
De complete gids voor cybersecurity evenementen

De complete gids voor cybersecurity evenementen en trends in 2024 Hat USA 2024 evenementen -beveiligingsprofessionals risico's

Today I got scolded by a colleague for breaking some processes. I agree I did wrong. However, I have been complaining about the inefficacy of that process for months. My problem now is that I don't want the discussion to focus only on what I did wrong (although it does have to be discussed and addressed) but also on making the process faster and less cumbersome. Any advice


Hacker News: INTERPOL Recovers $41 Million in Largest Ever BEC Scam in Singapore

" 6 ". , 40, , . , 40 , .
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, . $7000 . , . , , , , . . # #IT

The Register: Another law firm piles on Intel for Raptor Lake CPU failures as complaints grow louder

Hoe microsoft's hulp aan delta luchtvaartmaatschappij werd genegeerd: een diepgaande analyse hulp aan Delta -storing luchtvaart luchtvaartindustrie samenwerkingen IT-infrastructuur

Today starts a new class in my journey to getting my Bachelors in IT.

Infrastructure Administration CYB/205
- should be an interesting one and I'm looking forward to it.

Become a certified Cyber First Responder! We'll teach you how to stop hackers and reduce losses in our on-demand incident response class taught by expert Matt Durrin! Learn more:

Proton VPN heeft een reeks updates aangekondigd voor zijn Windows- en Android-apps om gebruikers te helpen censuur te bestrijden, blokkades te omzeilen en zichzelf te beschermen tegen autoritaire re...

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VK ...

Het is een bekend verhaal: zwakke of hergebruikte wachtwoorden komen online terecht met schadelijke gevolgen voor organisaties. Criminelen gebruiken steeds vaker gestolen inloggegevens om initile t...

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Hacker News: North Korean Hackers Moonstone Sleet Push Malicious JS Packages to npm Registry

The Register: Google paying to be default search on phones is totally against antitrust law, judge rules

  , ...

is moe now! :jamadaadormiras:

(Re: , for Mastodon users.  )

#langen #freesoftware #freesoftware #FSF #IT #software

Een hacker heeft Mobile Guardian, een digitaal platform voor klaslokaalbeheer dat wereldwijd wordt gebruikt, gehackt en op afstand informatie gewist van ten minste 13.000 iPads en Chromebooks van st...

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GPT-5 ...
Attributes: LLM : ...

Proteja su empresa de las amenazas de ciberseguridad con los servicios de Ethical Hacking y pentesting de MonkeysLab. Recuerde, la ofensiva informa a la defensa

Hacker News: Suspicious Minds: Insider Threats in The SaaS World

The Register: Sneaky SnakeKeylogger slithers into Windows inboxes to steal sensitive secrets

gang targets workers with new SharpRhino

Adobe. # #IT

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Hacker News: New Android Spyware LianSpy Evades Detection Using Yandex Cloud

da bin ich mal gespannt, wie schnell und przise diese absolute eigenstndige Entwicklung vor sich geht. Simpel und schnell geht dies heutzutage mMn sicherlich nicht:

Das lange Warten auf den Marienkfer:
In einem ersten monatlichen Newsletter informiert das Projektteam des Ladybird-Browsers ber finanzielle und technische Fortschritte.

The Register: EVs continue to grow but private buyers are steering clear, say motor trade figures

Gibt es in / eine Regelung, was (End of Life)--Gerte als 'Neuware' im Handel angeht

Also wenn ich durch den ein oder anderen Onlineshop nach Routern oder Accesspoints suche, dann gibt es viele, die keine mehr erhalten. Selbst als Firmenkunde versucht man bei mir veralteten Restbestand los zu werden.
Beim Hersteller steht definitiv 'EndOfLife'.

Wei heiseonlinesocial.heise.de etwas dazu

Over 1 Million Domains at Risk of 'Sitting Ducks' Domain hijacking Technique.

Over a million domains are susceptible to takeover by malicious actors by means of what has been called a Sitting Ducks attack. The powerful attack vector, exploits weaknesses in the domain name system (DNS).

Kwetsbaarheden Verholpen in Google Android en Samsung Mobile

De Signed PGP-versies zijn leidend.


Versie 1.00...

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Ontwikkelingen in it: highlights voor 2024 -sector 2024 IT Symposium Werkplek Projecten Updates

Kritieke Kwetsbaarheden Verholpen in Siemens Omnivise T3000


Siemens heeft verschillende kwetsbaarheden in hun Omnivise T3000-platform succesvol verholpen....

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Phone call received a little while ago:
"Thank you for the proposal, which is economically interesting. However, I have a question - why should I choose to entrust the creation of the new setup to you (I am not directly in charge, but I am part of a team with three other developers) when I can get, for a slightly higher price, the service of Y, which provides ten people and standardized procedures"

I know Y - it's not a bad company, but it's the classic group with many juniors, written procedures, and a few standard setups that they apply to everyone.

I explained that, ultimately, it is his choice. But personally, I would prefer to have something created by people who understand the needs and adapt the setup to those needs rather than a "IKEA style" setup, where ten people simply assemble a setup predefined by a static procedure, without really understanding what's behind it. And at the first problem, they panic because their manuals don't cover that type of issue.

I believe one of the problems in today's society is forgetting that we are human, that each of us has unique qualities, and that not everything is proceduralizable, standardizable, automatable.

Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto.

For this , I want to thank those who still prefer to deal with humans rather than cold corporate procedures.

Hacker News: New Zero-Day Flaw in Apache OFBiz ERP Allows Remote Code Execution

The Register: Dell makes new round of layoffs while it looks to unlock modern AI

APIs, Web Applications Under Siege as Attack Surface Expands

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language: en-US
object: https://securityboulevard.com/p=2026684
objecturl: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/08/apis-web-applications-under-...
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sourcetitle: Security Boulevard

Mijn werk deze week tot nu toe.

Werkplek beheer met het invoeren van een bitlocker unlock key en het in het domein hangen van een laptop.

Terraform code schrijven voor het configureren van een cloud provider.

En daarnaast nog wat switch config checken, Linux server uitrollen, VM template maken, firewall regels aanpassen, SNMP config.

Hmm, misschien ben ik toch iets beter gekwalificeerd dan ik lang heb gedacht

Hacker News: Google Patches New Android Kernel Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild

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