
Der Verrckte im Weien Haus, Donald

Der Verrckte im Weien Haus, Donald , kann Europas hart treffen. - Systeme wie , , -Registrierung und hngen von den ab.

The Register: C++ creator calls for help to defend programming language from 'serious attacks'

C++ creator calls for help to defend programming language from 'serious attacks'

Bjarne Stroustrup says standards committee needs to show it can respond to memory safety push Bjarne Stroustrup, creator of C++, has issued a call for the C++ community to defend the programming language, which has been shunned by cybersecurity agencies and technical experts in recent years for its memory sa

When This Professor Got Cancer, He Didn't Quit. He Taught a Class About It
, 't .


Hi anbieter suchen. hat sich schon lange durchgetzt.
ich nutze keine cloud, sondern ein eigenes . per angbunden. man kann ohne... ohne viele halten sich an ausreden fest.

The Register: Mozilla flamed by Firefox fans after promises to not sell their data go up in smoke

Microsoft says code change for yesterdays Microsoft 365 disruption.

- - -
Microsoft dit quun changement de code est responsable pour la panne Microsoft 365 dhier.

// Article en anglais //

Tja, solche Abhngigkeiten sind nicht gut.

Ein -Ausfall hat wiederholt tausende Nutzer betroffen vor allem , aber auch andere -Dienste wie und .

Die Probleme traten am Samstag auf, konnten aber durch einen Code-Rollback teilweise behoben werden.

In den letzten Jahren kam es wiederholt zu weltweiten -Strungen bei Microsoft.

The Register: Framework Desktop wows iFixit even with the soldered RAM

WD Red 2.0 TB

Monster Hunter Wilds -5 Steam

Monster Hunter Wilds , Steam....

Remotely controlled Vehicles over Starlink.

What if you want to control a vehicle thats hundreds of kilometers away, or even on the other side of the planet Cellular is an option, but is obviously limited by available infrastructure good luck getting a cell signal in the middle of the ocean.

The Register: One stupid keystroke exposed sysadmin to inappropriate information he could not unsee

The Register: Non-biz Skype kicks the bucket on May 5


Have the at complied with , yet

: "Has anyone bothered to remind that 'they/them' can't sell a product/service across Europe when 'they/them' can't/won't comply with ... "

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The Register: Nope. You probably can't cash in by turning your office or farm into a datacenter

and ...!

's in , aye...

is there shall be ...



One counterintuitive place to use Pareto's principle is building foundation (80%) vs delivering features (20%) in IT.

Most teams are coerced to do the inverse.

And it sort of works. For a limited amount of time. Then they slow down. Because they have technical debt, they had to cut corners, they had to do this last minute hack, ...

Eventually being net waaaaaay slower than those teams that ship (to users) "just" 20% of the time.


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How Far is it?

Mozilla flamed by Firefox fans after promises to not sell their data go up in smoke

Open source browser maker ties itself up in legalese and explanations Mozilla this week asked Firefox users to abide by new Terms of Use, and updated its Privacy Notice as well as an FAQ only to quickly issue a clarification that it isnt actually claiming ownership of user data.

Regional Internet Registries work to prevent one of their own going rogue

There's a lot going on at the orgs who regulate IP addresses as they revisit global governance and new leadership comes to APNIC and LACNIC APRICOT 2025  Global and local change is coming to the world's five Regional Internet Registries. The orgs that delegate and manage IP addresses are working on a policy that wi

As someone in I felt for the race operator for the race tracks that used some kind of photosensor for the finish line.

Since the event was held in a giant greenhouse (nice and warm) it was so bright they had to dome the finish line with pizza boxes and folding tables. Still their software and setup was displaying false results.

There was that daunting look of frustration as they struggled to keep things going but accurate with wild enthusiast kids hopping in the way.

Das kann durchaus sein, wenn man ganz neu in der Materie ist, oder spezielle Anforderungen hat.
Ich habe auch schon Tage an Dingen unter oder gesessen, so ist .
So lange man sich am Ende freuen kann, dass es funktioniert, oder das man was gelernt hat, oder sogar beides )

The Register: Payday from hell as several British banks report major outages

Rule #1 - Don't release on a Friday
Rule #2 - Don't release on the last Friday of the month

The Register: Under Trump 2.0, Europe's dependence on US clouds back under the spotlight

Europa & die Schweiz mssen unabhngiger werden nicht nur militrisch, sondern auch im -Bereich. Eigene soziale Netzwerke, Business-Apps & Kommunikationssoftwares sind essenziell. Mit Top-Hochschulen wie der ETH verfgt die Schweiz ber den entsprechenden Talentpool dafr.

The Register: Data resilience and data portability


's been a , with and ... ...!

: "Are those window-lickers from going to do another crappy little pop-video about Dr. Psiren again... This year... Maybe, next year... "

The must have ...

to ...


The Register: Hisense QLED TVs are just LED TVs, lawsuit claims

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Sektor und

Schatten auf hoher See

"Mit , und will die EU schneller erkennen, wer in der angreift. Doch der Plan hat Tcken und knnte sogar feindliche U-Boote alarmieren.
Deutlicher fllt die Kritik von Manuel Atug aus. Es ist zu wenig, zu lasch, zu spt, sagt er auch mit Blick darauf, dass die EU die Manahmen erst in den nchsten zwei Jahren ausrollen will..."

Effizientes Onboarding schnell & sicher

easyONBOARDING automatisiert die Erstellung von Benutzerkonten, reduziert Fehler und spart Zeit.
Standardisierte Prozesse gewhrleisten Sicherheit und Compliance.
Automatisch generiertes Onboarding-Dokument fr HR & IT.
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Jetzt entdecken & IT-Prozesse optimieren!

Hisense QLED TVs are just LED TVs, lawsuit claims

Quantum dot technology allegedly absent from tellies Hisense USA has been sued for advertising televisions with quantum dot technology that allegedly lack quantum dot technology.

The Register: UK government's cloud strategy: Pay more, get less, blame vendor lock-in

The Register: AMD looks to undercut Nvidia, win gamers' hearts with RX 9070 series

The US has been sold to the lowest bidder, with all the access the FISA courts and the Patriot Act give. The irony is that it's now a race between Musk dismantling it and Putin taking over. Don't trust any Software that you cannot verify.

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Have the at complied with , yet

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Have the at complied with , yet

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Why you need a Last Will and Testament in New Zealand