
Google kondigde aan dat vanaf vandaag

Google kondigde aan dat vanaf vandaag passkeys die aan de Google Password Manager zijn toegevoegd, automatisch worden gesynchroniseerd tussen Windows-, macOS-, Linux-, Android- en ChromeOS-apparaten...

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Starlink's new satellites emit 30x more radio interference than before, drowning cosmic signals

V2 sats beam 10M times brighter noise, hampering telescopes The second generation of Starlink satellites being lobbed into orbit by SpaceX might not reflect as much sunlight as the old ones, yet astronomers say they're leaking up to 32 times the unintended radio waves inste

Hacker News: Hackers Exploit Default Credentials in FOUNDATION Software to Breach Construction Firms

The Register: 1 in 10 orgs dumping their security vendors after CrowdStrike outage

1 in 10 orgs dumping their security vendors after CrowdStrike outage

Many left reeling from July's IT meltdown, but not to worry, it was all unavoidable Germany's Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) says one in ten organizations in the country affected by CrowdStrike's outage in July are dropping their current vendor's products.

Torvalds weighs in on 'nasty' Rust vs C for Linux debate

This is like vi vs Emacs with 'religious overtones, project chief laughs Linux is 33 years old. Its creator, Linus Torvalds, still enjoys an argument or two but is baffled why the debate over Rust has attracted so much heat.

Hacker News: New Brazilian-Linked SambaSpy Malware Targets Italian Users via Phishing Emails

The Register: IBM quietly axing thousands of jobs, source says


vergrert seine Abhngigkeit zu .

Obwohl der - sich gegen den Einsatz der - in der ffentlichen Verwaltung entschieden hat, hlt die an der -Lsung der -Tochter fest. Die -Regierung vergrert die Abhngigkeit zu Microsoft damit zustzlich. ...

Habe eine Frage an alle die in der , spezieller , arbeiten.

Wie mache ich die fr die HR Verantwortliche Person ausfindig Wie stelle ich am besten Kontakt her Meine bisherigen Kontaktaufnahmen waren eher erfolglos. Nur eine Antwort die etwas positiver ist.

Es geht um eine Absichtserklrung. Der Fall ist etwas spezieller. Es ist Keine klassische Absichtserklrung wie man sie nach einem Praktikum bekommen wrde.


Thousands of orgs at risk of knowledge base data leaks via ServiceNow misconfigurations

Better check your widgets, people Security researchers say that thousands of companies are potentially leaking secrets from their internal knowledge base (KB) articles via ServiceNow misconfigurations.

I see it exactly the same way and that their marketing is a sale of the manufacturer's belief.

The AI expert who says artificial general intelligence is nonsense:
Artificial intelligence has more in common with ants than humans, says Neil Lawrence. Only by taking a more nuanced view of intelligence can we see how machines will truly transform society.

Hacker News: Healthcare's Diagnosis is Critical: The Cure is Cybersecurity Hygiene

The Register: FBI boss says China 'burned down' 260,000-device botnet when confronted by Feds

ERP modernization Admins have heard of it

Back-end systems fail to get the love given to SaaSy customer-facing counterparts Over the last 20 years, ERP is the category of enterprise software deemed slowest to modernize because of priority given to sexier front office applications and senior decision-makers' aversion to risk.

The Twelve-Factor App

In the modern era, software is commonly delivered as a service: called web apps, or software-as-a-service. The twelve-factor app is a methodology for building software-as-a-service apps that.

This is a beautiful example of what happens when bad proxy metrics are used. Uptime is bad. Load average is bad. Page load times are better. Simulated browser running remotely is better.

Dutch watchdog wants more powers after EU drops Microsoft Inflection probe

Concerns over the elimination of a future competitor through acquihiring The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has declared it needs fresh powers after the European Commission elected not to investigate Microsoft's acquihire of AI startup Inflection.

UK activists targeted with Pegasus spyware ask police to charge NSO Group

4 file complaint with London's Met, alleging malware maker helped autocratic states violate their privacy Four UK-based proponents of human rights and critics of Middle Eastern states today filed a report with London's Metropolitan Police they hope will lead to charges against Pegasus peddler NSO Group.

Kwetsbaarheden in SAP-producten Verholpen
Het Nationaal Cyber Security Centrum (NCSC) heeft bekendgemaakt dat verschillende kwetsbaarheden in SAP-producten zijn verholpen. Deze aankondiging omvat deta...

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I have qualifications in #IoT but what other qualifications I could get that would benefit me in the long run I mean small courses that I can take at least online #AskFedi #IT #btwIamBrazilian #Brasil

Een slimme dreigingscampagne misbruikt GitHub-repositories om malware te verspreiden die gericht is op gebruikers die regelmatig een open source-projectrepository bezoeken of zich hebben geabonneerd...

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... ... ... ... With and ...

's been in , ... is , in ...

's a to that the of continues to . are the from , which from having to of 's...

... ...

:wolfparty: :fediverse::PirateBadge::PirateBadge::fediverse:

New Laser Network could make Space-to-Earth Contact 1,000X faster.

Optical ground stations in a strategically placed network have successfully received laser signals from a German satellite, researchers say, paving the way to increase the capacity of space-to-Earth communications by a staggering 1,000 times.

Hacker News: Microsoft Warns of New INC Ransomware Targeting U.S. Healthcare Sector

Completely on-brand behavior from me yesterday: diagnose a problem correctly in the morning, then spend a few hours going way too deep into the exact mechanics of *why* something fails under FIPS enforcement when the answer is back up and see if the overarching software even supports that environment.
It does not. There are paid forks, but we're not going to switch to one of those in the next week.

The Register: Kelsey Hightower: If governments rely on FOSS, they should fund it

We are excited to move forward with our system and to open up new fields in ! In an interview with World of Quantum, LRZ director Dieter Kranzlmller explains what the system is about and why we integrate processors into conventional .

Kelsey Hightower: If governments rely on FOSS, they should fund it

Kubernetes doyen talks to The Reg about keeping coders coding Interview  Acclaimed engineer Kelsey Hightower, who stopped coding for money in 2023, remains an influential figure in the world of software, and he's proposing something that might stir up the open source community.

GNOME 47 "Denver"

GNOME GNOME 47 "Denver"....

With billions in UK govt IT contracts about to expire, get the next vendors to act right

Poor performers get renewals, new small outfits discouraged from bidding, say researchers UK government IT contracts worth 23.4 billion are due to end during the current five-year Parliament, according to researchers who warn that poor performing suppliers are hardly ever excluded from bidding

Kraftw3rk Updates!

Nach langem Kampf haben wir nun endlich einen weiteren Meilenstein hinter uns:

Der eingereichte wurde akzeptiert und die Finanzierung bis auf Weiteres gesichert.

Gerade arbeiten wir an einem von , Ladezeit im Moment 30ms! In Zukunft noch puristischer und mit neuem Theme!

tut weiterhin erfolgreich seinen Dienst. Nur die Plugin-Programmierung erweist sich als schwierig.

The Register: Despite Russia warnings, Western critical infrastructure remains unprepared

SiFive shifts from RISC-V cores for AI chips to designing its own full-fat accelerator

Seems someone's looking for an Arm wrestle SiFive, having designed RISC-V CPU cores for various AI chips, is now offering to license the blueprints for its own homegrown full-blown machine-learning accelerator.

"Kollege N mchte noch Daten ber F in der Datenbank Y haben."
"Was ist die primre Quelle dieser Daten"
"Datenbank X."
"Und wie soll die bertragung der Daten von Datenbank X nach Datenbank Y erfolgen"

Ja, wenn wir nur wssten, wo all unsere massiven Datenqualittsprobleme herkommen. Es ist ein Rtsel.

Broadcom CEO predicts hyperscalers poised to build million-accelerator clusters

Hock Tan reckons the silicon sales cycle is about to swing up, sharply, too Broadcom CEO Hock Tan has predicted his hyperscale semiconductor customers will continue building AI clusters for another three to five years, with each generation of machines to double in size.

Tor insists its network is safe after German cops convict CSAM dark-web admin

Outdated software blamed for cracks in the armor The Tor project has insisted its privacy-preserving powers remain potent, countering German reports that user anonymity on its network can be and has been compromised by police.

NTT Data, IBM, team on mainframe cloud for banks

SimpliZCloud is only for India right now, based on big Blue's LinuxONE The mainframe has found another role, thanks to Japan's IT services giant NTT Data which has decided to build a hybrid cloud service based on the IBM LinuxONE platform.

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