
Intel, AMD, team with tech titans

Intel, AMD, team with tech titans for x86 ISA overhaul

Linus Torvalds, Broadcom, Dell, HPE, and Lenovo on the list The shape of the x86 instruction set architecture (ISA) is evolving. On Tuesday, Intel and AMD announced the formation of an ecosystem advisory group intended to drive greater consistency between the brands' x86 implementations.


AMD downplays risk of growing blast radius, licensing fees from manycore chips

House of Zen says it's done the analysis, and concerns are a 'little bit' unfounded As AMD pushes to extend share of the datacenter CPU market, it's pushing CTOs to consider how many of their aging Intel systems can be condensed down to just one of its manycore chips.

Hacker News: TrickMo Banking Trojan Can Now Capture Android PINs and Unlock Patterns

The Register: One-year countdown to 'biggest Ctrl-Alt-Delete in history' as Windows 10 approaches end of support

Microsoft says more ransomware stopped before reaching encryption

Volume of attacks still surging though, according to Digital Defense Report Microsoft says ransomware attacks are up 2.75 times compared to last year, but claims defenses are actually working better than ever.

"Precisely Ironstream Brings Observability to Modern Services"

I'm excited to share my perspectives on why and how to integrate mainframe and , , data into broader hybrid service management!

Analysts predict 85 million EVs on roads by 2025 despite industry speed bumps

China will lead the way with North America trailing Tech analysts forecast that the number of electric vehicles (EVs) in use will grow by 33 percent in 2025, and 73 percent will be battery-powered (BEVs).

Kwetsbaarheden in Splunk Enterprise Opgelost
Onlangs zijn er meerdere beveiligingskwetsbaarheden ontdekt en verholpen in Splunk Enterprise, een veelgebruikte softwaretool voor het verzamelen, analyser...

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Windows 11 24H2 disk space hoarding a 'reporting error'

Microsoft adds another item to the known issues list Microsoft has confirmed that the mysterious missing storage on Windows 11 24H2 devices is due to a "reporting error" in the operating system's cleanup tool.

Hacker News: New Linux Variant of FASTCash Malware Targets Payment Switches in ATM Heists

The Register: AI's thirst for power keeps coal fires burning bright

Wir haben im Rahmen des Projektes "Codeanalyse von Open Source Software" (CAOS 3.0) die Passwort-Manager Keepass und Vaultwarden auf ihre Sicherheitseigenschaften berprft. Dabei wurden bei Vaultwarden zwei Sicherheitslcken mit der Einstufung "hoch" identifiziert. Die Entwickler wurden ber kritische Sicherheitslcken informiert, sie haben die Probleme bereits analysiert und reagiert.

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Norway datacenter dumps diesel diet, goes veggie with biofuel backup

Operator Stack Infrastructure is committed to reducing Scope 1 emissions from its facilities Datacenter operator Stack Infrastructure has joined the ranks of companies switching to biofuel for its backup power source in a bid to offset some of the greenhouse gas emissions from its operations.

Automotive AI player Cerence appoints ex-Intel boss Brian Krzanich as its CEO

Public opinion is against him, as comments on LinkedIn go dark Brian Krzanich's return to the CEO lounge has gone down like a lead balloon. The former Intel boss, who famously resigned after a highly publicized relationship with a subordinate, not to mention a botched 10nm chip rollout, has lan

Hacker News: WordPress Plugin Jetpack Patches Major Vulnerability Affecting 27 Million Sites

The Register: Trump campaign arms up with 'unhackable' phones after Iranian intrusion

Microsoft says governments should bear the responsibility for dealing with cybercrime

Although it also reaffirmed commitment to secure-by-design initiatives Microsoft is calling for more robust deterrents to be placed on nation-states as criminals continue to run rife across online systems "without any meaningful consequences."

Samsung's HBM3E has been a disaster, but there's a path back

274% profit increase belies missed deadlines, botched launches, and scrambling leadership Comment  Despite reporting a seemingly impressive 274 percent increase in operating profit for calendar Q3 2024, Samsung Electronics is in crisis mode. Beneath these financials lies a semiconductor strategy that is unraveling, posing serious challenges

Post Office seeks more Horizon support as it continues hunt for replacement

Someone has got to keep those back end systems running The beleaguered UK Post Office has begun conversations with suppliers to help support its controversial Horizon system in a set of contracts which could total 100 million ($131 million) as it works to replace the EPOS and back-end finance technology.

Mozilla fixes critical Firefox Vulnerability exploited in the Wild. :firefox:

This issue is a use-after-free flaw found in the Animation timelines of Firefox's Web Animations API. Such vulnerabilities can allow attackers to execute arbitrary code by injecting their own data, as they exploit memory that has already been freed.

CVE-2024-9680 (CVSS: 9.8)

Unser ZIM sucht Verstrkung!
Gesucht wird ein*e -Systemadministrator*in (w/m/d), insbesondere fr die Plattform .
Hier geht es zur Ausschreibung:

Hacker News: The Rise of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: Why Traditional Security Solutions Fall Short


The Register: Would banning ransomware insurance stop the scourge

BBS legend Ward Christensen logs off for last time at 78

Co-creator of the Computerized Bulletin Board System heads for big forum in the sky Obit  Ward Christensen, co-founder of the Computerized Bulletin Board System (CBBS) and developer of the XMODEM file transfer protocol, has died aged 78.

Es gibt nicht nur Fake-Profile oder Fake-Bilder, nein, es gibt sogar Fake-Mitarbeiter, gerade im IT-Bereich. Sprich: Ein Arbeitgeber stellt einen Mitarbeiter ein bzw. beauftragt ihn fr ein Projekt die Person, die am Ende fr ihn arbeitet, ist aber eine ganz andere.

Wie funktioniert das
Es gibt Menschen/Gruppen, die beruflich interessante LinkedIn-Profile fast eins zu eins kopieren : mit Namen, Bild etc.
Dann bewerben sie sich auf eine Stelle.

Hallo zusammen, eine Frage zu bzw. im Bereich fr Menschen im Spektrum.

Gibt's da was im Einzugsbereich Mnchen, Ingolstadt oder Augsburg Also Firmen mit Intresse und Erfahrung mit Inklusion in diesem Bereich

Auch fr Firmen spannend die eben keine Erfahrung haben, den in diesem Fall kommt der kreative Teenager aus einer Montessori Schule. Schwerpunkt ist Eigenverantwortung durch intrinsische Motivation.

Britain opens floodgates to US datacenter investment

Who needs climate goals and planning permission anyway Just weeks after the British government designated datacenters as critical national infrastructure (CNI), a quartet of US tech firms have committed to the UK as the place to invest in their data facilities.

Keir Starmer tells regulators to chill as Microsoft exec takes wheel of advisory council

What could possibly go wrong UK prime minister Keir Starmer promised to make the nation's competition regulator more inclined toward economic growth the day after a Microsoft executive was appointed chair of the government's Industrial Strategy Advisory Council.

das KI Massen an Energie verschwendet ist nicht neu (siehe Toots oben). Wenn dies nicht der Rckschritt der Menschheit ist anhand ihrem zwanghaften Macht- und Kommerz-Herrschaft

Neue Reaktoren: Google setzt fr KI auf Atomstrom:
Google mchte Entwicklung und Bau von SM-Reaktoren beschleunigen. Der Datenkonzern braucht Gigawatt fr KI.

ob dies nun wirklich der Wahrheit oder wieder deren Einschchterung und Propaganda entspricht

ChinaForscher schaffen erste Quantencomputer-Attacken auf Krypto:
Quantencomputer werden gemeinhin als starke Bedrohung fr gngige Verschlsselungsverfahren angesehen. Chinesische Forscher wollen nun tatschlich die ersten erfolgreichen Angriffe auf starke Kryptografie-Systeme geschafft haben.

Hacker News: China Accuses U.S. of Fabricating Volt Typhoon to Hide Its Own Hacking Campaigns

The Register: ESA astronaut on the difference between flying in a Soyuz and piloting a Crew Dragon

ESA astronaut on the difference between flying in a Soyuz and piloting a Crew Dragon

Plus: We chat about going to the Moon and keeping the ISS running for a few more years Interview  The first Dane to fly in space, Andreas Mogensen, thinks there's every chance the International Space Station (ISS) might last for a few more years and harbors hopes of visiting the Moon.

Every complex software can contain bugs - that is completely fine. What I do not agree with is claiming that we cannot do anything to make it better.

Are robots like humans, and do they occasionally make mistakes at random What is your opinion

This robot is just like a human it sometimes makes mistakes
That was the explanation the staff provided to my kid during the modern technology exhibition. Luckily, my 3.5-year-old did not accept that justification and quickly determined the required input configuration that "tricked" that robot (in other words, she was able to reproduce the software error).


Have the at complied with , yet

: "SSG .... Unsuccessfully."

's ... and

Google hopes to spark chain reaction with nuclear energy investment

Commits to molten salt small modular reactors it thinks can come online in 2035 Google has become the latest tech giant to seek nuclear power as a source for its datacenters and other operations.

Hacker News: Researchers Uncover Hijack Loader Malware Using Stolen Code-Signing Certificates

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