
I'm probably repeating a common refrain

I'm probably repeating a common refrain but, in the cloud all exciting new features have their own SKUs.

Nach Hack bei Xplain - Namen von militrischer Sondereinheit im Darknet:

Der Datenskandal um Xplain weitet sich aus: Es liegen auch heikle Daten der Militrpolizei im Darknet. Brisant Betroffen sind auch Personen, die in der Spionageabwehr ttig waren.


Hacker News: Lazarus Group Exploits Critical Zoho ManageEngine Flaw to Deploy Stealthy QuiteRAT Malware

The Register: Zoom CEO reportedly tells staff: Workers can't build trust or collaborate... on Zoom

Kontaktloses iPhone-Kartenterminal: Apple-Dienst startet in Kontinentaleuropa

is perhaps the most sophisticated ever created.

That may well sound like an oxymoronic statement by an oxygenated moron. But it is true. It behooves all undergraduates to study this little jewel of pure .

Yes, Elm is a web front-end DSL. But it is not a requirement to place that yoke upon one's shoulders. REPL, (textttelm-test), and other superb command-line tools enable local, off-the-web work.

Besides, these youngsters will have to grapple with web development the moment they enter . So, they might as well get started on itthe proper way in Elmwhile still in the nurturing environment of school.

Anche Duolingo non si salva dal cybercrime. 2,6 milioni di utenti sono in vendita nelle underground

I personali di 2,6 milioni di utenti della piattaforma  sono in vendita. Gli di sicurezza mettono in guardia dai rischi associati al (pubblicazione di online senza consenso) e agli attacchi di .

Il file, che contiene oltre 2,6 milioni di voci uniche, stato pubblicato per la prima volta su uno dei degli nel gennaio di questanno.

Dear diary...
Today I learned doesn't understand virtual hosts...


/* I feel this toot deserves BIGGER sad blobcat */

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Hacker News: The Hidden Dangers of Public Wi-Fi

The Register: China cooks covert chips, recruits global geeks to dodge US restrictions

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Groer Bedarf an IT-Fachkrften

Die -Branche in bietet mit ihren spannenden Innovationsfeldern attraktive .
Von der Softwareentwicklung ber das Projektmanagement bis hin zur IT-Administration gibt es zahlreiche Ttigkeitsfelder, die unterschiedliche Fhigkeiten & Kenntnisse erfordern. Dabei ist der Bedarf an IT-Expertise auch in anderen Branchen wie dem Maschinenbau, der Logistik oder dem Gesundheitswesen stark nachgefragt.

Hacker News: New Telegram Bot "Telekopye" Powering Large-scale Phishing Scams from Russia

How Far is it?

The Register: LibreOffice 7.6 arrives: Open source stalwart is showing its maturity

IT support teams collaborate with nonprofits to develop and maintain user-friendly websites that reflect the organization's mission, values, and initiatives. They optimize the website's design, functionality, and responsiveness across various devices, ensuring a seamless browsing experience for visitors.

Need to know more:-

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Hacker News: WinRAR Security Flaw Exploited in Zero-Day Attacks to Target Traders

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The Register: Criminals go full Viking on CloudNordic, wipe all servers and customer data

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