
El verano me dedicar a meterle

El verano me dedicar a meterle duro a pero tambin a estudiar y armarme algo para buscar trabajo en . Dada la situacin actual de los salarios docentes que fueron recortados en , creo que es tiempo de abandonar la docencia y emprender en otras reas.

Conservar las pocas horas que tengo y cuando consiga algn laburo en informtica las dejar hasta que las condiciones sean mejores. Es una pena, si, pero ser en esta es una condena a la miseria generalizada

This is the best programming tutorial I have ever read.

For all languages (except ProLog)

The Register: A tale of 2 casino ransomware attacks: One paid out, one did not

A tale of 2 casino ransomware attacks: One paid out, one did not

What can be learned from MGM's and Caesars' infosec moves Feature  The same cybercrime crew broke into two high-profile Las Vegas casino networks over the summer, infected both with ransomware, and stole data belonging to tens of thousands of customers from the mega-resort chains.

I just got called an guy as an guy lmao!


The Register: Kaspersky reveals previously unknown hardware 'feature' used in iPhone attacks


Kaspersky reveals previously unknown hardware 'feature' used in iPhone attacks

'This is no ordinary vulnerability' sec pros explain Kaspersky's Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) has exposed a previously unknown 'feature' in Apple iPhones that allows attackers to bypass hardware-based memory protection.

Another chill day at the Click Here, Type This factory

Good morning and happy Thursday !

Lets start this beautiful day off with our chat to discuss what our agenda is for today.

For me, my new replacement speakers came in for my Nintendo Switch so Ill be replacing them. I also have the usual work stuff. Getting started updating clients endpoints to meet GM guidelines. Then its just relaxing at home.

Right...! That's I've ... Everyone can just take the rest of the day off...


Hacker News: Google Cloud Resolves Privilege Escalation Flaw Impacting Kubernetes Service

The Register: Israel to plow $3.2B into $25B Intel fab project

# Hugo
2023 - ( ), - ( ) - , , .
, ( ) Github + Hugo disfinder' , :

#it #

Nuova Ondata di Attacchi SSH: le vulnerabilit su Linux espandono la portata delle minacce DDoS e cripto

Gli di sicurezza avvertono di una nuova ondata di contro   scarsamente protetti.

Gli aggressori utilizzano questi server per e di a dizionario. Ci consente di trovare altri e includerli nella rete per il  di criptovaluta e nelle botnet  .

I'm making a presentation about IT infrastructure for juniors. Had to include this, not sorry.

Erst mal nachtrglich frohe Weihnachten.

Frage an die -bubble / :

Ich habe aktuell eine 6690 (Firmware 7.57) bekommen, die ber einen 2.5gbit LAN Anschluss verfgt. An diesem Port verliert der PC stndig die Verbindung. Eine Beschreibung des Problems findet sich auch im beigefgten Link.

Gibt es dafr, auer den LAN-Port zu wechseln, eine Lsung


Interesujcy materia

Hacker News: Most Sophisticated iPhone Hack Ever Exploited Apple's Hidden Hardware Feature


The Register: I needed antihistamine tablets every time I opened the computers

mit SNI genutzt wird. Der Dienstleister setzt ein wildcard cert fr seine Domain ein die er sowohl bei Azure als auch auf dem Server bei M-Net nutzt.

Mehr mag ich gar nicht mehr nachschauen. Was ich gesehen habe bringt mich zurck zu meiner Ursprnglichen Aussage beim Arzt: Ich bin mir sicher das die Daten bei mir "sicherer sind - sowohl was Datenschutz als auch Bit-Rot betrifft.

Apple , -

Hacker News: SaaS Security is Now Accessible and Affordable to All

The Register: Broadcom to end VMwares channel program, move partners to its own invite-only offering

E se accadesse anche in Italia 2 milioni di pazienti ricattati dopo lincidente allospedale Integris Health in Oklahoma

In effetti non la prima volta che accade qualcosa di simile. Diversi anni fa, dopo un alla clinica , i contattarono i singoli . Chiesero loro il di 200 euro per rientrare in possesso delle cartelle , pena la loro . Questo a causa del fatto che lazienda non voleva pagare il .

Successivamente la fall e fu una tra le prime aziende che vennero chiuse dopo un .

Broadcom to end VMwares channel program, move partners to its own invite-only offering

Partners dont know much about whats going on. Which leaves users in limbo, too Broadcom has told VMware partners the virtualization champions channel program will end in early 2024.

$11 Instagram, YouTube TikTok -

: The game where 's go to ...

is now 's to on the --Server and then ...


Wir freuen uns, Matthias in unserem Team bei der GONICUS begren zu drfen. Er befindet sich derzeit in einem Umschulungspraktikum und bringt viel Erfahrung aus der IT-Welt mit, was ihn zu einer wertvollen Bereicherung unseres Teams macht. Seine Begeisterung fr Open-Source Software feiern wir daher ganz besonders.

Wer auch Lust hat, den Schritt auf die "gute Seite der IT" zu machen, kann sich gerne im Job-Bereich auf unserer Website umschauen.

TSMC 1 3D- 2030-. 5- -

Mal wieder die . Liebe alle:

a) Eierlegende Software-Wollmilchsau geht immer schief, auch in der Privatwirtschaft

b) Achtung: Gute Sales-Leute knnen wirklich jeden Unsinn verkaufen

c) Helfen: Nutzerzentrierung und konservative Technologie-Wahl

Spending new time to write some on our must be on of the most boring tasks I had to do in a while. But it needs to be done. Even tho some of my sources could be a little more professional:

Listening to my helps tho

Hacker News: New Rugmi Malware Loader Surges with Hundreds of Daily Detections

The Register: Bricking it: Do you actually own anything digital

Conclamati i pregiudizi razziali nelle IA che generano immagini. I dataset devono essere regolamentati

Dietro le Quinte del Machine Learning: Ottimizzazione dei Flussi di Dati in Architetture Software Complesse

Night Terrors