Plus que 7 !!!
Go go go !!!
On y est !!!
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5 832 (y'en mme un qui est parti depuis ! )
The Register: Demand for datacenter capacity in Europe sees busiest Q2 ever
Nur in Europa: Windows 11 wird Standardbrowser knftig ausnahmslos akzeptieren
How Far is it?Varianten, Verbreitung, Impfung: Wie sieht die aktuelle Corona-Lage aus
Le estensioni di Google Chrome possono accedere alle tue Password
I dellUniversit del Wisconsin-Madison hanno scoperto una nello store delle estensioni di . Unestensione sperimentale sviluppata dal team riuscita a rubare le degli direttamente dal delle pagine .
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iPhone 14 Pro :
La Russia costruisce il supercomputer MGU-27. 400 petaflop a tutta intelligenza artificiale
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SynthID: Google DeepMind stellt Wasserzeichen-Tool fr KI-generierte Bilder vor
Weekly: KI in der Notaufnahme, Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstellen, Babel
EN & EO below
Jak zrobi, eby jedynym powiadomieniem, z jakiego dwik dostaj, byo powiadomienie o tym, e trzeba sobie cykn BeReala
Nie chodzi mi o ograniczenie do jednej aplikacji, bo wiem, e to da si zrobi, ale ograniczenie do tego jednego konkretnego powiadomienia z tej aplikacji
EN version
How to do so that the only notification I have a sound from is that I have to take a BeReal photo
And I don't have on my mind all the notifications from the app, but this single one notification.
EO versio
Kiel agordi, ke ununura nemalsonigata informio, kiun mi ricevos, estos tiu, ke mi devas foti min e BeReal
Kaj mi ne pensas pri iuj informioj de la apo, sed pri la i tiu ununura.
Bonvolu korekti miajn erarojn.
The Register: antiX 23: Anarchic for sure, but 'design by committee' isn't always the best for Linux
Apple AirPods 12
Kinda always in the back of my mind wanted implement idea of positive viruses from Red Dwarf.
Applied to computer viruses. Fix peoples security issues, remove malware, spread then delete itself.
Surprised it has never been done large scale.
Whole white hat (just corporate shills) vs black hat (mindless destruction) is a dumb dichotomy but if their hats are so white, why has this not already been wide spread Oh because their hats are not white, they are green...
iOS Android
I'm very impressed
Hackers who collect bug bounties and protect corporate servers need to organize because their solidarity would scare the executives in a way that we have not yet seen.
WordPad bye bye: Microsoft rimuover il famoso editor di testo nella futura versione di Windows
ha annunciato che non pi e prevede di rimuovere lelaboratore di testi da una futura versione di . WordPad, incluso in Windows a partire da , verr sostituito con , un elaboratore di testi a pagamento pi ricco di funzionalit.
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The Register: What happens when What3Words gets lost in translation
The Register: Arm wrestles assembly language guru's domains away citing trademark issues
erwgt verpflichtende Verifizierung bei Porno-Websites
Apple Watch ,
Apple . !
Linux 6.5 mit zahlreichen Optimierungen erschienen
Lexploit per il bug critico di VMware Aria Operations for Networks online
Il codice proof-of-concept () relativo ad una di dell sul prodotto Aria Operations for di (precedentemente noto come vRealize Network Insight) stato rilasciato online.
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The Register: Dell and Samsung grab first-class tickets for AI hype train
La fine del mondo parte dallIA: fantascienza o presagio del futuro
Il presidente di Brad Smith, in unintervista alla , ha parlato della necessit di mantenere il sulle superintelligenti per escludere la possibilit del loro utilizzo come . Smith ha sottolineato che l pu diventare sia uno strumento che unarma.
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Moin,moin und einen schnen Sonntag wnsche ich euch.
Genie den Tag und erlaube dir, heute auch mal nicht erreichbar zu sein.
Le citt degli Stati Uniti fanno causa a Hyundai e KIA per la mancanza di dispositivi di sicurezza
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Hacker News: PoC Exploit Released for Critical VMware Aria's SSH Auth Bypass Vulnerability
The Register: Gartner says hold onto your wallets as SAP's cloud pitch trades control for convenience
that I've been on , ....
Let me you to: ... ...
: How does he his '... 's ...
He Stole $40 Million and Got Caught
. .
Microsoft stellt Visual Studio 2022 for Mac ein
10 Coolest Kids in Horror Movies, Ranked
The Register: More Okta customers trapped in Scattered Spider's web
Google Chrome .
The Register: Right to repair advocates have a new opponent: Scientologists
Gaming am Minibeamer: Samsung bringt neuen FreeStyle