
IDK what planet you live at,

IDK what planet you live at, but I'd trust more than .

As a , I'm used to acting as "" cuz otherwise would fuck up (literally) everything!

I'd rather invest time and effort to not be shackled to a & collaborator than just doing what everyone else does.

Microsoft patches the patch that broke Exchange Server

If at first you don't succeed, you might be on the Microsoft Exchange team Microsoft has resumed the rollout of an Exchange Security update that was paused following reports of broken transport rules and disrupted email flow.

Hacker News: Over Two Dozen Flaws Identified in Advantech Industrial Wi-Fi Access Points - Patch ASAP

The Register: Investors just can't pull the plug despite datacenters facing AI power crunch

If we want the next generation to succeed, we need to give them tools that prepare them for the real world. Swipe and tap wont cut it when the job requires typing, troubleshooting, or navigating a proper OS. Lets teach them real-world tech skills.

Ive seen people entering office jobs, IT, and cybersecurity who dont even know how to type on a keyboard. Mobile devices are great, but they dont teach foundational skills like using a desktop or laptop.

Yup, half of that thought-leader crap on LinkedIn is indeed AI scribbled

Ten rules for maximizing your grindset! #1: Let a bot do your work for you If you've spent much time on LinkedIn, you've probably run into self-congratulatory posts, tips on how to maximize your "grindset," and other business lessons from alleged thought leaders. It's tiring, but a study of such posts has pulled the curtain

You dont need to tweak or modify to make it faster anymoremost of that advice is outdated BS. Registry hacks, disk defragging, etc., dont matter like they used to. If you actually care about an OS built for real tweaking and customization, you should be on


Curiosity, experimentation, and a willingness to break and fix things are essential for IT and cybersecurity. Its not just about knowing the answersits about the mindset to find them. The next generation needs this to thrive.

Even with homelabs, many hesitate to push boundaries or break things to learn. I learned by asking What if or What does this do Mistakes are part of the process. Its how you grow in IT and cybersecurity.

Now I see younger tech pros sending tickets without asking basic questions or troubleshooting. I often have to push back with, What makes you think this is a Zscaler issue or What tests did you perform Its not about knowing it allits about asking the right questions.

Im genuinely worried about the next generation entering IT and cybersecurity. Many from the iPad generation grew up in a world where things just worked, and Ive noticed a lack of curiosity compared to millennials and older.

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We have with the and a , ...

The keeps at much to of ... have been by has been ...

than in or "he's" ...

... We've a and ... 's also ... ...... ...

:Polymaths::wolfparty::Polymaths: :fediverse::PirateBadge::PirateBadge::fediverse:

The Register: Starlink gets FCC nod for space calls, but can't dial up full power

So, do you think San Francisco trains are finally going to get upgraded to CD-ROM Nice that those 5.25" disks got a good run.

() precizeaz c infrastructura pentru primul tur al alegerilor prezideniale NU a fost atacat cibernetic. Exclude posibilitatea compromiterii sau alterrii datelor informatice.

Apples New Programming Language

In the world of software development, configuration files play the unassuming role of a stage manager, ensuring everything runs smoothly behind the scenes. Traditional formats like JSON and YAML, while widely used, have limitations that can make managing complex software systems tedious and error-prone.

Google offered millions to ally itself with trade body fighting Microsoft

El Reg has seen the presentation to CISPE members which sources say was intended to keep the lawsuit over licensing alive Exclusive  Google Cloud dangled hundreds of million of euros worth of financial incentives to ally itself with an association of European cloud providers that had lodged a complaint agains

Beveiligingsupdate voor Zabbix: Kwetsbaarheid Verholpen
Een recente beveiligingswaarschuwing van het Nationaal Cyber Security Centrum (NCSC) meldt een verholpen kwetsbaarheid in Zabbix, een veelgebrui...

Lees verder op:

Softwareentwicklung mit externen Bibliotheken und Frameworks ist wie Jenga spielen in einem Raum mit einem halben Dutzend gelangweilter Katzen.
Immer wenn du meinst, du hast einen Zug geschafft, kommt eine vorbei und schmeit dir deinen Turm um.

, ...

's ...! With a of ... ...!

's ... ... (ish)...

Also... I'm in is , with and a ... 's a ... ...

AI ambition is pushing copper to its breaking point

Ayar Labs contends silicon photonics will be key to scaling beyond the rack and taming the heat SC24  Datacenters have been trending toward denser, more power-hungry systems for years. In case you missed it, 19-inch racks are now pushing power demands beyond 120 kilowatts in high-density configurations, with many making the switch to direc

Hacker News: XMLRPC npm Library Turns Malicious, Steals Data, Deploys Crypto Miner

The Register: AI ambition is pushing copper to its breaking point


Also the fact that gave birth to an entire cottage industry of producers is already an indictment to it's shortcomings for any serious .

Cuz unlike 's , is a joke!


Have the at complied with , yet

: "You know what this game 'needs"... More smurfs..." has also been because and ...

's also ... and

NHS major 'cyber incident' forces hospitals to use pen and paper

Systems are isolated and pulled offline, while scheduled procedures are canceled The ongoing cybersecurity incident affecting a North West England NHS group has forced sites to fall back on pen-and-paper operations, according to a statement.

Hacker News: The Future of Serverless Security in 2025: From Logs to Runtime Protection

The Register: Abstract, theoretical computing qualifications are turning teens off


Have the at complied with , yet in

: with a ...

Who's there
No one - everyone's been 'smurfed'..."


's also ...


Abstract, theoretical computing qualifications are turning teens off

BCS calls for digital literacy GCSE alongside Computer Science The UK's professional body for the IT workforce has called for a more "inclusive" digital literacy age-16 qualification alongside Computer Science, which it says is "theoretical and demanding."

Hacker News: Cybercriminals Exploit Popular Game Engine Godot to Distribute Cross-Platform Malware

The Register: 'Best job at JPL': What it's like to be an engineer on the Voyager project

'Best job at JPL': What it's like to be an engineer on the Voyager project

'I love this work. I love what I'm doing. It's so cool' Feature  The Voyager probes have entered a new phase of operations. As recent events have shown, keeping the venerable spacecraft running is challenging as the end of their mission nears.

Google sues Pixel engineer who allegedly posted trade secrets online

'See you in court', defendant posts Google filed a lawsuit last week against an Indian semiconductor engineer for allegedly posting trade secrets related to its Google Pixel chip designs online.

Dev: "Can we deploy this It's a simple application I've developed, it's secure as it's in rust and won't use many resources".
Me: "Sure, let's try"

userdevtest:/devtest # cargo build --release
Building > 1/1067


Addendum: when finished, I launched it. After 5 minutes, it segfaulted (!!!)

Hacker News: U.S. Telecom Giant T-Mobile Detects Network Intrusion Attempts from Wireline Provider

The Register: The only thing worse than being fired is scammers fooling you into thinking you're fired

The only thing worse than being fired is scammers fooling you into thinking you're fired

Scumbags play on victims' worst fears in phishing campaign referencing UK Employment Tribunal A current phishing campaign scares recipients into believing they've been sacked, when in reality they've been hacked and infected with infostealers and other malware that means a payday for the cr

textiles wanted