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IBM quantum system elbows into Arm-powered Fugaku supercomputer

Slotting in the module for ambitious next-generation compute goals Japan's Arm-based Fugaku supercomputer is to be paired with a newly developed quantum system from IBM as part of a project to research and develop future computing systems.

Millions of Malicious 'Imageless' Containers Planted on Docker Hub Over 5 Years

I hope, I'm more secure with and don't must have fear.

The Register: Politicians call for ban on 'killer robots' and the curbing of AI weapons

NSA employee who tried and failed to spy for Russia gets 262 months in the slammer

Tried to sell top secret docs for the low, low price of $85k A former NSA employee has been sentenced to 262 months in prison for attempting to do freelance as a Russian spy.

Dployer Homer sur un NAS Synology Un tableau de bord personnalisable Homer est une application open source que l'on peut installer sur son propre serveur ou NAS pour dployer un tableau de bord personnalisable.
The post Dployer Homer sur un NAS Synology Un tableau de bord personnalisable first appeared on IT-Connect.

ChatGPT Plus remembers everything you forgot you told it to remember

Unless you live in Europe or Korea OpenAI's Memory feature is now broadly available for ChatGPT Plus users, meaning many more can feel vaguely uncomfortable about how much the chatbot is "remembering" about their preferences.

Aumento del 500% delle cifre versate per i riscatti del ransomware nellultimo anno

LItalia, con il 68% degli intervistati che ha dichiarato che la propria ha subito un nellultimo anno, il terzo paese al mondo pi colpito da questo tipo di . Il dato cresciuto del 3% rispetto a quanto rilevato a inizio 2023.

Enterprise browser maker Island says it's now worth $3B

Big rise in valuation... for browser that won't let you Control-V of data copied inside it Insta-unicorn Island, with its browser built for the enterprise, has some interesting funding news: it just hit a $3 billion valuation in an era where it's AI or bust in the VC world. 

Es war uns eine groe Freude, dieses Jahr mit verschiedenen Vortrgen von Eberhard Wolff auf der JAX vertreten gewesen zu sein. Auch der spontane Vortag von Eberhard & Michael an unserem Stand hat viel Spa gemacht.

Viele Gre auch an INNOQ, Atruvia und Adesso - unsere spannenden Standnachbarn.

Wir fiebern der nchsten JAX entgegen.

Hacker News: Millions of Malicious 'Imageless' Containers Planted on Docker Hub Over 5 Years

The Register: Apple's 'incredibly private' Safari is not so private in Europe

Razer made to pay $1.2M over 'N95' face mask that wasn't

Customers to get their light-up cyberpunk respirators refunded Remember when Razer, better known for overpriced peripheral hardware with RGB blinkenlights aimed at gamers, released an overpriced "N95-grade" face mask

Qvrfr orefpuevsg vfg irefpuyffryg.
Knnen Sie diese berschrift entschlsseln Wir suchen eine:n Referent:in Kryptologie im Team der . Erschlieen Sie gemeinsam mit uns neue Forschungsfelder im Bereich der fr die Souvernitt von bermorgen.
Infos und Bewerbung:

Gerade jetzt! Selten sowas und gelesen - sorry, Land Niedersachsen:
" aus der soll so weit wie mglich eingekauft werden."
"Der des Landes Niedersachsen, Dr. Horst Baier, betont: Der Einsatz von automatisiert bereitgestellten Anwendungen und Ressourcen, die Untersttzung der IT-Sicherheit aus der Cloud und nicht zuletzt der Weg zur Nutzung von knstlicher Intelligenz ist zwingend"

EU duties might not be enough to hold off flood of Chinese EVs

15 to 30% won't touch the sides... 50% Now you're talking Import duties of 40 to 50 percent will be needed to shield the European auto industry from China-based producers, according to a new report.

Gli USA e la paura dello spionaggio di TikTok. O vendi entro un anno o chiudi! E lEuropa

Il degli ha un disegno di legge che impone alla societ cinese di vendere . In caso contrario, la piattaforma dovr affrontare un divieto negli .

LockBit revendique la cyberattaque contre lHpital Simone Veil de Cannes ! Ils sont de retour : le gang de ransomware LockBit a revendiqu la cyberattaque contre l'Hpital Simone Veil de Cannes ! Voici ce que l'on sait.
The post LockBit revendique la cyberattaque contre lHpital Simone Veil de Cannes ! first appeared on IT-Connect.

Satellite of love: SES and Intelsat finally tie the knot in $3.1B acquisition

Second time lucky as competition from Starlink and pals increases Satellite operator SES is to acquire Intelsat for $3.1 billion, creating an entity with more than 100 Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) and 26 Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites.

Lo sciame delle API robot in arrivo. Festo presenta BionicBee allHannover Messe 2024

Sembrerebbe ricordarci un telefilm di , ma piano piano molte delle cose che abbiamo visto nella relativamente alla stanno diventando realt.

Bruce Perens tries to achieve a third impossible thing

Open source veteran hopes for a hat trick with Post-Open licensing regime Interview  Bruce Perens believes he can do three impossible things, having already accomplished two of them.

Hacker News: Considerations for Operational Technology Cybersecurity

The Register: Elon Musk's latest brainfart is to turn Tesla cars into AWS on wheels

Elon Musk's latest brainfart is to turn Tesla cars into AWS on wheels

There are many reasons why this is likely more trouble than it's worth EV carmaker Tesla is considering a wonderful money-making wheeze use all of that compute power in its vehicles to process workloads for cash, like a kind of AWS on wheels.

Was kann ich spter mit einem Informatikstudium machen Und muss ich dazu ein Mathe-Ass sein

38 Schlerinnen der Klassen 7 bis 10 haben beim diesjhrigen Girls' Day am HPI wieder spielerisch entdeckt, wie vielfltig die ist und die spannenden Berufsfelder im Bereich kennengelernt.

Ob ein das Richtige fr sie ist, knnen Schler:innen ab 16 Jahren wieder beim HPI Sommercamp vom 19. bis zum 23. August erkunden. Alle Infos unter:

: zieht juristische Konsequenzen

"-Angriff: Stadt Borken prft "

"Hinzu kmen nicht unerhebliche Aufwendungen fr interne Ressourcen wie Personal und Gertschaften, so Nieing weiter. Das aufzulisten, sei nicht so einfach."

European Commission starts formal probe of Meta over election misinformation

Europe takes action after Facebook parent withdraws monitoring tool The European Commission has launched formal proceedings against Meta, alleging failure to properly monitor distribution by "foreign actors" of political misinformation before June's European elections.

Disclaimer: I haven't done any research yet, but:

In the last couple of weeks, I found myself "forced" to use Google search engine rather than DuckDuckGo (which I've been using for several years) because I couldn't find what I was looking for, at least within the first 2 result pages, while with Google I could in the first couple of results.

While I know that the Google results have been always better, the difference wasn't that terrific and I never felt the need of using it.

What's going on Thoughts Maybe I just started to search too obscure stuff

: EPAM - - '

Xubuntu 24.04: A minimal install that does what it says on the tin

This nearly Snap-free Ubuntu remix may be about about to win friends and influence people Xubuntu 24.04 is out, and offers a minimal installation option that is considerably more minimal than the other official flavors.

Hacker News: U.S. Government Releases New AI Security Guidelines for Critical Infrastructure

The Register: Novel vitrimer plastics promise greener PCBs

Gartner () exceeded per share (EPS) expectations with 2.93, surpassing the forecast of 2.53. Its revenue matched the forecast, remaining at 1.47 billion as expected.

Novel vitrimer plastics promise greener PCBs

Even the least recyclable part of the process could be recovered 91 percent of the time A recent study proposes that vitrimer could potentially be used for making printed circuit boards (PCBs) that are much more repairable and recyclable than the ones we use today.

- X Twitter (, ), Meta -

The French government has tabled an offer to buy key assets of ailing giant Atos after the company late last week almost doubled its estimate of the cash it will need to stay afloat in the near future

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) turns 25 this year!

This will be celebrated with various activities and offers. So keep an eye on their social media channels and website: to make sure you don't miss anything.

Oracle Fusion rollout costs 15 times council's estimates in SAP rip-'n-replace

No it's not Birmingham this time. West Sussex County Council ERP replacement price to hit 40M A local authority on the southern coast of England expects the cost of swapping its ERP system from SAP to Oracle to go from 2.6 million ($3.26 million) to nearly 40 million ($50 million), as the council seeks a new i

The Register: Python, Flutter teams latest on the Google chopping block

Vantage enters crowded Irish datacenter market with new Dublin site

On-site generation plant aims to 'alleviate pressure on energy demand from the grid' Vantage Data Centers is joining the crowded Irish datacenter market with its first site in the Emerald Isle due to come online in 2024. In view of ongoing power constraints in the country, the project is to include on-site power generatio

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