
OpenAI, Microsoft urge judge to toss

OpenAI, Microsoft urge judge to toss Musk's 'fact-free' lawsuit

Lawyers argue 105-page complaint 'fails at its one job: to plead facts that state a claim Elon Musk's legal grudge against Sam Altman, OpenAI, and Microsoft could soon be over again if a California judge responds favorably to the latest filings in the case.

has turned into such a festering pile of untested, broken crap the only explanation is that they looked at Netskope, saw how awful and unreliable it was, and took that as a challenge.

Hacker News: Watch Out For These 8 Cloud Security Shifts in 2025

The Register: Poisoned Go programming language package lay undetected for 3 years

How Far is it?

For now, I wont publish it on the blog as it would get too much visibility, which Id like to avoid at this stage. However, I can finally talk about the meeting and the issue that has been worrying me lately. Ill do it with my snac account, which has no text limits:

--- Removed - it will come back with more details ---

Poisoned Go programming language package lay undetected for 3 years

Researcher says ecosystem's auto-caching is a net positive but presents exploitable quirks A security researcher says a backdoor masquerading as a legitimate Go programming language package used by thousands of organizations was left undetected for years.

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AI Is Spamming Open Source Repos With Fake Issues

A maintainer tracked down an AI company that said the spam was a mistake. But reports suggest the problem is more widespread and growing.

Palantir designed to 'power the West to its obvious innate superiority,' says CEO

Um, does anyone wanna switch seats Palantir CEO Alex Karp says one of his aims when building the controversial spytech company was to "power the West to its obvious innate superiority."

Hacker News: Malicious Go Package Exploits Module Mirror Caching for Persistent Remote Access

The Register: Trump scrubs all mention of DEI, gender, climate change from federal websites

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Grubhub serves up security incident with a side of needing to change your password

Contact info and partial payment details may be compromised US food and grocery delivery platform Grubhub says a security incident at a third-party service provider is to blame after user data was compromised.

Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO 5

Dragon Ball: Sparking!...

US accuses Canadian math prodigy of $65M crypto scheme

Suspect, still at large, said to back concept that 'code is law' New York feds today unsealed a five-count criminal indictment charging a 22-year-old Canadian math prodigy with exploiting vulnerabilities in two decentralized finance protocols, allegedly using them to fraudulently siphon around $65 million from investors in the platfo

Discover our new teaser for the Conference Europe 2025. Watch, share, and join us in !

Hacker News: Russian Cybercrime Groups Exploiting 7-Zip Flaw to Bypass Windows MotW Protections

The Register: FuriPhone FLX1: A Debian-powered brick that puts GNOME in your back pocket

Intel knocked off global chip revenue top spot after rotten 2024

Missed the AI processor boat, split with CEO savior, lost #1 seat to Samsung Eight out of the top ten semiconductor vendors recorded healthy revenue growth last year, fueled by burgeoning GPU and AI processor sales to datacenter customers. Intel and Infineon were the notable exceptions.

Ireland's AI minister has never used ChatGPT but swears she'll learn fast

Hey, it's not like any governments know what they are doing The Republic of Ireland's new AI minister should probably consult ChatGPT immediately to ask for pointers on how to do her job.

Forum Software NodeBB joins now the
Fediverse. :fediverse:

Before there was social media, there were internet forums. Millions of forum sites continue to operate, which is why its notable that one top forum software provider NodeBB, is now joining the fediverse, also known as the open social web.

Why users still couldn't care less about Windows 11

No reason to upgrade other than the looming end of Windows 10 Comment  Users are still steering clear of Windows 11, with some customers describing the sales pitch as "like trying to sell sand at a beach."

Hacker News: North Korean Hackers Deploy FERRET Malware via Fake Job Interviews on macOS

The Register: Cyberattack on NHS causes hospitals to miss cancer care targets

Cyberattack on NHS causes hospitals to miss cancer care targets

Healthcare chiefs say impact will persist for months NHS execs admit that last year's cyberattack on hospitals in Wirral, northwest England, continues to "significantly" impact waiting times for cancer treatments, and suspect this will last for "months."

Der Gemini Digital Computer ist der erste in einem bemannten Raumfahrzeug eingesetzete Digitalrechner. Er wurde 1962 von entwickelt und verfgte ber eine Taktrate von 7,142 kHz und einen Speicher von 19,5 kB. Er wog 26,75 kg.

Abandoned AWS S3 buckets can be reused in supply-chain attacks that would make SolarWinds look 'insignificant'

When cloud customers don't clean up after themselves, part 97 Abandoned AWS S3 buckets could be reused to hijack the global software supply chain in an attack that would make Russia's "SolarWinds adventures look amateurish and insignificant," watchTowr Labs security researchers have claim


Kickstart in die Messesaison 2025

Was genau macht die Haufe Group eigentlich und wie sieht ein duales Studium oder eine Ausbildung bei der Haufe Group aus
Diesen Fragen stellten wir uns vergangene Woche auf der Job-Start-Brse in Freiburg, bei der wir viele neugierige Schler:innen an unserem 18qm2 groen Stand auf dem Freiburger Messegelnde kennenlernen durften. Egal ob bei spannenden Gesprchen mit unseren Young Talents oder mithilfe von VR-Brillen auf einem virtuellen Rundgang ber unseren Freiburger Campus - unser Messestand kam bei den Besucher:innen sehr gut an!

Warum genau, erklrt uns Stina Drst, Besucher:in der Job-Start-Brse, folgendermaen: Ich finde es unglaublich sympathisch, die Informationen quasi aus erster Hand von Auszubildenden und dualen Studenten zu bekommen. Ich habe heute viel ber die Karrieremglichkeiten bei der Haufe Group gelernt.

Nach der Messe ist vor der Messe. Am 22. Mrz findet ihr uns bei der Einstieg Freiburg, der Messe fr Ausbildung, Studium und Gap Year. In unserer Jobwelt gibt es eine bersicht aller weiteren Messetermine fr die kommende Saison. Wir freuen uns, euch dort zu treffen!

Amazon's Kuiper secures license to take on Starlink in the UK

Everybody is going to play nice, OK Telecom watchdog Ofcom has granted a license application from Amazon Kuiper Services Europe for satellite connectivity in the UK.


Have the at complied with , yet

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: "<<Sings-Like-Jim-Broadbent...>> "Because the ...!"'

Hacker News: Taiwan Bans DeepSeek AI Over National Security Concerns, Citing Data Leakage Risks

The Register: UK govt must learn fast and let failing projects die young

Kwetsbaarheden verholpen in Google Android en Samsung Mobile
Recentelijk zijn er nieuwe beveiligingsupdates uitgebracht door Google en Samsung om verschillende kwetsbaarheden te verhelpen in hun Andro...

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Hallo IT-Bubble Stellenangebot:
Die Stiftung EVZ (u.a.: untersttzt berlebende nationalsozialistischer Verfolgung und strkt das Engagement ihrer Nachkommen) sucht 1 IT Manager:in / System Engineer in Berlin. Vergtung bis zu EG 13 TVD Bund, unbefristet. Bew.frist: 23.03.2025:

"Fr unsere IT suchen wir eine technisch versierte Persnlichkeit, die Spa am Auf- und kontinuierlichen Ausbau einer vollstndig digitalen Stiftungsadministration und eines integrierten Wirkungs- und Wissensmanagements hat. Je nach Qualifikation und Eignung des/der Bewerber:in ist der Ausbau der Stelle als Teamleitung denkbar."

UK govt must learn fast and let failing projects die young

Tackle longstanding issues around productivity, cyber resilience and public sector culture, advises spending watchdog The UK's government spending watchdog has called on the current administration to make better use of technology to kickstart the misfiring economy and ensure better delivery public services amid tightened b

Kwetsbaarheden in Zimbra Collaboration Aangepakt
Er zijn recentelijk kwetsbaarheden ontdekt en verholpen in Zimbra Collaboration, een populaire samenwerkingssuite. Deze kwetsbaarheden betroffen voorna...

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An unserem Institut in Potsdam bieten wir einen Ausbildungsplatz zum/zur Fachinformatiker*in Fachrichtung Systemintegration. Der Start ist ab 8. September 2025 mglich.

Unser IT-Team untersttzt das Institut in allen IT-Fragen, entwickelt und betreibt hochwertige IT-Dienste fr die Forschenden und die Service-Abteilungen. Die Arbeitskultur ist gemeinschaftlich, freundlich, leistungsstark und multikulturell. Wir schtzen Eigeninitiative, Kommunikation, Kreativitt, Lernbereitschaft und guten Umgang mit Menschen.

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Bewerbungsschluss: 09.02.2025

Google patches odd Android kernel security bug amid signs of targeted exploitation

Also, Netgear fixes critical router, access point vulnerabilities Google has released its February Android security updates, including a fix for a high-severity kernel-level vulnerability, which is suspected to be in use by targeted exploits.

Hacker News: Microsoft Patches Critical Azure AI Face Service Vulnerability with CVSS 9.9 Score

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