fucking AMAZING see how far

fucking AMAZING see how far

mr_gause Your front yard
It is fucking AMAZING to see how far this man has come.

mellochiii New York City, NY
@RoadTripTV It's okay Brooklyn if you need a break take it but your father is very proud of you and how far you've come 💕

Jack_NoSpin Antarctica
@whoopsbuni @Fe4Reelss @IsmaelS1998 @EEAA66679607 @J5_Project @sandrapadjan @captscorch @badibulgator @edgararruda…

WFLAPaulM Tampa Bay, FL
@WFLAAvery @alroker And how many storms that we had that have involve your birthday? Three so far or is it 4?

JessicaGarnet United Kingdom
@garnetttlivvyyy I've just did my play through of ep1 I tell you how amazing it is after seeing BTS, makes u apprec…

johncri26122582 Ohio, USA
@longislanddon @DarthEnriquez @steph93065 @CarmineZozzora @ChristieC733 @carrieksada @SpecialKMB1969 @DrMartyFox…

voretaq7 New York, NY
(I'm literally monitoring progress by "ps auxww" and guessing how far along it is based on what the last command running is)

BikeMorja (she/her)
@Catt_Mohen Ohh okay. Which street are you in btw? I wanna know how far it is away lol

Ravensthorpe0 York
What is peoples right to not be abused? How far does it go?

Kai__Lum Somewhere in America
Who's playing Destiny 2? How is it so far?

DoctorWhooty Wherever the curves take me.
It really is inspiring to me just how far truly dedicated educators will go to satisfy the needs of their students.…

@chief_oso How hard is it to get a piece of paper saying I minored in Spanish? I don't understand 😂 it sucks bc we'…

Portrait of my Dog