we'll and ... With a ... ... in ...

And, ... ...

As time unfolds, it's disheartening to see slowly becoming the new Internet Explorer.

, , iPhone 15 Ultra!

EA Sports FC 24 dice s all'Italia! Una nuova esperienza di gioco per tutti gli appassionati italiani.

Hacker News: Millions Infected by Spyware Hidden in Fake Telegram Apps on Google Play

The Register: BMW deems drivers worthy of warmth, ends heated car seat subscription

Finalmente l'abbiamo trovata!


Apple invita i ricercatori di bug a prendere parte al programma iPhone Security Research Device Program

La falla di sicurezza su Cisco ASA ed FTD sfruttata attivamente e non ha una patch

Cisco avverte della nulla CVE-2023-20269 nei suoi prodotti Adaptive Security Appliance ( ) e Firepower Threat Defense (Cisco ).

Health New Zealand says it chose big US tech firms to deliver a landmark data project because they have better size, security and robustness than local bidders.


Dalla Passione alla Carriera: Il Mio Viaggio nel Mondo della Cybersecurity

Spesso molte ci chiedono da dove iniziare con la cybersecurity. Questo articolo di un nostro lettore riporta la sua diretta esperienza nel mondo della che vogliamo condividere con voi.

Condividi questo post se hai trovato la news interessante.

living will