
Hacker News: Okta Warns of Unprecedented

Hacker News: Okta Warns of Unprecedented Surge in Proxy-Driven Credential Stuffing Attacks

The Register: Kaiser Permanente handed over 13.4M people's data to Microsoft, Google, others

The cast pic going around reminds me of the summer I painted murals for the city of Philly w Seth Green's Mom. She was an outgoing strong smart tiny red haired lady who was very open about her son living w other fams in H'wood while he worked. She got me free passes for the city debut of Pump Up The Volume. Weak acid was going around and me and my date dropped ooops surprise powerful tabs before she baffled us by asking for layered butter on the thank you popcorn we got her.

The Register: Two indicted for 'illegally exporting' chip gear from US to China

Una nuova MaaS fa capolino. E Brokewell: Il malware che colpisce con falsi aggiornamenti di Chrome

I hanno scoperto un nuovo bancario . Il si maschera da falsi per ed in grado di intercettare qualsiasi evento avvenga sul dispositivo, dai clic e le visualizzate sullo schermo al testo inserito e alle avviate dallutente.

Las barreras vehiculares ofrecen una solucin eficaz para controlar el acceso y mejorar la seguridad en estacionamientos y reas restringidas.

Leer ms


, ! OSINT, - -. , . , OSINT, . OSINT OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) - , , , , , .. , , , , . - , , , . , , . OSINT : .

Message-Scraping, User-Tracking Service Spy Pet shut down by Discord.

Spy Pet, a service that sold access to a rich database of allegedly 3 billion messages and details on 600 million users, has seemingly been shut down. Discord said that the company's safety team had been "diligently investigating" Spy Pet and that it had banned accounts affiliated with it.

's , either...




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: Silver Linings Playbook

The Register: Microsoft dusts off ancient MS-DOS 4.0 code for release on GitHub

The Register: ASML caves to US pressure to cease servicing some kit used by Chinese customers

The Register: Teaching criminals to write web code keeps them out of prison

Sviluppatori, attenti ai colloqui di lavoro! Scopri cosa si nasconde dietro le offerte di lavoro false

I hanno scoperto una di chiamata che prende di mira gli di . Gli aggressori si travestono da datori di lavoro e pubblicizzano posti vacanti fittizi per specialisti IT.

WhatsApp Minaccia di Lasciare lIndia: la Crittografia E2E non si Tocca!

La popolare di messaggistica al centro di una situazione di stallo con il indiano. Lazienda, di propriet di , pronta a lasciare il mercato indiano se sar costretta a divulgare i degli utenti e a violare il di end-to-end.


The Register: Jensen Huang and Sam Altman among tech chiefs invited to federal AI Safety Board

WP-Automatic, un plugin WordPress con una grave vulnerabilit SQLi

ha rilevato una di che sfrutta un errore nel plugin per creare amministrativi e prendere il controllo dei siti .

Flut an Gesetzen, Richtlinien, Verordnungen
Umgang mit zunehmenden rechtlichen Anforderungen an die IT

Die Anzahl der Regularien und Normen, die in der umgesetzt werden mssen, nimmt zu. Doch wer ist zustndig

My preference regarding learning materials has evolved over the years.

What type of content do you prefer when learning something new

A CI where one of the following conditions is broken:

a) Any test will successfully pass when run in parallel to any other tests.
b) Any test will successfully pass when run after any other tests.

That CI should be called "accidentally green".

/ / /

Every people who actually have to face cyber attack or repair the damage know its true.

The Register: Ex-Space Shuttle boss corrects the record on Hubble upgrade mission

The Register: Big Cloud is still making bank Is this AI adoption, price rises, or what

The Register: NASA's Psyche hits 25 Mbps from 140 million miles away enough for Ultra HD Netflix

Der Staat kastriert sich selbst:

The Register: State-by-state is the best approach for right to repair, says advocacy leader

Datenleck: Android-TV kann E-Mails und Dateien von Nutzern offenlegen heise online

Dear crowd.
As far as I can see, there is no way to 'just' share a calendar to the wide public while using as server, right
Really all I want is a way to send a URL to folks and they can subscribe to the calendar in whatever calendar app they use, no need for authentication, and read-only. I don't see how to do that in

Lol, meine liebe Genossenschaft will ein Internetkabel zur Mieterin ber mir auf meinen Putz legen.

Das ist ein Problem. So etwas darf meiner Meinung nach rechtmig gar nicht stattfinden. Ich kann mit einem offenen Kabel an meiner Wand quasi alles machen. Verkehr aufzeichnen, z.B.

Wenn die Bits durch meine Wohnung laufen, sind es dann meine Habe ich ein Recht auf Wegezoll

It is my lifelong habit to write, edit, rewrite, edit, final write, final edit, before I publish my writings. This habit is a virtue in . But I'm told that it is a vice in modern .

State-by-state is the best approach for right to repair, says advocacy leader

Gay Gordon-Byrne of the Repair Association says US at least is nearing a tipping point Interview  There's a lot of momentum behind the right-to-repair movement, and if anyone should know, it'd be Gay Gordon-Byrne, executive director of the Repair Association and longtime repairability advocate.

Flowmon, il software di monitoraggio di rete afflitto da una vulnerabilit critica

La falla di , identificata come CVE-2024-2389, permette agli di eseguire di arbitrari sulle macchine che ospitano il .

Hacker News: Ukraine Targeted in Cyberattack Exploiting 7-Year-Old Microsoft Office Flaw

The Register: The hyper-clouds are open source's friends

Come Hackerare una Cassaforte Elettronica con Flipper Zero

Pavel Zhovner, un di , ha dimostrato un modo per alcune prodotte da SentrySafe utilizzando un dispositivo e sfruttando una nel protocollo di controllo del controller.

New 'Brokewell' Android Malware spread through fake Browser Updates.

Fake browser updates are being used to push a previously undocumented Android malware called Brokewell. The malware is said to be in active development, adding new commands to capture touch events, textual information displayed on screen and the applications a victim launches.

Back to the roots: Beginnt bald das Ende einer IT-Welt Im Sinne der wre das zu begren - und vielleicht auch in dem Sinne, dass ein und kein ist:

"ber Jahrzehnte produzierten Apple und andere Techkonzerne glatte, verschlossene Gerte, an denen keine Schraube zu sehen war. Das EU-Gesetz zum Recht auf Reparatur knnte nun auch eine Design-ra beenden."

The Register: Raspberry Pi adds more memory to the Compute Module 4S

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