
IGN: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre:

IGN: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: The Game Review #TechNews via

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Maschinelles Lernen: Algorithmen steuern autonome Valkyrie-Drohne

TechStage Asus Zenfone 10 im Test: Echte Konkurrenz fr Samsung Galaxy S23 und iPhone Mini

Trkei: Bundestagsabgeordnete Akbulut wegen Social-Media-Beitrgen festgenommen

yeah, that's very sad and I sincerely hope this doesn't happen to anyone - whether they just wasted time waiting or even took money and ran...

Granted I'm more used in and espechally , , and where a minor fuckup will ruin decades of reputation-building in seconds and it's more or less impossible to recover from that...

So it's quite the opposite...

So seems more than reasonable to enshure people ain't paying and/or working for nothing.

IGN: Baldurs Gate 3 Owlbear From the Top Rope Deals Enough Damage to Take Down Pretty Much Anything #TechNews via


Can I see yall's resumes or good examples I'm looking for a job in the big tech companies in Seattle as a and really need to figure out a good format to put mine in. I've got my text ready to go, I just have to decide on formatting now. The internet searches I've seen so far have been....all over the place and contradictory. Do I keep it very simple for AI systems intercepting my resume, or do I actually need a 'pretty' resume Skills sections About sections

I've worked the same every-hat-IT job for ten years now, so I've only really got the one position to pull things from.

Any tips or examples are appreciated for jobs. Also tips on searching for those SysAdmin jobs at tech companies or resources for interview questions, etc. Assume I know nothing. Boosts very appreciated.

-50 - ( 2023): 6 . -

Un nuovo attacco DNS minaccia linternet Globale. Scopriamo lattacco MaginotDNS

Un team di dellUniversit della California di Irvine e della Tsinghua University ha sviluppato un nuovo potente di avvelenamento della cache chiamato che prende di mira i resolver DNS condizionali (CDNS) e pu compromettere interi TLD.

Lattacco stato reso possibile da incoerenze nellimplementazione dei controlli di sicurezza in vari DNS, che lasciano vulnerabile circa un terzo di tutti i server CDNS.

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Hacker News: Ongoing Xurum Attacks on E-commerce Sites Exploiting Critical Magento 2 Vulnerability

The Register: Let's play... Turn off the power to datacenter boxen

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Schadcode-Attacken via WLAN auf einige Automodelle von Ford mglich

Akkugesundheit: iPhone-14-Pro-Nutzer melden relativ schnellen Rckgang

Ars Technica: The Kids Online Safety Act isnt all right, critics say

IGN: The Pokmon Company Having Conversations About Its 'Constant' Release Schedule #TechNews via

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No, wreszcie internet stoi na moim wasnym routerze, a nie dziadostwie od dostawcy... Chocia moje "mdre" arwki si strasznie opieray czeniu :V

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Business Source License: HashiCorp verabschiedet sich von Open-Source-Lizenz

Bastelcomputer: Raspberry Pi 4 auch mit 8 GByte RAM wieder verfgbar

Verbraucherzentrale: Wrmenetze nur mit starken Verbraucherrechten

Firefox soll auch unter Android bald beliebige Erweiterungen untersttzen

, 3


IGN: Why Magic: The Gathering's 'The One Ring' Card Is Worth $2 Million #TechNews via

Brain2Music: Google will Musik auf Basis von Gehirn-Aktivitten generieren

Erfolg mit MLS-Abos: Apple plant gleich zwei Messi-Dokus