
Microsoft puts ex-DeepMind boffin in charge

Microsoft puts ex-DeepMind boffin in charge of London AI hub

Follows 2.5 billion pledge to 'upskill' British workers for the new world order Microsoft is opening an AI research and development hub in London led by former Google DeepMind researchers.

Samstag/Sonntag, 13./14. April 2024, 10 bis 18 Uhr
In die goldene Zeit der Home- und Mikrocomputer entfhrt die dritte Auflage des Retro Computer Festivals. An zwei Tagen sind rund 50 Aussteller im HNF zu Gast und prsentieren ihre Schtze, vom C64 ber Amiga, Atari, Macintosh bis zu zahlreichen Exoten, deren Namen heute kaum noch jemand kennt.

Die meisten Gerte sind in Betrieb und stehen fr die Besucher zum Ausprobieren bereit. Die Experten geben gerne Tipps und informieren ber die historischen Rechner.

Schwerpunktthema ist bei diesem RCF die grafische Benutzeroberflche, die vor 50 Jahren erstmals beim Xerox Alto zur Verfgung stand. Neben der Ausstellung werden auch Vortrge und Workshops angeboten.

Der Eintritt zum RCF und ins gesamte HNF ist an beiden Tagen frei.

Um 13, 15 und 16 Uhr werden kostenlose Fhrungen durch das Museum angeboten. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.

Das Retro Computer Festival ist eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung des HNF mit dem Dortmunder Retro Computer Treffen (DoReCo).

#C64 #Commodore #Computer #IT #Retro

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Home Depot confirms data theft after crook threatens to dump inside info online

SaaS slip up leads to scumbags seeking sinecure Home Depot has confirmed that a third-party company exposed some of its employees' personal details after a criminal claimed to have posted the stolen data online.

TSMC scores $11.6B funding infusion for Arizona fabs, now plans for third plant

Nevermind the fact that the first two plants are facing delays and costs are rising build, build build! With a new Biden administration funding agreement in hand, chip giant TSMC plans to build a third chip fabrication plant in Arizona despite facing delays with the two it's still building.

Hacker News: The Drop in Ransomware Attacks in 2024 and What it Means

The Register: iXsystems: No one is being marooned by Debian focus

Developers are calling the shots on AI planning, Reg readers say

And American CIOs keep a closer eye on the purse strings than European equivalents Reader Poll Results  When it comes to rolling out AI systems, developers are still the most important in deciding which to run, but there are some major differences in strategy between The Register's US and European readers.

Happy eclipse day!

After you watch the sun hide behind the earths shadow, why not check out our shadow IT report

Its not as cool as a major celestial event.

But it could help your team shed some light on the shadowy apps and devices lurking in your systemsand help you prevent some doomsday-level problems.

Aanvalsstrategien voor helpdesks in ziekenhuizen onthuld: hoe te verdedigen tegen hackers -helpdesk

Zeitreise nach Paderborn: Retro Computer Festival im Heinz-Nixdorf-Forum

Das dritte Retro Computer Festival im weltgrten Computermuseum bietet beliebte Schtzchen, aber auch exotische Exemplare. Der Eintritt ist frei.

Broadcom has willingly dug its VMware hole, says cloud CEO

Civo's Mark Boost says VMware price hikes appear designed to retain whales while tossing back small fry interview  Things haven't gone well for Broadcom since it acquired VMware, and much of what has happened has confirmed fears that Virtzilla customers expressed well before the deal closed. 

Musk burns bridges in Brazil after calling for senior judge to be impeached

Tycoon threatens to ignore court order banning far-right accounts on X In this weekend's episode of "Billionaires Behaving Boldly," X supremo Elon Musk locked horns with Brazil's legal luminaries over what constitutes free speech and what's far-right pablum.

Starfish -

Shadow of Trump hangs over future EU-US tech collaboration

Orange candidate has been known to use protectionist policy against allies AI, 6G, semiconductor supply chains and critical minerals were all discussed at the latest EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC), amid concerns that a victory for Republican candidate Donald Trump in this year's election would put an end to such cooperation.

Health Dept warns hospitals of cybercriminals targeting help desks

Hacker News: Google Chrome Adds V8 Sandbox - A New Defense Against Browser Attacks

The Register: Windows 95 support chap skipped a step and sent user into Micro-hell

Google is wrong to put AI search features behind paywall says HPC leader

'A huge amount of responsibility to ensure that there is ethical management' Interview  You may have heard that Google is considering putting its latest AI search innovations behind a paywall, something that doesn't sit well with Rosanne Kincaid-Smith, COO at German HPC firm Northern Data Group. 

0.3.6 is released! Updates of dependencies, bug fixes and more stability. Complete rewrite of SAML/SSO authentication and more:

Puppies, kittens, data at risk after 'cyber incident' at veterinary giant

IT systems pulled offline for chance to paws and reflect First, they came for hospitals, then it was charities and cancer centers. Now, cyber scumbags are coming for the puppies and kittens.

Butler Investments joins Atos rescue party

Shares up 25% on the news Shares in crisis-ridden French IT integrator Atos bounced by over 25 percent this morning as top shareholder Onepoint said it has a rescue plan involving investment firm Butler Industries.

Adobe Magneto: una pericolosa minaccia RCE per i siti di e-commerce

Gli specialisti di Sicurezza Informatica hanno avvertito che gli stanno gi sfruttando una nuova in (CVE-2024-20720) e l'utilizzatore per implementare una persistente sui siti di e-commerce.

Heute ist der Unclouding-Tag

Una pagina facebook con un milione di follower pubblicizzata Midjourney. Fake e distribuisce infostealer!

I gestiscono pagine con milioni di abbonati, attraverso le quali promuovono vari falsi strumenti di () . Questi strumenti in realt distribuiscono e altri che generano enormi database di log, che vengono poi venduti sul dark e nei mercati .

Alibaba Cloud slashes prices outside China

Domestic customers saw their fees cut last January Alibaba Cloud is cutting prices for international users of its core compute, storage, and database services, using offers similar to those it dangled before Chinese customers earlier this year.

Hacker News: Watch Out for 'Latrodectus' - This Malware Could Be In Your Inbox

The Register: Liquid cooling specialist snags Microsoft datacenter wizard as advisor

Change Healthcare faces second ransomware dilemma weeks after ALPHV attack

Theories abound over who's truly responsible Change Healthcare is allegedly being extorted by a second ransomware gang, mere weeks after recovering from an ALPHV attack.

vielleicht das obige auch, wegen dem hier (Weshalb wohl denn...!)

Nicht jede KI ist gleich intelligent

Engine cover flies from Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 during takeoff

FAA investigation set to examine failure after aircraft fire in Texas last week The engine cover on a Boeing 737-800 used by Southwest Airlines detached during takeoff from Denver on Sunday, prompting an investigation by aviation regulators.

Ungeliebte und
leben am lngsten.

, , : $6 . IT

DinodasRAT Malware targets Linux Servers in Espionage Campaign.

Ubuntu systems being attacked by a Linux version of the DinodasRAT (also known as XDealer) that may have been operating since 2022. DinodasRAT creates a hidden file in the directory where its binary resides, which acts as a mutex to prevent multiple instances from running on the infected device.

Hacker News: UPCOMING WEBINAR: Implementing What's New in NIST CSF 2.0

The Register: Head of Israeli cyber spy unit exposed ... by his own privacy mistake

A cheeky intern nearly turned MS-DOS into NSFW-DOS

Easter egg in test build could have scrambled Microsoft's reputation More than 30 years before the xz backdoor became the near disaster of the week, an intern tried to sneak some unexpected code into MS-DOS. Not a backdoor, but potentially a bit silly.

Monte -

U.S. Department of warns of attacks against desks
