
provider faces $7.7 million fine for

provider faces $7.7 million fine for 2022 breach

Hacker News: University Professors Targeted by North Korean Cyber Espionage Group

The Register: ICANN reserves .internal for private use at the DNS level

Een kwetsbaarheid die 18 jaar geleden werd onthuld, genaamd " Day", stelt kwaadaardige websites in staat om de beveiliging in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox en Apple Safari te omzeilen en te ...

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One of my favorite things about programming is finding all the wacky stuff used as test data for various projects.

I work with a group of 7 professionals. Last week we all got 4k monitors. Some of us have different equipment and can only get 1080p because purchased the wrong cords

I've made a spreadsheet to facilitate the purchasing of the right cords. You will need one or two of either/or DP to HDMI cord or a DP to USB-C cord depending what you want for downstream monitor ports

It's taken 6 emails and 11 chat messages to sort out.

I thought I worked with smart people, but apparently not.

-. . , "". " , " Ltd.
Go + TypeScript + AWS. 700 , .. 15400 /.
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, , . $6000-7000 , , .
. . # #IT #


Jason Eckert

ICONQNX UNIX-likeICON512 KBRAM7.16 MHz 80186 CPUICON19844951994ICON

Hacker News: Day: 18-Year-Old Browser Vulnerability Impacts MacOS and Linux Devices

Next panel is Big Bytey Bugs! When Is the Next Computer Apocalypse Due as the panel discuss issues in IT infrastructure and the potential problems we could see being impacted by various issues we might be facing, including things like space junk and damage to undersea cables

The Register: Raspberry Pi Pico 2 lands with (drum roll) RISC-V cores

Morgen, Am Freitag den 9.8. um 17 Uhr ist es wieder soweit: Klasse & Methode - IT Kollektiv Stuttgart ldt zum offenen Treffen in die Raupe Immersatt. Wir quatschen ber IT, Politik, neue Projekte und vieles mehr. Du mchtest uns kennen lernen und/oder mitmachen Dann komm auf ein Getrnk vorbei! Wir freuen uns!

Operational Technology (OT) Security a Top Priority for CIOs
The convergence of operatio...

Hacker News: Windows Downgrade Attack Risks Exposing Patched Systems to Old Vulnerabilities

The Register: Under-fire Elon Musk urged to get a grip on X and reality or resign

Hacker News: Automated Security Validation: One (Very Important) Part of a Complete CTEM Framework

The Register: Microsoft punches back at Delta Air Lines and its legal threats

" liegt auf Platz 9 beim Index" - auf Platz 81 (von 81, bei " & Kommunikation") - Was steckt dahinter

... ...!

Have the at complied with , yet

: "I wonder if is on the telly: Idol of the Eye... Nope..."


's ...



: "Has SSG complied with , yet"

's ...

Memes up to batBoooooMNAILed IT (38 Photos)

Hacker News: Unlock the Future of Cybersecurity: Exclusive, Next Era AI Insights and Cutting-Edge Training at SANS Network Security 2024

The Register: Intel: Our balance sheet is a smoking ruin, but we think our new chips work


: ""You know what SSG should do next besides from complying with ... Build a "Legendary" Smurf-Server... You know for when it's ..."

... 's

Kwetsbaarheden Verholpen in Cisco Small Business IP Phones
Het Nationaal Cyber Security Centrum (NCSC) heeft een beveiligingsadvies vrijgegeven over verholpen kwetsbaarheden in de Cisco Small Business...

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I personally switched my work computer to a (of which the non- partition was never booted again, but that makes the service happy that I "have it on my PC just in case")

Kwetsbaarheden Verholpen in RoundCube Webmail
Op deze pagina wordt de tekst van officile beveiligingsadviezen automatisch omgezet naar HTML, waarbij mogelijk informatie kan verloren gaan. D...

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AI 3

' ' AI AI 3 .

Hacker News: FBI and CISA Warn of BlackSuit Ransomware That Demands Up to $500 Million

The Register: Faulty instructions in Alibaba's T-Head C910 RISC-V CPUs blow away all security

Only yesterday I read about virtual memory and page tables on the website of and today I am suddenly able to understand a posting like this:
Wow! :CoolGarfield: I guess I am somewhat like a wizard now!

"6 leadership organizations CIOs should consider joining"

Great list! I might add a handful more but these are all high-value for any or .

The excellent TechJohnEdwards via CIOonline

ChatGPT GPT-4o  ...

Een nieuwe zelfverspreidende worm genaamd 'CMoon', die in staat is om accountgegevens en andere data te stelen, wordt sinds begin juli 2024 in Rusland verspreid via de website van een gecompromittee...

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The Register: Under-fire Elon Musk urged to get a grip on X and reality or resign

Common technical problems: It was DNS...

My most frequent problems: It was USB C...

Seriously, these damned connectors hate me and swore to destroy me!

SafeBreach-beveiligingsonderzoeker Alon Leviev onthulde op Black Hat 2024 dat twee zero-days konden worden misbruikt in downgrade-aanvallen om volledig bijgewerkte Windows 10-, Windows 11- en Window...

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diy house renovation