
I wrote an song called "flicette

I wrote an song called "flicette name of cat sent to space to die like Laika

file got corrupted so it was finished in audacity

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The Register: Calculating Pi in the sky: Axiom Space plans to launch 'orbital datacenter'

, ...

Are we ... 's also a ...

, and I have all been undertaking some / ... ...

We've also been with the (s)... In ...!

we're making with the ...

What have you all been up to...


Postgres pioneer Michael Stonebraker promises to upend the database once more

Turing Award winners whose research and startups broke ground for five decades, tells The Reg he has more up his sleeve Interview  What if we built the operating system on top of the database instead of the other way around It sounds like an idea from an undergraduate student after one microdose too man

The Register: Postgres pioneer Michael Stonebraker promises to upend the database once more

-5 2023 8 , Counterpoint -

The Register: 30 years and still sunbathing: SOHO probe continues work as a space weatherman

Nun ja, wundern tut mir dies auf gar keinen Fall. Den meistens wird "sichere Produkte" als verkauft um ihre vorzutuschen. Leider verstehen viele die Open-Source rein gar nicht, weil konservativ.

-Sicherheit So anfllig sind Drohnen fr 'angriffe:
Drohnen sind im -Krieg so wichtig geworden wie Panzer. Aber sie sind leichter anzugreifen. Das gilt auch fr zivile . Experten fordern Sicherheitsmanahmen.

Intel $3,2 $25 -

30 years and still sunbathing: SOHO probe continues work as a space weatherman

From the cutting edge of physics research to a valuable monitoring tool Space Extenders II  SOHO, a joint ESA and NASA mission, is still going strong after almost thirty years since launch and at this point the craft is an essential part of space infrastructure.

The Register: The SANS Holiday Hack Challenge is back!

Aktualizace firmwar HPE (a Aruba) switch je hrozn masochismus. Ty jejich portly jsou takov srgory...
Kdy u mte pocit, e URL), udlaj njak zmny a pt zante nanovo. Dal registrace, ovovn t, neaktuln strnky, bizarn 404 atd.
Jejich servery mm docela rd, ale pijde mi, e (nejen) tenhle korport por sm sebe.

The Register: How thermal management is changing in the age of the kilowatt chip

How thermal management is changing in the age of the kilowatt chip

Air cooling holdouts take notice, the fun stuff is all liquid Analysis  As Moore's Law slowed to a crawl, chips, particularly those used in AI and high-performance computing (HPC), have steadily gotten hotter. In 2023 we saw accelerators enter the kilowatt range with the arrival of Nvidia's GH200 Superchips.

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is now 's to on the --Server and then ...

's and as ... can anymore without being a being a of -Group results in from the , so...

Hacker News: Carbanak Banking Malware Resurfaces with New Ransomware Tactics

The Register: CLIs are simply wizard at character building. Lets not keep them to ourselves

Il Trojan bancario Chameleon per Android ruba codici PIN disattivando le impronte digitali e lo sblocco facciale

and ... ...!

's a ...! ...

, we shall be , there is in , and we shall be ... 's a ...


and I are also ... We've not on 's just yet...

NOYB Attacca X che viene accusata di manipolazione politica tramite pubblicit mirata

Dalla Mente al Testo: Il Breakthrough dellUTS per lInterazione Uomo-Macchina funziona

userhost> cd /home/ekis/local/share/.bin/ &&
read -d '<3' payload ssh youtarget-computer "cat payload /dev/fb0"

: ,

Thanks, this information is very useful

Knowledge about common tools operators use is just something I wouldnt know

Eventually could support both but Id want to choose the 1 that immediately help most people based on the fact that their existing tools will "just work" w/o much effort

a "shim" to make it Puma compatible would still be easy to do if it was based on the prometheus API

is that also your preference and existing tool or just saying its popular

Its weird a 40yr old fucking very named explicitly states the problem

B/c he, like many people were aware that were never a thing not just b/c to continue usage not even a issue, lack of precious

Yet, filling fucking cars with lithium, material so dense its notoriously explosive + burns way way hotter than gasoline then put them in an array like cluster bomb /w double tap

, . . , : , , ### to . . Every time I see an excellent Toot with zero hashtags attached. A part of me dies.

And 'sAWonderfulLife is as relevant now as it was them because the amount of effort and time needed to scrape together $5000 is still about the same...

Can you go into detail what makes these tools important for you, what functionality is most important to you. Are there any issues you have with it, that you think could be improved

I can build out a stat API that would be "backwards compatible" very quickly but I need the important information from people like you so I can know what I should be building to make this switch even a possibility.

This information is really helpful

At this point, my sway with Iodine developers + previous work with their tools its easier to get a pull request taken

But I don't operate an instance

In this case you are the experts

Instance operator feedback is essential, I really appreciate this.

I can replicate the API (or at least create a shim too), if you have existing tools built against it

And to clarify we are talking about this functionality

Bin ich froh kein Partner zu sein und da lieber unabhngig auf setze...

The Register: Japan to allow limited rideshare services starting April 2024

The Register: Western Digital boss most disliked tech CEO in survey

The Register: We object! MinIO says no more open license for Weka

No, , Im not subscribed to your lists. Yet another company where things dont work then. Glad I never paid for any crap they offered.

The Register: AWS S3: You can check out but can never leave

The Register: War of the workstations: How the lowest bidders shaped today's tech landscape

War of the workstations: How the lowest bidders shaped today's tech landscape

The MIT and New Jersey schools of software design, and how big lies turned into holy truths Feature  Digging into stories of 1980s OSes, a forgotten war for the future of computing emerges. It was won by the lowest bidders, and then the poor users and programmers forgot it ever happened.

Care for my Pet