
Frontier Communications: 750k people's data stolen

Frontier Communications: 750k people's data stolen in April attack on systems

Company says just names and SSNs affected, watering down RansomHubs claims Frontier Communications has confirmed more than 750,000 individuals were affected in an April cyberattack on its systems, according to a regulatory filing.

Hacker News: Ultimate Cyber Hygiene Guide: Learn How to Simplify Your Security Efforts

" wird am 1. April mit einem festlichen Empfang aus ihrem Amt als langjhrige Oberbrgermeisterin der Stadt verabschiedet"

Der beauftragte die mit der Beurteilung von & , Ergebnis : letzter

The Register: Samsung union stages its first ever strike very politely

Raspberry Pi IPO is oversubscribed multiple times

And you thought the Raspberry Pi 5 was getting expensive... The Raspberry Pi IPO could see the company given a market capitalization of 540 million ($686 million) amid speculation that shares may be priced around 2.80 ($3.56).

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Pentest allo stato puro ! Kali Linux 2024.2 ora online!

ha annunciato il rilascio di 2024.2 , lultima iterazione della popolare distribuzione basata su Debian per lhacking etico e il pentest. Il rilascio di Kali Linux 2024.2 arriva pi di tre mesi dopo il rilascio di Kali Linux 2024.1 e completa la transizione a t64.

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Some investors bet against Nvidia, expecting AI bubble to burst

Short bread's plenty appetizing as dough hungry traders and analysts voice scepticism on endless growth Nvidia is currently riding high on the back of the generative AI wave, yet some believe the GPU champ will have a limited time in the sunlit uplands and are betting that its share price will soon fall.

Exploit 0day-0click full-chain per Google Android in vendita nelle underground al costo di 5 Milioni di dollari

Nella giornata di ieri, allinterno del dei canali di , stato messo in vendita da un Threat Actors uno 0click per per la cifra di 5 milioni di dollari.

Hacker News: SPECTR Malware Targets Ukraine Defense Forces in SickSync Campaign

Find out how far it is between any two cities.

The Register: OpenAI to buy electricity from CEO Sam Altman's nuclear fusion side hustle

Cisco fixes WebEx flaw that allowed government, military meetings to be spied on

Researchers were able to glean data from 10,000 meetings held by top Dutch gov officials Cisco squashed some bugs this week that allowed anyone to view WebEx meeting information and join them, potentially opening up security and privacy concerns for highly sensitive meets.

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Microsoft updates accessibility feature Voice Access to auto-restart

How do you say something's crash-prone without saying it's crash-prone ... Microsoft is adding the ability for Voice Access to automatically pick itself up should the service fall over.

Hacker News: The AI Debate: Google's Guidelines, Meta's GDPR Dispute, Microsoft's Recall Backlash

So ist es: Wir brauchen unbedingt eine der nationalen - und mssen endlich Herr ber das digitale werden. zieht nach nun erste :

"Olpe: Warum Kommunen ihre Software-Vielfalt aufgeben mssen"

"Nach Hacker-Angriff auf Sdwestfalen-IT: Geschftsfhrung berichtet vor dem Olper Kreisausschuss. Kommunen mssen sich auf Neuerungen einstellen."

More than a Joule required to power up enthusiasm for SAP's AI strategy

Customers remain cautious about adoption, while analysts warn of unforeseen costs SAP marked its annual shindig in Orlando this week by pulling the sheets off of AI features for its popular enterprise application platform, but failed to impress analysts attending.

Tesla chair begs investors to bless Musk's billions or face an Elon exodus

He needs that compensation because he's easily dist- oo a piece of candy! With a week to go until Tesla's Annual Stockholders' Meeting, board chair Robyn Denholm has written to investors to make sure they ratify CEO Elon Musk's monster pay package apparently out of fear he could walk.

UK CMA early findings indicate Microsoft restricts cloud choice

Pricing, licensing, ease of switching and more under the microscope The UKs competition watchdog says that Microsoft has a significant degree of market power in key software products, and that its licensing practices may therefore influence customer choice of cloud providers.

Comment rinitialiser le mot de passe Admin du BIOS ou UEFI avec un mastercode J'ai oubli le mot de passe admin du BIOS ou UEFI de mon PC, que faire Voici comment rinitialiser le mot de passe administrateur l'aide d'un mastercode.
The post Comment rinitialiser le mot de passe Admin du BIOS ou UEFI avec un mastercode first appeared on IT-Connect.

Beveiligingsadvies NCSC-2024-0242 1.00 M/M Kwetsbaarheden verholpen in RoundCube Webmail

RoundCube heeft kwetsbaarheden verholpen in RoundCube Webmail. Een kwaadwillende kan de kwetsbaarheden misbruiken om een Cross-Site-Scripting-aanval uit te voeren. Een dergelijke aanval kan leide...

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A tale of two missions: Starliner and Starship both achieve milestones

It was the best of times for space fans SpaceX and Boeing both had reasons to celebrate last night: Starship had a successful fourth flight test and Starliner docked with the International Space Station (ISS).

Hacker News: Cyber Landscape is Evolving - So Should Your SCA

The Register: Brit tech tycoon Mike Lynch cleared of all charges in US Autonomy fraud trial

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Russian hacktivists vow mass attacks against EU elections

But do they get to wear 'I DDoSed' stickers A Russian hacktivist crew has threatened to attack European internet infrastructure as four days of EU elections begin on Thursday.

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Il ransomware arriva su GitHub. Chiesto il riscatto per riaccendere ai repository

Real-time and Core editions of Ubuntu arrive

And it's time to upgrade any Mantic Minotaurs you have lying around Canonical has followed up the latest LTS release of Ubuntu with real-time and IoT editions, while ushering the last interim release into retirement.

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Hacker News: FBI Distributes 7,000 LockBit Ransomware Decryption Keys to Help Victims

The Register: Meta faces multiple complaints in Europe over plans to train AI on user data

LockBit 3.0. La Cyber Gang Ransomware pi Longeva e Dura da far Morire

Ihr braucht fr die Urlaubszeit dringend ein fr eure -Administration Dank verschiedener SLA-Vertrge sind unsere erfahrenen Consultants nur einen Anruf entfernt und bieten bei Bedarf 24/7 Linux-Support das heit Absicherung und Entlastung fr die in eurem Unternehmen.

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Weitere Infos:

HP CEO: Printed pages are down 20% since pandemic

And customers are sweating their hardware assets for longer Fewer and fewer pages are being printed at home and in the office, posing something of a challenge for HP and its rivals.

Gameloft : -

Beveiligingsadvies NCSC-2024-0241 1.00 M/H Kwetsbaarheden verholpen in FortiNet FortiWebManager

FortiNet heeft kwetsbaarheden verholpen in FortiWebManager. Een kwaadwillende kan de kwetsbaarheden misbruiken om een beveiligingsmaatregel te omzeilen en mogelijk handelingen uit te voeren waart...

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I didn't touch a thing just some cables and a monitor and my computer broke

Lies, damned lies, and lies told by end-users who do their own tech support On Call  With another working week almost done, The Register once again offers a fresh instalment of On Call, our reader-contributed tale of tech support trials and tribulations.

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