
Garner predicts that by 2025, 95%

Garner predicts that by 2025, 95% of new digital workloads will be deployed on native platforms. So, how do you keep your cloud safe Watch this 90-second video to learn how a cloud configuration assessment can help you identify & close gaps before hackers find them!

Anyway this thread is my roundabout way of saying I dont want to use big social media companies to announce when I'm at art fairs, conventions and galleries.

I am using a wordpress template website for my artist website. (My html/css skills are 15 years out of date.) It allows me to make EITHER a web site OR a blog.
I want one page to have a blogger like blog that is PART of my website.

Anyone know how to do that I've searched SO long.

Find out how far it is between any two cities.

Microsoft, Meta detail plans to fight election disinformation in 2024

Strategies differ, though both have gaps that could hurt efficacy Microsoft and Meta have very different initiatives to combat misinformation in 2024, slated to be a busy election year all over the globe, but whether they'll be effective is another issue.

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Hacker News: Beware, Developers: BlazeStealer Malware Discovered in Python Packages on PyPI

The Register: 1 in 5 VMware customers plan to jump off its stack next year

Digital democracy or IT anarchy Gartner flags the low-code revolution

Without strong governance, incoming tools will wreak havoc for CIOs Gartner has raised the specter of departments outside of tech running their own IT functions under the guise of low-code and digital democratization.

Full-time BIND 9 Software Engineer at Internet System Consortium

With a goal of accelerating IT automation, announces Ansible Lightspeed with watsonx Code Assistant

Oracle off the hook for fraud but judge allows breach of contract claim to continue

Building material supplier left without functional ERP can amend claim Oracle has won a temporary reprieve in its defense of a lawsuit alleging the company conducted a "widespread fraudulent scheme and unfair business practice" in sales of NetSuite software, with all claims dismissed against Big Red e

Having trouble with the Support team at a vendor If you've run out of nice options, complain to your Sales person. Support may not have a direct stake in retaining your business but Sales sure as hell does.

(also it's best to have a boss do this, that's why we exist, to wander in and be assholes when necessary)

The Business Analyst evolved into the Digital Product Manager

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also has its own ...

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation leaps aboard the AI bandwagon

Nice tech, but poke underneath and you'll find Kubernetes KubeCon  Kubernetes is having its Linux moment, Cloud Native Computing Foundation's Priyanka Sharma told KubeCon in Chicago yesterday. Her proclamation was rapidly followed by every IT presenter's nightmare a demo problem live on stage.

'Major outage' hits ChatGPT, OpenAI APIs and Claude, too

Incident apparently resolved, but capacity issues still popping up ChatGPT's hundreds of millions of users were left without their digital discussion companion this morning, as owner OpenAI reported a major outage across the platform and its APIs.

Hacker News: Researchers Uncover Undetectable Crypto Mining Technique on Azure Automation

Linux nel mirino dalla cybergang Kinsing. Il bug Looney Tunables colpisce il Cloud

Gli operatori di stanno attaccando gli ambienti con vulnerabili allultimo di Linux Looney . Come promemoria, questa viene tracciata come CVE-2023-4911 e consente a un utente locale di ottenere di sul .

The Register: 4,000 days of Curiosity: Rover still 'strong' despite worn joints, vision issues

Sales bonanza at ASML as China stockpiles chipmaking kit

Dutch exports skyrocket thanks to Washington restrictions China is hurrying to buy as much chipmaking equipment as it can before further export restrictions shut off supply, boosting the country's imports from the Netherlands, home to photolithography maker ASML.

#ok #but #it #is #kinda #funny

Microsoft elimina 3 servizi obsoleti da Windows nel nome della sicurezza informatica

Questo mese, ha deciso di abbandonare tre funzionalit e servizi , incluso in e . Anche il protocollo Remote e il servizio Computer Browser sono stati inseriti nella lista nera.

Fabian Mehring von den Freien Whler wird Digitalminister in Bayern als Nachfolger von Judith Gerlach, die Gesundheitsministerin wird.
Er betreibe ein IT-Systemhaus und sehe die allgegenwrtigen Lcken, etwa in der Netzabdeckung.
Ich bin gespannt

Wanted: Driver for rocket-powered Bloodhound Land Speed Record car

Ability to attract sponsorship a bonus as vehicle set to emerge from ashes, attempt to blast past 763mph Drivers keen on taking the world's fastest car for a spin - or rather, for a straight-line dash - are being sought amid emerging plans to revive the UK's Bloodhound Land Speed Record car.

Sektor und

bei zehn Millionen Kunden: Halb derzeit ohne und

" bleiben stumm, und fallen aus: Beim zweitgrten Telekomanbieter Australiens gibt es eine landesweite Strung. Die zustndige Ministerin ist genervt, der Konzern ratlos."

Ubisoft Montreal 100 -

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LIA ci tratter come animali. Ilya Sutskever, cofondatore di OpenAI ci spiega il motivo

In un nuovo documentario pubblicato da The Guardian, Ilya , co-fondatore e capo scienziato di , ha espresso alcune sue relative alla IA.
Ha riportato che la che la sua sta sviluppando cambier il mondo, ma non sempre a favore dell.

were were ... even over ...

seems to be a of , mainly... I've in ...

:fediverse::fediverse: :loading::loading:

Hacker News: WhatsApp Introduces New Privacy Feature to Protect IP Address in Calls

The Register: Bing Chat so hungry for GPUs, Microsoft will rent them from Oracle

Atlassian cranks up the threat meter to max for Confluence authorization flaw

Attackers secure admin rights after vendor said they could only steal data Atlassian reassessed the severity rating of the recent improper authorization vulnerability in Confluence Data Center and Server, raising the CVSS score from 9.1 to a maximum of 10.

Nach Jahren Wartezeit: Bald Trailer zu neuem GTA

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Agile, SCRUM, waterfall .
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SCRUM. . 30 . , . 1000- Kubernetes.
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1 in 5 VMware customers plan to jump off its stack next year

Forrester predicts the loss of custom for Virtzilla following Broadcom takeover Forrester reckons that up to 20 percent of VMware enterprise customers will set in train plans to escape its extensive virtualization stack in the coming year.

attacks against is despicable, but we cannot forget that hospitals and many more public services have long standing history of complete disregard if . Entrusted with confidential records, they should also be held accountable for dereliction of their duty to protect patients.

Veeam has released fixes for all four vulnerabilities in the following versions of Veeam ONE.

European Space Agency grits teeth, preps contracts for SpaceX Galileo launch

Secret tech will have to be shipped to the US for launch thanks to delays The European Space Agency (ESA) is looking to SpaceX for its next set of Galileo satellites.

Die Lage ist nicht flchendeckend so gruselig analog, wie in dem Artikel geschildert. Es gibt schon einige erfolgreiche Digitalisierungsschritte + viele Verantwortliche sehen die Dringlichkeit fr mehr.

Was leider stimmt: den Behrden fehlen oft die , um gute -Expert*innen zahlen zu knnen. Hier brauchen wir mehr Flexibilitt!

This Means That Citizen Child