
Ich hab hier 2 Aggregate Reports

Ich hab hier 2 Aggregate Reports vorliegen, aus denen hervor geht, dass eine meiner -Domains missbruchlich als Absender von vermutlich -Mails verwendet wurde, da sowohl als auch fehlgeschlagen sind. Die Source IPs stammen laut Geolocation aus Deutschland.

Was mache ich nun mit dieser Erkenntnis

Why making pretend people with AGI is a waste of energy

Industrial revolution didn't give us human mimics, so why should AI think like us, this computer scientist wonders Interview  While the likes of OpenAI and Google DeepMind chase after some fabled artificial general intelligence, not everyone thinks that's the best use of our time and energy in developing AI.

A collection of innovations by women in the fields of computer science and technology


And, ...

... ... And, a ...


When I'm not using , I prefer ...

's ... I like ...



And, ... 's a ...

:wolfparty: :Polymaths::Polymaths:

: Adventures in Stereo

The Register: How to coax ChatGPT into making better predictions: Get it to tell tales from the future

How to coax ChatGPT into making better predictions: Get it to tell tales from the future

'Something is stopping it, even though it clearly can do it' AI models become better at foretelling the future when asked to frame the prediction as a story about the past, boffins at Baylor University have found.

The Register: Microsoft breach allowed Russian spies to steal emails from US government

The Register: Amazon search results now less self-centered, boffin says

How Far is it?

The Register: OpenBSD 7.5 locks down with improved disk encryption support and syscall limitations

Jeli dobrze pamitam w padzierniku 2025 skoczy si wsparcie (poprawki, aktualizacje) dla Windy10.
Na Windzie 10 mam 115 desktopw w pracy. Z uwagi, e jest na nich Winda10 mona zainstalowa starsze edycje
MS Office np. 2013, 2017 ktre pracodawca posiada doywotnio.

Winda11 na ktrej mam 21 desktopw nie pozwala zainstalowa starych Word'w, temat przerabiaem i wakowaem w sierpniu 2023 r. - telefony, pytania, fora, debugowanie, odinstalowanie zaszytej i preinstalowanej wersji Office 365 razem z 11 - wszystko bezskuteczne.

I co teraz robi rednio widz, jak pracodawca czy rada nadzorcza "wyskrobi" 200 tys z na nowe albo chocia 70 tys z na uywane desktopy z Wind 11.
Wikszoci nie da si upgradowa z 10 do 11 bo to biurowe sabeusze z integrami i 4 rdzeniowymi prockami bez szau.

No zapowiada si ciekawy rok...

The Register: Adobe will fork over cash for clips to train text-to-video AI

Tutti su Marte! 1000 Starship su Marte entro 20 anni, Parola di Elon Musk

rimanere sulla Terra per sempre, e fin quando non ci sar qualche . Lalternativa diventare una e una specie multi-planetaria ha riportato recentemente il magnate Elon Musk.

The Register: GenAI will be bigger than the cloud or the internet, Amazon CEO hopes

Attacco a Microsoft: Le Agenzie Federali Americane sono a rischio. Midnight Blizzard ha in mano le credenziali di accesso

Gli legati alla dietro lattacco ai interni di iniziato a fine novembre, hanno rubato delle . Tali agenzie potrebbero essere utilizzate per compromettere i , hanno detto gioved le autorit informatiche statunitensi.



Who's there
No one - everyone's been "banned"...

# #, too... I that are going to have from about ...


's a


In 2020, they were just handing out random computers for and I got an already obsolete piece of garbage and never bothered changing it (bc I can to Real Computers anyway)

That machine finally died

The new hire was an coop so he knows the purchase system

He ordered me a monster laptop and 40" 4k monitor that cost just under the amount needed for higher level approval. Terabytes. Cores. Bps. The whole 9 yards

I'm more excited than I should be

The Register: Apple's failure to duck UK antitrust probe could bring 785M windfall for devs

Decine di droni lanciati dallIran contro israele. Cyber Av3ngers rivendicano attacco alle centrali elettriche di Tel Aviv

The Register: Zero-day exploited right now in Palo Alto Networks' GlobalProtect gateways

Yet another unwanted feature:

Microsoft adds recommended apps to the start menu in Windows 11

According to a recent blog post, the latest Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22635.3495 will add recommended apps to the users start menu:

Das endgltige Support-Ende von Windows 10 im Oktober 2025 steht fest
Wie man bis dahin noch Sicherheitsupdates bekommt (adere gibt's keine mehr)

Ich verkaufe... eine gesamte Liste der Artikel die zum Verkauf stehen.
Bei Interesse gerne melden.

Auch per Signal. Benutzername: svennemeth.01

AI spam is winning the battle against search engine quality

'Not all AI content is spam, but I think right now all spam is AI content' interview  We know Google search results are being hammered the proliferation of AI garbage, and the web giant's attempts to curb the growth of machine-generated drivel haven't helped all that much.

The Register: AI spam is winning the battle against search engine quality

Scoppia la polemica: Huawei lancia un laptop con chip Intel, Washington sotto choc

Il gigante cinese delle , , ha recentemente scatenato una polemica negli con il lancio del suo nuovo abilitato allintelligenza artificiale, equipaggiato con .

Hacker News: U.S. Treasury Hamas Spokesperson for Cyber Influence Operations

The Register: Intel preps export-friendly lower-power Gaudi 3 AI chips for China

Most have never heard of Curry-Howard isomorphism between type theory and proof theory (type (equiv) proposition, programme (equiv) proof), which in and have exploited for decades.

Knowing the techniques is well and good, but understanding the theories matters, at least as much.

Hacker News: Ex-Security Engineer Jailed 3 Years for $12.3 Million Crypto Exchange Thefts

The Register: Loongson CPU that performs like 2020 Core i3 makes its way to Chinese mini PCs

Instagram dice No al Cyberflashing e al Sextortion. Attivate funzionalit specifiche

, proprietaria del , ha recentemente annunciato una serie di nuove volte a proteggere gli adolescenti da contenuti inappropriati. Tra queste c una che sfoca automaticamente le foto contenenti parti del corpo nude, oltre ad avvertimenti per gli utenti che inviano tali immagini.

The Register: China orders its telcos to rip and replace US chips with homegrown silicon by 2027

China orders its telcos to rip and replace US chips with homegrown silicon by 2027

There's no Huawei we saw that coming Years after Uncle Sam ordered US telecommunications providers to rip and replace Huawei kit from their networks, Beijing is telling telcos in China to strip out American-made chips.

Beware: GitHub's Fake Popularity Scam Tricking Developers into Downloading Malware.

The latest assault on the open-source software supply chain involves concealing malicious code within Microsoft Visual Code project files that's designed to download next-stage payloads from a remote URL.

The Register: 75% of enterprise coders will use AI helpers by 2028. We didn't say productively


: There's been talk of a Fraggle Rock MMO, which I don't think is going to work. Mainly because you'll still get Ranasmurf "lecturing" people about Fraggle Rock "lore" and Audridude wanting to turn it into an OnlyFans brothel... It was a nice idea I'm behind it 43%"


's a


75% of enterprise coders will use AI helpers by 2028. We didn't say productively

Dev teams must beware inflated expectations of tech leadership, Gartner warns Global tech research company Gartner estimates that by 2028, 75 percent of enterprise software engineers will use AI code assistants, up from less than 10 percent in early 2023.

From the ar(t)chive...
3D illustration for a 2005 issue of the Dutch ComputerTotaal magazine, about the Sony BMG copy protection rootkit scandal.

Porking Celebrities