
Just wasted an hour debugging some

Just wasted an hour debugging some stuff because a client had "" (U+2028) in a docx with their data. How does that even get in there It's not a client that's very savvy in , so I don't think they're trolling me

Trotz Krise:

Mehr angestellte in .

Trotz Entlassungen im Ausland wchst in Deutschland die Zahl der in Festanstellung. In vielen Stdten gibt es Hubs fr diese -. ...

Dutch insurers demand nudes from breast cancer patients despite ban

No photos No, second operation Dutch health insurers are reportedly forcing breast cancer patients to submit photos of their breasts prior to reconstructive surgery despite a government ban on precisely that.

FCC gets tough: Telcos must now tell you when your PII is stolen

Yep, cell carriers didn't have to do this before The US Federal Communications Commission's updated reporting requirements mean telecos will have just seven days to officially disclose that a criminal has broken into their systems.

Hacker News: Why Are Compromised Identities the Nightmare to IR Speed and Efficiency

The Register: 'Crash test dummy' smashed VIP demo by offering a helping hand

LeoLabs lands $29M to dodge space junk with AI smarts

Bucks needed to keep an eye on Buck Rogers LeoLabs, a company noted for cataloging objects in low Earth orbit, has scored another $29 million in financing for its AI-powered tracking tech.

I start my new class tomorrow. Its one of my lower level Core classes. Information Systems Fundamentals (CIS/207T). Should be a pretty easy class and one that Ill enjoy.


, , Cisco 2022 . 5% , $600 .

Reuters, Cisco - .

- cisco , ,

2023 8,2% $526,8 -

Jet engine dealer to major airlines discloses 'unauthorized activity'

Pulls part of system offline as Black Basta docs suggest the worst Willis Lease Finance Corporation has admitted to US regulators that it fell prey to a "cybersecurity incident" after data purportedly stolen from the biz was posted to the Black Basta ransomware group's leak blog.

's we have ...

of the ...

And, they're ...

Ready to tighten up your defenses Register for our free webinar, "Securing Your Attack Surface!" experts Matt Durrin and will share advice on how to identify & reduce your risk of a !

SAP makes last-minute change to replacement for 80-year-old co-founder

After lining up someone to fill Hasso Plattner's seat, German ERP giant finds candidate has 'difference in perspective' Enterprise software developer SAP has made a last-minute change to the planned replacement of its 80-year-old co-founder as chairman of its supervisory board, owing to a difference in perspecti

Hacker News: Four Out of Five Organizations Have Employees Using Breached Applications

Gli hacktivisti filorussi di NoName(057) a supporto degli agricoltori italiani. Colpiscono 8 target con attacchi DDoS

The Register: Angry mob trashes and sets fire to Waymo self-driving car

We programmers, especially those of us with background, make much of the Art of . And why not!

But most of us work in , the discipline whose raison d'tre is to support business operations. To busy business baronsour paymastersprogramming is no art they can barely distinguish it from a fart. To them, the Art is in the .

We work in their world, we play by their rules.

Drowning in code: The ever-growing problem of ever-growing codebases

The speedier computing cake is a lie... so we got software bloat instead FOSDEM 2024  The computer industry faces a number of serious problems, some imposed by physics, some by legacy technology, and some by inertia. There may be solutions to some of these, but they're going to hurt.

Question for gurus.

I'm coding a little service and one of the features I'd like it to do is validate that the user's and port forwarding are setup. Like if we run this service mapped to http://mydomain:port, I just want something out there that can, when requested, make a predetermined req. TO that uri to see if its working.

And if not, to know *that*, maybe why.
I can write and host such a thing, but suspect this might be already solved.


Uncle Sam officially opens funding gates for silicon RD

$5B investment part of $53B bet to reboot semiconductor industry The US government says it will inject more than $5 billion in the CHIPS R&D program, including funds to boost skills in the semiconductor sector to form the National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC), a new tech development testbed.

's to but, since , I'm going to ...

That's ...

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Cisco wields axe again as results season swings around

In an industry addicted to job cuts, 34,000 staff roles vanished in first six weeks of 2024 More than 34,000 tech staff who started 2024 in gainful employment are now looking for a new job and that's before networking titan Cisco reportedly pulls the plug on thousands more to lighten the payroll.

Hacker News: Rhysida Ransomware Cracked, Free Decryption Tool Released

Wir (Heidi Scheichenbauer und Moritz Wilhelm Rothmund-Burgwall) werden am imh Institut Manfred Hmmerle GmbH Kongress "FutureHub Behrden" vertreten sein und dort einen Vortrag zum Thema "Einsatz von KI durch Behrden Was sollte abseits des AI-Acts noch bercksichtigt werden" halten, sowie an einer Podiumsdiskussion zu IT- und Cybersecurity teilnehmen.

Alle Infos:

The Register: Curious tale of broken VPNs, the Year 2038, and certs that expired 100 years ago

Elon Musk can't wriggle out of SEC Twitter fraud inquiry

Lawyers argue requests for more info are tantamount to harassment A federal judge has ruled in favor of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), ordering tech mogul Elon Musk to return for additional testimony in their investigation of his 2022 Twitter acquisition.

Raspberry Robin: il malware evoluto che sfrutta exploit 0day e minaccia la sicurezza online

Le ultime versioni del stanno utilizzando per i recenti sui vulnerabili.

Le grand "retour" de la bande magntique.

Europe's largest caravan club admits wide array of personal data potentially accessed

Experts also put an end to social media security updates The Caravan and Motorhome Club (CAMC) and the experts it drafted to help clean up the mess caused by a January cyberattack still can't figure out whether members' data was stolen.

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Hacker News: 4 Ways Hackers use Social Engineering to Bypass MFA

The Register: Mozilla CEO quits, pushes pivot to data privacy champion... but what about Firefox

Ukraine claims Russian military is using Starlink

Musk: No terminals have been sold to Russia 'to the best of our knowledge' SpaceX supremo Elon Musk has waded into controversy over the alleged use of Starlink by Russian forces.

Neural networks are reportedly helping criminals create cheap virtual fake IDs online

Plus: Computer scientists win $700k in AI competition to decipher ancient scrolls destroyed in Mount Vesuvius eruption, and more AI in brief  A dodgy website is claiming to use AI in creating images of fake IDs that could potentially be used to trick online verification methods.

Herzlich willkommen in unserem brandneuen Nationalen IT-Lagezentrum! Dort wird im 24/7 Betrieb die Cybersicherheitslage Deutschlands berwacht. Das Ziel: Cyberangriffe so frh wie mglich erkennen, um Gegenmanahmen in die Wege leiten zu knnen. Mehr zu seinen Aufgaben und was es so besonders macht, erfahrt ihr hier von seinem Leiter.
Alle Infos zum IT-Lagezentrum knnt ihr hier nachlesen www.bsi.bund.de/dok/Nationales-IT-Lagezentrum

-Lagezentrum -Sicherheit

Who is the real Owner of your Data

PiStorm turbocharges vintage Amigas with the Raspberry Pi

Who needs the present when you can relive the '80s at warp speed FOSDEM 2024  The PiStorm is an ingenious way to make real vintage Commodore Amiga hardware not only run again, but do it over three orders of magnitude faster using cheap, open source hardware and software.

Hacker News: U.S. Offers $10 Million Bounty for Info Leading to Arrest of Hive Ransomware Leaders

Make your own Joke Marriage Certificate