
Hacker News: LinkedIn Halts AI Data

Hacker News: LinkedIn Halts AI Data Processing in UK Amid Privacy Concerns Raised by ICO

The Register: Theres no way Qualcomm is buying Intel as is

Een massale operatie van infostealer-malware, die dertig campagnes omvat en zich richt op een breed scala aan demografische groepen en systeemplatforms, is aan het licht gekomen en wordt toegeschrev...

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Hacker News: Hacktivist Group Twelve Targets Russian Entities with Destructive Cyber Attacks

The Register: Heart of glass: Human genome stored for 'eternity' in 5D memory crystal


forget silicon valley's startup circus and the corpo ladder - let's talk real innovation.

it's time we admit the obvious: the and space should be a system

imagine checking someone's tech cred by their training lineage, not some garbage cert from a weekend bootcamp. "oh, you studied under the postgresql guru who optimized etsy's backend now we're talking."

imagine a world where breaking into tech doesn't mean drowning in student debt or praying your bootcamp wasn't a scam. with guilds, you'd have clear-cut paths into any specialty. want to be a cloud architect great, start as an apprentice, learn from actual experts, and climb the ranks based on skill, not office politics. no more guessing which cert will land you a job or whether that online course is worth the pixels it's displayed on. guilds would offer structured advancement, hands-on experience, and a built-in network. so much better then sending resumes into the void and hoping some algorithm thinks you're worthy of an interview. also, there's an amazing path for the less-privileged among us to get into the field.

side benefits how about actual mentorship instead of sink-or-swim onboarding. picture seasoned pros passing down processes you can't google. wild concept, right

and let's not forget switching your specialization or trying to find a specialist. need a network whisperer who can make packets dance or want to be one there's a subgroup for that. want a security maven who eats zero-days for breakfast or want to be one different subgroup, equally badass.

but no, we're stuck with HR-drone hiring based on keyword bingo and managers who couldn't code their way out of a for loop. because that's "efficient" or whatever.

here's the real shit: IT'S A UNION. guilds would force companies to value expertise. no more treating junior devs like replaceable cogs. you want top-tier talent better cough up for guild-certified masters.

of course, this'll never happen. can't have workers with actual leverage, can we might hurt those precious profit margins. heaven forbid we prioritize craft, purpose, and talent development over quarterly reports.

so enjoy your revolving door of burnt-out juniors and "full-stack" jacks-of-all-trades, masters of none. i'll be over here dreaming of a world where it isn't a race to the bottom full of checkboxers and paper-talent.

guild system or bust. but what do i know i'm just someone who's tired of watching potential get squandered by short-sighted bean counters.

How Far is it?

Heart of glass: Human genome stored for 'eternity' in 5D memory crystal

Just in case some aliens, say, come along in a billion years and feel like cloning us from extinction Whether or not some future entity will want to bring humanity back after its eventual extinction is now a theoretical if improbable option, thanks to boffins at the University of Southampton in the UK.

Hacker News: Ukraine Bans Telegram Use for Government and Military Personnel

The Register: The mystery of the rogue HP calculator: 12C or not 12C That is the question

Discord rolls out end-to-end Encryption for Audio and Video calls.

Discord has introduced the DAVE protocol, a custom end-to-end encryption (E2EE) protocol designed to protect audio and video calls on the platform from unauthorized interceptions.

The Register: NIST: New smoke alarms are better at detecting fires, but still go off for bacon

Somebody posted how to completely disable that new crap in recently. I can't find that toot anymore. Help

NIST: New smoke alarms are better at detecting fires, but still go off for bacon

Just like almost everyone else, they still love the smell of fried artery-cloggers Fryers of bacon who hope enhanced technology will stop alarms going off over the slightest whiff of smoking oil will have to wait a while longer.

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: "... ... "

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The Register: On Calls Greatest Hits, as voted for by you, the readers



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The mystery of the rogue HP calculator: 12C or not 12C That is the question

Brazilian model flummoxes calc fans For most of us, a calculator might have been superseded by Excel or an app on a phone, yet there remains a die-hard contingent with a passion for the push-button marvels. So the shocking discovery of an apparently rogue HP-12C has sent tremors through the calculator aficionado


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Have the at complied with , yet

: "LotRO has been marked as 'screensaver' due to inactivity."

's also ...

The Register: ERP modernization Admins have heard of it

has deprecated in 2025 onwards. There will be no new features, but they say they will maintain the functionality.

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Microsoft a dprci WSUS partir de Windows Server 2024. Il ny aura pas de nouvelles fonctionnalits, mais ils disent quil vont prserver la fonctionnalit de loutil.

// Article seulement en anglais //

Sorry, theres no way Qualcomm is buying Intel as is

Is this from the same gossips who were wrong about Altera and Mobileye or the DoJ subpoenaing Nvidia Comment  Qualcomm may be after more than Intel's PC design business as it has supposedly approached the x86 giant about a possible takeover.

Houd uw technologie op de hoogte met de nieuwste trends trends ontwikkelingen gadgets -industrie wereld

The Register: CISA boss: Makers of insecure software are the real cyber villains

Prusa could become one of the biggest companies in the entire world if they could design a 2D printer as easy to work on as the Mk4. I say this while currently bleeding from 5 knuckles after changing the fuser in an HP 479 laser printer.

Microsoft heeft officieel aangekondigd dat Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) nu verouderd is, maar plant om de huidige functionaliteit te behouden en updates via het kanaal te blijven publiceren...

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The Register: Kelsey Hightower: If governments rely on FOSS, they should fund it

Microsoft cash to help reignite Three Mile Island atomic plant

We'll have some fission chips, please The idle Three Mile Island Unit 1 nuclear power plant may soon be coming back online in Pennsylvania, thanks to a 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) between Microsoft and Constellation Energy, which owns the shuttered facility.



Summer of 1989, a group of bullied kids band together to destroy a shape-shifting monster, which disguises itself as a clown and preys on the children of Derry, their small Maine town.

Microsoft kondigde vandaag aan dat Hotpatching nu beschikbaar is in openbare preview voor Windows Server 2025, waardoor beveiligingsupdates kunnen worden genstalleerd zonder opnieuw op te starten....

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# #IT # #

The Register: Torvalds weighs in on 'nasty' Rust vs C for Linux debate

Random Old Comic: Sewer Clown Sewer Clown

The Walt Disney Company schijnt afstand te doen van Slack na een datalek in juli waarbij meer dan 1TB aan vertrouwelijke berichten en bestanden die op de interne communicatiekanalen van het bedrijf ...

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Doing some work on your day off.

IT never sleeps.

Alles over dark reading: uw gids in de wereld van cybersecurity Reading Tech beveiliging -professionals

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: "... ... "

... And,

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Colorbond Your House