
OWASP breach exposes decade of resumes

OWASP breach exposes decade of resumes due to misconfigured server

Irony alerts: Open Web Application Security Project Foundation suffers lapse A misconfigured MediaWiki web server allowed digital snoops to access members' resumes containing their personal details at the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Foundation.

UK and US to jointly develop AI test suites to tackle risks

Memorandum of Understanding penned to put models, systems, and agents through their paces The US and UK governments will collaborate on test suites to promote safety in the fast-paced world of AI development.

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Datacenter outages are on the decline, but when they hit, they hit hard

Power snafus take limelight in latest downtime diary from Uptime Institute The frequency and severity of datacenter outages is on the decline, yet when incidents do occur they can be very costly to the organization involved, with power issues leading to the most serious blackouts.

Hacker News: China-linked Hackers Deploy New 'UNAPIMON' Malware for Stealthy Operations

The Register: VMware by Broadcom plots pair of Cloud Foundation releases that will show off its strategy

Pandabuy admits to data breach of 1.3 million unique records

Nothing says 'sorry' like 10 percent off shipping for a month Ecommerce platform Pandabuy has apologized after two cybercriminals were spotted hawking personal data belonging to 1.3 million customers.

Google sferra lattacco finale contro lo spam: blocco automatico delle email non conformi

sta iniziando a le provenienti da mittenti di massa che non seguono rigide linee guida - e non autenticano i propri messaggi, secondo le nuove .

das / -Phone eine stndige ,
ohne SIM ist schon was schnes, nicht immer online zu sein, sondern nur in ausgewhlte sichere WLans, erhht die Sicherheit um einiges )

oder was meint Ihr zur grten in Euren Taschen
Ich empfehle gern den -Security Blog von Mike und

ist Dein Freund fr Freie Open Source Software () und

Rivoluzione nei cavi sottomarini! NEC e NTT battono il record di velocit negli abissi

Le aziende giapponesi e hanno testato con successo una nuova per in #fibra ottica da posare sul fondo delloceano. Lo sviluppo amplier la capacit dei canali Internet che collegano i continenti per far fronte al volume sempre crescente di traffico Internet .

ergnzend dazu noch folgenden , obwohl mir den von (den ich schon teilte) mir diesbezglich besser gefllt )

Die -Hintertr: das verborgene Oster-Drama der :
Mit einer Hintertr in einer unbekannten 'sbibliothek htten Unbekannte beinahe groe Teile des Internets bernehmen knnen. Leider kein Scherz.

Samsung enterprise SSD prices skyrocket thanks to AI's appetite for storage

Consumer-grade devices won't be hit as hard Samsung intended to raise prices on its enterprise SSDs by 15 percent in the second calendar quarter of 2024, but unrelentingly high demand boosted by AI might push that higher still.

Hacker News: Malicious Code in XZ Utils for Linux Systems Enables Remote Code Execution

The Register: Microsoft warns deepfake election subversion is disturbingly easy

Microsoft warns deepfake election subversion is disturbingly easy

Simple stuff like slapping on a logo fools more folks and travels further As hundreds of millions of voters around the globe prepare to elect their leaders this year, there's no question that trolls will try to sway the outcomes using AI, according to Clint Watts, general manager of Microsoft's Threat Analysis Center.

Later this month, we'll have the recording of our second episode of . I am seeking a seasoned guest to talk about incidents and . Extra credit if you have something to showcase on the show.

French lawmakers take a swing at cloud monopolies

Action gathers steam in the EU, US and UK as anti-trust teams collate market feedback The Cloud Infrastructure Providers In Europe (CISPE) lobby group has welcomed an agreement among French lawmakers that it claims "will enshrine fair software licensing for cloud customers in French law."

Vultur Android Banking Trojan returns with upgraded Remote Control Capabilities.

The Android banking trojan known as Vultur has resurfaced with a suite of new features and improved anti-analysis and detection evasion techniques. Enabling its operators to remotely interact with a mobile device and harvest sensitive data.

Rubrik files to go public following alliance with Microsoft

Cloud cyber resilience model could raise $700M despite $278M losses Cloud security provider Rubrik has filed for an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange following a flurry of similar flotations.

Hacker News: Harnessing the Power of CTEM for Cloud Security

The Register: Google will delete data collected from 'private' browsing

Starlink clashes with Telecom Italia over frequency data sharing

Refusal to play ball may result in satellite operator moving investment elsewhere Starlink is reportedly facing obstructions to its expansion in the Mediterranean from Telecom Italia, which it claims is refusing to share data that would help to avoid interference between the two operators.

xz oder: Wie die Open-Source-Community an Ostern die Welt gerettet hat


Polish officials may face criminal charges in Pegasus spyware probe

Victims of the powerful surveillance tool will soon find out the truth Former Polish government officials may face criminal charges following an investigation into their use of the notorious spyware Pegasus to surveil political opponents and others.

INC Ransom claims to be behind 'cyber incident' at UK city council

This follows attack on NHS services in Scotland last week The cyber skids at INC Ransom are claiming responsbility for the ongoing cybersecurity incident at Leicester City Council, according to a post caught by eagle-eyed infosec watchers.

Onboarding small businesses typically involves two main tasks: identifying all exposed RDP access to Windows 7 computers and explaining to the accountant why they should not download attachments from their inbox directly to the main server.

The Register: Microsoft Teams decouples from Office 365 suite globally

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: , or in general, is NOT foretelling you the future. Nor does it have magical properties, nor will it bring about the end of the world, nor will it magically solve all society's problems.

Y'all watched way too many movies.

AI is a cool tool (I'm an guy), but at the end of the day, it's just another tool out of many and it can be used (or misused) like anything else. Don't believe the hype.

Find out how far it is between any two cities.


What's that that because , and because ...

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Microsoft Teams decouples from Office 365 suite globally

Licenses everywhere can omit collaboration app thanks to EU regulators For those not keen on Microsoft Teams, help is in hand European Union requirements to unbundle the software from Office 365 will be implemented globally.

Happy 20th birthday Gmail, you're mostly grown up now fix the spam

Senders of more than 5K messages a day are in the crosshairs It was 20 years ago on Monday that Google unleashed Gmail on the world, and the chocolate factory is celebrating with new rules that just might, hopefully, cut down on the amount of spam users receive.

Hacker News: Massive Phishing Campaign Strikes Latin America: Venom RAT Targeting Multiple Sectors

The Register: Ex-White House CIO tells The Reg: TikTok ban may be diplomatic disaster

WhatsApp e la nuova Privacy Policy. O Accetti o chiudi lAccount!

Dall11 aprile introduce nuove condizioni duso, che suscitano disordini tra molti utenti dellapplicazione verde, soprattutto in . Le modifiche sono dovute ai requisiti della legge europea sui mercati digitali (), che potrebbero compromettere seriamente il funzionamento della .

73 milioni di vecchi clienti di AT&T nelle underground. Lazienda conferma il databreach

Intel courts devs with open arms and exotic hardware

Is Developer Cloud enough to steal Nvidia's thunder Interview  Intel is attempting to woo developers to its cloud with early access to unreleased hardware and a born-again attitude to open source in a bid to differentiate itself from competitors.

Why do some people in the community diss NetworkChuck Sure, sometimes he doesn't give the best advice (eg. telling people to use a VPN with Tor) but in my opinion, he's making IT careers (specifically in and ) a lot more accessible to people.

Before I found his videos, I was drifting and had almost no purpose in my career due to multiple, heavy failures. I've been using computers since I was a toddler and always found cybersec to be an interesting topic to study as a hobby, but never once did I consider switching careers for it until I started watching Chuck's videos, where he shows the world that you don't have to be a CompSci major to have a career in IT. I'll always be grateful for that.

Apple's GoFetch silicon security fail was down to an obsession with speed

Ye cannae change the laws of physics, but you can change your mind Opinion  Apple is good at security. It's good at processors. Thus GoFetch, a major security flaw in its processor architecture, is a double whammy.

KeyDB active replica is a very cool feature, useful to keep multiple mx servers' rspamd instances in sync.
In time, I'll replace all the redis installations with keydb.