
Researchers confirm what we already knew:

Researchers confirm what we already knew: Google results really are getting worse

'Search engines seem to lose the cat-and-mouse game that is SEO spam,' says study No, it's not just you - search engine results really are getting worse as the internet is flooded with low-effort garbage from SEO farms and affiliate link sites, a group of German researchers has concluded. 

Hacker News: Webinar: The Art of Privilege Escalation - How Hackers Become Admins

The Register: Windows Server 2022 patch is breaking apps for some users

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Chip wars could lead to oversupply as China increases domestic capacity

Middle Kingdom can make market moves too... as potential global price battles loom Chinas chip manufacturing capacity is expected to more than double within the next 5 to 7 years, according to TrendForce, and this could lead to a market oversupply that would spell trouble for semiconductor companies elsewhere.

Nokia 360 -

to start charging for IPv4 IP addresses on Feb. 1, 2024.

This is apparently old news, but the deadline looms near.

Does the threat of large online providers going to IPv6 make it more neccesary to plan for it


Can solar power be beamed down from space Yes. Is it commercially viable Not yet

Caltech looks back on the highs and lows of the SSPD-1 project A year after the launch of the Space Solar Power Demonstrator (SSPD-1), the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) is revealing the highs and lows of the mission.

Nokia 360 -

Hacker News: Combating IP Leaks into AI Applications with Free Discovery and Risk Reduction Automation

The Register: NVMe consortium polishes its specs to support computational storage

Il Conto della Disconnessione: Il mondo offline per un minuto equivale a 20 milioni di dollari in fumo

NVMe consortium polishes its specs to support computational storage

Tech to shift storage to compute has so far failed to catch on in a big way The NVM Express consortium has updated its specifications by adding a Computational Storage Feature, creating a standardized way for applications to talk to storage devices that include some processing capability.

Could immutability be a Leap too far for openSUSE users

Update on Linux distro's next major version heralds big changes ahead The future of openSUSE is firming up, but possibly not in the direction that existing users of the distro will enjoy.

What's worse than paying an extortion bot that auto-pwned your database

Paying one that lied to you and only saved the first 20 rows of each table Publicly exposed PostgreSQL and MySQL databases with weak passwords are being autonomously wiped out by a malicious extortion bot one that marks who pays up and who is not getting their data back.

AI investment still at the planning stage through 2024, Gartner says

Imagined impact of GenAI on GDP is over-optimistic, analyst firm says Gartner thinks the ever-expanding GenAI ecosystem is being hyped with real customer deployments not emerging in earnest until next year.

Hacker News: PAX PoS Terminal Flaw Could Allow Attackers to Tamper with Transactions

The Register: AI political disinformation is a huge problem but harder to fight than ever

AI political disinformation is a huge problem but harder to fight than ever

How OpenAI, Microsoft, and others are trying to combat deepfakes and more Analysis  Tackling AI disinformation is more crucial than ever for tech companies this year as they brace for the upcoming US presidential election.

Die ste sind von Eis umzogen, der Wetterfrosch hat nicht gelogen. smyreim

Google -

Apple Epic Games $73,4 -

Basta un click su una URL per accedere a tutto. Linfostealer Phmedrone sfrutta la vulnerabilit critica in Windows SmartScreen!

Post Office boss unable to say when biz knew Horizon could be remotely altered

CEO stays tight-lipped in front of MPs while Fujitsu admits moral responsibility for compensation Post Office chief exec Nick Read left British politicians shocked with his evidence before a Parliamentary committee yesterday after he admitted he could not say when the public body at the center of the historic

Microsoft touts migration to Windows 11 as painless, though wallets may disagree

Millions have perfectly serviceable PCs running Windows 10 at home Microsoft's desperation to persuade customers that migrating to Windows 11 is a painless process has taken a new turn, thanks to a relentlessly perky video: "Make Your Move to Windows 11 Easier."

Haben Sie es gewusst, dass am FLI mehr als 20 Mitarbeiter im Bereich der arbeiten

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Hacker News: Feds Warn of AndroxGh0st Botnet Targeting AWS, Azure, and Office 365 Credentials

The Register: Windows Server 2022 patch is breaking apps for some users

Windows Server 2022 patch is breaking apps for some users

Uninstall the update or edit the Windows registry to restore order The latest Windows Server 2022 patch has broken the Chrome browser, and short of uninstalling the update, a registry hack is the only way to restore service for affected users.

Alex: "Fuck it, Imma change company"
Head hunter, apparently sitting outside Alex's window: "Here's an offer for a cloud architect position"

That...escalated quickly.

The 'nothing-happened' Y2K bug how the IT industry worked overtime to save world's computers

...though bonkers conspiracies on solving date-field problem never died down Retro Tech Week  Forty years ago, both Jerome and Marilyn Murray saw their brainchild reach the light of day. In 1984, their book, Computers in Crisis, was published, becoming the first authoritative guide to the Millennium Bug codin

Google Acconsente a Pagare 5 Miliardi di Dollari per Controversia sul Tracciamento in Navigazione in Incognito!

: Wir suchen zum nchstmglichen Zeitpunkt Untersttzung fr unser -Team (Vollzeit, E9a Bund)! Neben allgemein administrativen Aufgaben geht es vor allem um die Erweiterung unseres elektronischen Dokumentenmanagementsystems () und die Einfhrung von Ticketsystem und Digitaler Unterschrift. Interesse Alle Infos zum unter:

Wir freuen uns ber Bewerbungen und das Teilen der in euren Netzwerken! Frist: 5. Februar 2024


BT to spell out contract price hikes in pounds and pence

None of this inflation-linked percentage nonsense, says Ofcom BT is ditching mid-contract price hikes linked to inflation before Britain's comms regulator issues a blanket ban in pursuit of greater transparency for customers.

Hacker News: Citrix, VMware, and Atlassian Hit with Critical Flaws &#8212 Patch ASAP!

The Register: Home improvement marketers dial up trouble from regulator

Home improvement marketers dial up trouble from regulator

ICO slaps penalties on two businesses that collectively made more than 3 million cold calls Another week and yet another couple of pesky cold callers face fines from the UK's data privacy watchdog for "bombarding" unsuspecting households with marketing messages about home improvements.

: Okten .ua

YouTube video lag wrongly blamed on its ad-blocking animus

Slowdowns apparently due to a bug afflicting browser extensions, not retaliation against filters Google claims users of popular ad-blocking extensions have wrongly blamed YouTube for slow video streaming speeds and that the content filters themselves are the reason for stuttering playback.

Apple Is Crap