
Feds hit coding boot camp with

Feds hit coding boot camp with big fine for allegedly conning students

Do not pass go, do not collect $200, says government agency The US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has slapped coding boot camp BloomTech with several punishments for alleged deceptive business practices.

TSMC , , , -

Microsoft aims to triple datacenter capacity to fuel AI boom

And it's far from the only hyperscaler getting in on the act Microsoft is looking to significantly expand datacenter space to service expected AI demand, tripling the rate at which it adds capacity early in its next financial year. Other hyperscalers appear to be following suit.

House passes bill banning Uncle Sam from snooping on citizens via data brokers

Vote met strong opposition from Biden's office A draft law to restrict the US government's ability to procure data on citizens through data brokers will progress to the Senate after being passed in the House of Representatives.

Hacker News: FIN7 Cybercrime Group Targeting U.S. Auto Industry with Carbanak Backdoor

The Register: Kremlin's Sandworm blamed for cyberattacks on US, European water utilities

Need Help to Fix a Bug w/ Django Channels

October 2025 will be a support massacre for a bunch of Microsoft products

Not just Windows 10. Don't forget about Exchange Server, Skype for Business, and all those Office installations Windows 10 isn't the only Microsoft product due for the chop next year end of support also beckons for Office 2016, 2019, and a swathe of productivity servers.

Intune Comment (et pourquoi) configurer une stratgie de conformit Windows Dans ce tutoriel, nous allons crer une stratgie de conformit pour Windows 11 (ou Windows 10) afin de vrifier leur configuration (pare-feu, TPM, etc.).
The post Intune Comment (et pourquoi) configurer une stratgie de conformit Windows first appeared on IT-Connect.

After almost two years of meeting in, meeting out all day, today is the day I felt productive again (spoiler: I had only two meetings). Huzzah!!!!

Korean researcher details scheme abusing Apple's third-party pickup policy

Criminals make lucrative use of stolen credit cards Speaking at Black Hat Asia on Thursday, a Korean researcher revealed how the discovery of one phishing website led to uncovering an operation whose activities leveraged second-hand shops and included using Apples "someone-else pickup" method to cash in.

911 goes MIA across multiple US states, cause unclear

Some say various cell services were out, others still say landlines were affected. What just happened Widespread 911 outages in the US appear to have mostly been resolved, but that doesn't mean the cause is clear.

Building a strong culture is crucial for your organization's . Check out part 2 of this insightful blog series from our CXO Madison Iler for 6 practical steps for closing gaps between and management:

I really want to go to space. Right now it seems my opportunities will be next to nil unless I find a job that can lead there. My skill set is IT.

I see all manner of news about mining going to space, hotels going to space, and yet can't seem to find a thing about who's going to be doing IT in space.

Does anyone have a line on companies that might be gearing up to provide "on site" IT services in space Or are we looking at all space IT being a vertical of the rocket companies

Na letiti v ns uvtal tento display, asi nemaj systm sprvn upraven nebo sprvce przkumnk nevypnul

Hacker News: OfflRouter Malware Evades Detection in Ukraine for Almost a Decade

How Far is it?

The Register: Europe gives TikTok 24 hours to explain 'addictive and toxic' new app

TSMC expects customers to pay more for chips fabbed overseas

It'll be pricier, but there are geopolitical benefits, says CEO TSMC boss C C Wei says customers who want to fabricate in the chip giant's non-Taiwan facilities will need share the cost by paying more.

"I september gjennomfrte Datatilsynet et varslet tilsyn hos Nav for granske etatens IT-sikkerhet og personvern.

De fant en rekke personvern-lovbrudd, og at tilgangsstyringen og loggkontrollen var srlig drlig.

I rapporten skriver Datatilsynet at nr alle de 22.500 ansatte i Nav har tilgang til informasjon om vr fysiske og psykiske helse, vre familieforhold og konomi."

Kilde: nrk

NASA will send astronauts to patch up leaky ISS telescope

Thermal shield damage is screwing with daytime observations of X-ray bursts NASA is sending astronauts out to fix an X-ray telescope on the International Space Station (ISS) after the instrument developed a "light leak."

185K people's sensitive data in the pits after ransomware raid on Cherry Health

Extent of information seized will be a concern for those affected Ransomware strikes at yet another US healthcare organization led to the theft of sensitive data belonging to just shy of 185,000 people.

La vulnerabilit di SQL Injection di Fortinet viene sfruttata da una pericolosa campagna malware

ha scoperto una nuova campagna che sfrutta una nei dispositivi per diffondere .

Admin alert: Copilot app lands on Windows Server 2022

AI assistant turned up via an Edge update. It was an accident. This time... Microsoft's Copilot obsession has continued with the AI assistant unexpectedly arriving on Windows Server 2022 this week, in a situation the software giant is calling an "incorrect install."

Next week, learn about at 's 2024 Resources Conference in , TX

Hacker News: Recover from Ransomware in 5 Minutes - We will Teach You How!

The Register: Micron scores $6.1B CHIPS Act cash for New York and Idaho fabs

Micron scores $6.1B CHIPS Act cash for New York and Idaho fabs

Memorymaker to park mega plant in Syracuse, says senator Memory chipmaker Micron looks set to be the next recipient of US government subsidy cash with $6.1 billion heading its way to help fund new-build semiconductor plants.

Cisco discloses Root Escalation Flaw with Public Exploit Code.

Cisco has released patches for a high-severity Integrated Management Controller (IMC) vulnerability with public exploit code that can let local attackers escalate privileges to root.


Google laying off staff again and moving some roles to 'hubs,' freeing up cash for AI investments

Restructure of finance teams will see some leave, and other roles created in Mexico City, Bangalore, and US cities Google is again firing the redundancy cannon for the second time this year, with a restructure being pushed through and teams in the finance and real estate units of the busi

EU tells Meta it can't paywall privacy

Platforms should not confront users with 'binary choice' over personal data use The EU's Data Protection Board (EDPB) has told large online platforms they should not offer users a binary choice between paying for a service and consenting to their personal data being used to provide targeted advertising.

Europol fa Saltare in Aria LabHost: Una Piattaforma Mondiale di Phishing Abbattuta

Questa settimana, le forze dellordine di 19 paesi hanno gravemente una delle pi grandi di -as-a-service () al mondo, nota come .

Hacker News: New Android Trojan 'SoumniBot' Evades Detection with Clever Tricks

The Register: Gentoo Linux tells AI-generated code contributions to fork off

Novelty flip phone strips out almost every feature possible to be as boring as possible

Only good for calls and texts pretty much, and that's no mistake Those who find modern smartphones too distracting from real life might be interested in the Boring Phone (no relation to the smartphone of the same name), a novelty flip phone based on HMD's Nokia 2660 Flip.

Prolific phishing-made-easy emporium LabHost knocked offline in cyber-cop op

Police mimic Spotify Wrapped videos to let crims know they're being hunted Feature  Cops have brought down a dark-web souk that provided cyber criminals with convincing copies of trusted brands' websites for use in phishing campaigns.

Previously unknown Kapeka backdoor linked to Russian Sandworm APT:

Russia-linked APT Sandworm employed a previously undocumented backdoor called Kapeka in attacks against Eastern Europe since 2022.

Chatkontrolle: Verschlsselte Dienste geraten in den Fokus

Mich wundert es nicht, auch wenn zB Signal sich wehrt, dass Chats dann doch berwacht werden. Sicherheit ist sobald unterbrochen, wenn dritte die Kommunikation wahrnehmen und einsehen knnen. Als verschlsselte Alternative lsst sich zB und nutzen.


Debian spices up APT package manager with a dash of color, squishes ancient bug

2.9 gives a taste of what's to come Major updates to Debian's Advanced Packaging Tool don't come along very often, but APT 2.9 is here with a significant facelift.

Weshalb wundert dies mich nicht und weshalb wird zB Russland immer noch unterschtzt Sicherheit ist nicht so simpel, wie es viele verkaufen. Danke fr den informatieven Artikel:

Neue russische Cyberwaffe entdeckt:
Russlands Geheimdienst hat offenbar ein neues Werkzeug entwickelt, um Firmen auszuspionieren. Es gibt nur wenige Spuren, denn die Schadsoftware lscht sich teils selbst

Ich frage mich, ob diese 'Versprechen' von Profi-Software, ebenfalls in ihrer Werbung einfluss nimmt

Sprich eine Software, hnlich wie ein Game, meine Aufgaben erfllt und so weit Hoffnungen abdeckt. Nicht eben als Arbeit-Tool angepriesen, was es eigentlich ist, aber als die Lsung sich selber prsentiert. Beim Marketing der KI sehe ich dies sehr hnlich, da wird Hoffnungen angepriesen und verkauft.

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