
It looks like my new motto

It looks like my new motto for #2024 will be
"Back to the roots: More wisdom and comprehension, avoiding canned conveniences"

Canonical's Snap Store Hit By Malicious Apps

Updated Post: Where do I start with Accessibility Updated 1 Oct 23

's a ...!

The Register: Beta driver turned heads in the hospital

BMW iPhone 15

Clueless junior staff at a hi-tech staffing firm are given the job of firing a highly competent and valuable contractor (for "reasons"). Client company wants no contact.

> *You* fire him.

Excepts from conference room:

> Your algorithms are not good. They don't like your algorithms very much, especially lately... (2nd person) Yeah.

> And your pipleline's weak. They said just now on the phone you've got a real limp pipeline... (2nd) Yeah.

Una nuova tecnologia potrebbe ridurre le morti per cancro del 50%. ARPA-H finanzia uno studio con 45 milioni di dollari

LAgenzia per i progetti di ricerca avanzata per la salute () degli DAmerica ha assegnato 45 milioni di dollari per sviluppare rapidamente una di impianto di rilevamento e risposta che potrebbe ridurre le morti legate al negli di oltre il 50%.

YouTube . ,

Apple Pencil 3 -

, iPhone . Apple

The Register: The Geek is back!

Neue Form der berwachung: Video von Lieferroboter ging "proaktiv" an Polizei

TechStage Lfterloser Mini-PC mit geringem Stromverbrauch im Test: Asus ExpertCenter PN42

Somebody wanted a freshed job in to me and i asked him to boot on his machine
am i a monster :neofoxastronautgun:

practitioners frequently confuse these distinct terms:

popularity v. quality
expedience v. success
wrapping v. abstracting
testing v. proving
legal v. ethical

The Register: Mozilla's midlife crisis has taken it from web pioneer to Google's weird neighbor

Vielleicht sollte man diesen Mitarbeiter mal zu befragen

Ich bin ber folgenden Artikel geflogen und muss sagen ich finde alles Schlimm daran. Was bedeutet es fr mich Menschen Vitamin B zu geben
- Ich "Empfehle" einen Menschen und verbrge mich fr seine/ihre Kompetenz.
- Ich gebe jemanden einen Bonus, der ein/e mgliche Kandidat:in nicht von mir bekommt, die besser ist.
- Ich mache mich durch die Empfehlung angreifbar.
- Es entsteht ein Abhngigkeitsverhltnis.

is :

Dont want to
s an .

were on

Cyberattacke auf Webseite des britischen Knigshauses

Mnchen verschrft Dieselfahrverbot nicht

The Register: Contract for England's controversial health data platform delayed

Apple Watch

Un adattatore HDMI venduto da Amazon spiava gli utenti di Apple

Recentemente sul mercato un per , che sembra molto simile al prodotto originale .

By way of another ... While occurs to me...


's sells for US$9,000...

I have three such (, and ) none of them are US$9,000... or ... And, mine ...!


with the we ...

's in the , aye...

: Melodic Techno & Progressive House Mix

Trying to get out of my "Linux/Rust/DFIR bubble".

Anyone got some
, , , , " from other areas" or " from other areas" people to follow

Replies and boosts very much appreciated :blobsmile:

The Register: Norway wants Facebook behavioral advertising banned across Europe

da hat es mir doch die Datenbank meiner Webseite zerhauen. Leider sind auch alle Artikel weg :( . Aber nun gut, dann fangen wir einfach nochmal von vorne an :D

Vielen Dank fr euer Verstndnis.


iPhone 15 AliExpress

Apple , iPhone 15 Pro.

Wohlig warm trotz Gebudeenergiegesetz ct uplink

Gli Stati Uniti verso le armi autonome. La vita delle persone pu essere demandata ad un algoritmo

Alla luce della spinta del della degli per modernizzare le sue forze armate con e darma completamente autonomi, i critici hanno sollevato preoccupazioni su una possibile nuova corsa agli che potrebbe aumentare significativamente il di distruzione di massa, guerra e vittime civili.

Ich kenne dieses Verhalten bei IT-Jobsuche von mir selber

Jobsuche in der IT: "Networking Ich hasse Networking!"
Es gibt viele Leute, die Networking anstrengend und peinlich finden. Wenn man einen Job sucht, ist es aber viel besser, als in Massen Bewerbungen zu verschicken. Und es muss gar nicht wehtun.


Lattacco in side channel GPU.zip consente di far trapelare i dati da un iframe di Chrome

LAutomotive Impara dai propri errori: rilevata una riduzione delle Vulnerabilit critiche nelle auto

Gli di sicurezza informatica hanno analizzato le automobilistiche negli ultimi dieci anni. Si scoperto che l automobilistica ha iniziato a prestare maggiore attenzione alla sicurezza e il numero di critici diminuito drasticamente.

The Register: Equal Employment Commission sues Tesla for racist discrimination, retaliation at Fremont plant


... 's ...!


" goes ..."

Nik Kershaw: The Riddle (Pete Lorimer Club Mix)

I've seen several toots suggesting we add to posts about , or . IMO that's an unfair "demand" unless posts also contain graphic, violent, adult-themed topics etc. None of us will find every toot in our feeds interesting, whether they are intellectual or casual posts. We control our TLs!

Don't like , , , , , *, *

MUTE/FILTER, unfollow, block or keep scrolling...

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