
Hacker News: Iranian Hackers Launches Destructive

Hacker News: Iranian Hackers Launches Destructive Cyberattacks on Israeli Tech and Education Sectors

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The Register: From Apollo to Space Shuttle, Thomas K Mattingly's stellar journey ends at 87

Space War: Israele il primo paese al mondo ad aver abbattuto un missile dallo spazio

From Apollo to Space Shuttle, Thomas K Mattingly's stellar journey ends at 87

Dodged Apollo 13 disaster because of rubella, but helped to rescue the crew Obit  Thomas K Mattingly II, command module pilot of Apollo 16 and commander of two Space Shuttle missions, has died aged 87.


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:spinningpinwheel::wolfparty::spinningpinwheel: :fediverse::loading::loading::fediverse:

Home of the world's longest pleasure pier joins public sector leak club

Southend-on-Sea Council unwittingly exposed sensitive records of more than 2,000 staff for five months Southend-on-Sea City Council has reported a data breach, joining a growing list of UK public sector organizations to have accidentally and illegally exposed sensitive files this year.

Nuovo account, nuova per

Ciao a tutti, sono Alex e ho 38 anni. Il mio pronome lui / egli e sono cisgender. Sono .

Lavoro nel settore ma cercher di non annoiarvi su questo tema sono un grande appassionato di e mi sto approcciando al in questo ultimo periodo.

Sono un Twitter-profugo da diverso tempo ma su Mastodon sono conosciuto con un account dedicato al canale che gestisco.

Piacere di conoscervi!

For this edition of the newsletter I have asked Felipe Huici from Unikraft to write a blog about the emerging space of optimizing cloud deployment with unikernels, which is an interesting area to explore when improving sustainability, cost and performance of cloud applications.

Thanks to Felipe for this great contribution!

Gli hacker palestinesi Soldiers of Solomon colpiscono il pi grande impianto di produzione di farina Israeliano Danni Gravi Rivelati

of , un gruppo di che sostiene la causa , ha riferito di aver violato con successo Ltd, il pi grande impianto di produzione di israeliano nella baia di Haifa.

UK throws millions at scheme to heat homes with waste energy from datacenters

A load of hot air The UK government is stumping up 36 million ($41.4 million) to help support a green energy project that aims to use waste heat from a datacenter to keep nearby homes warm.

Hacker News: Google Warns How Hackers Could Abuse Calendar Service as a Covert C2 Channel

The Register: YouTube cares less for your privacy than its revenues

Updated Post: Where do I start with Accessibility Updated 5 Nov 23

's been like a of except that has been left the ...




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YouTube cares less for your privacy than its revenues

Ad blockers are firewalls for our sanity turning them off is madness Opinion  YouTube wants its pound of flesh. Disable your ad blocker or pay for Premium, warns a new message being shown to an unsuspecting test audience, with the barely hidden subtext of "you freeloading scum." Trouble is, its ad blocker detecting mechanism d

Whenever you try to speak to your Internet Service Provider about why your internet is broken

HackerHood segnala una URL Open Redirect ad American Express nella pagina di chiusura della sessione

Una anonima pervenuta sul whistleblower di Red Hot Cyber ci informa che stata rilevata una falla critica di sicurezza allinterno del sito della American Express.

Hacker News: U.S. Treasury Sanctions Russian Money Launderer in Cybercrime Crackdown

The Register: Shock horror and there goes the network neighborhood

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And, 's ...

When are we getting ...

Is it , yet...

Rick Mahorn slapped IT upside the head during Suns-Pistons -Pistons

Shock horror and there goes the network neighborhood

Curious tech learned an important lesson about keeping a grip in tight situations Who, me  Oh for heavens' sakes is it Monday already Far out. Well, if you're here anyway, you may as well read another instalment of Who, Me The Register's weekly attempt to look on the bright side of the working week by revelling in the misfortune of others.

Elon Musk: sospendere laddestramento delle AI, ma poi fonda xAI. "Sar meglio di ChatGPT"

Elon Musk, mentre riporta allattenzione dei rischi legati all , persenta la sua nuova .

Dati di LinkedIn Plus 2023 online: Rivelazioni Shock su Breach Forums

Si parla da tempo si e non la prima volta che incappa in questo genere di problemi. Lautore di questa (se cos possiamo chiamarla) ha reso noti i dettagli su , un frequentato dai .

Attacco informatico Consorzio di Bonifica dellEmilia Centrale rivendicato da LockBit. Tra 7 giorni la pubblicazione dei dati

Alibaba takes more of Salesforce behind the great firewall

PLUS: China's taikonauts return from space, India approves PC licenses, and Foxconn founder presidential campaign investigated for bribes Alibaba announced on Friday it would make Salesforce cloud products and platform available on its Cloud Platfrom beginning December 18, 2023.

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tldr: pros, how worried should I be about retaining VPS service from a company physically located in Texas


So I'm shopping for a managed VPS service, and I'm running into a weird problem.

It turns out oh, right, I'd forgotten that there are an awful lot of hosting companies operating out of Texas.

Even if I felt okay, politically, which I don't entirely, about giving my business to a company in Texas, I'm thinking maybe it's not bright to entrust my uptime to a company in that part of the United States famous for having the least stable electric grid in the nation

Now, for a bunch of these companies I can mitigate the risk by requesting my service be served out of some other location. So I'm wondering how much of a problem is this How worried should I be

Did any of the catastrophic power outages affect the operations of hosting companies in TX

The Register: Beijing signals it may let Micron out of the penalty box in the Middle Kingdom

Beijing signals it may let Micron out of the penalty box in the Middle Kingdom

Commerce minister would love if US chipmaker took root in Chinese market Micron's fortunes in China appear to be on the mend after the Middle Kingdom's commerce minister invited the US chipmaker to expand its investments in the region.

The Register: Advancing the AI and Deep Learning opportunity

The Register: Developing AI models or giant GPU clusters Uncle Sam would like a word

Je recherche des retours d'exprience de personnes ayant remplac Slack par Mattermost et/ou Jira par OpenProject. Peut-on parler de vritables alternatives Ou avez-vous d'autres applications conseiller


I am looking for feedback from individuals who have replaced Slack with Mattermost and/or Jira with OpenProject. Can we consider them as true alternatives Or do you have any other apps to recommend

Lincredibile Storia dietro la Violazione di Okta. Dipendente negligente o mancata sicurezza

Il fornitore di gestione dell e dell venerd ha pubblicato un rapporto su una recente violazione che ha concesso agli criminali laccesso amministrativo agli account Okta di alcuni dei suoi clienti.

Problems Making a Will how to make sure your will is legal