
Chrome users get an alert when

Chrome users get an alert when extensions are in danger of falling into wrong hands

Under New Management is an early-warning system for potential poisoning of add-ons with malware Millions of Chrome users now have a way to guard against the threat of extension subversion, that is, if they don't mind installing yet another browser extension.


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's and for ...

Report FBI: 12,5 miliardi di dollari il valore del cybercrime nel 2023. Il 20% delle aziende denuncia il ransomware

Il panorama cibernetico odierno minacciato da una moltitudine di attori malintenzionati che dispongono degli strumenti necessari per condurre su larga scala, trattenere i soldi e i in cambio di un e mettere a repentaglio la nostra sicurezza nazionale.

Possible China link to Change Healthcare ransomware attack

Alleged crim bought SmartScreen Killer, Cobalt Strike on dark-web markets A criminal claiming to be an ALPHV/BlackCat affiliate the gang responsible for the widely disruptive Change Healthcare ransomware infection last month   may have ties to Chinese government-backed cybercrime syndicates.

I'm for ...

seems ... In the ...


Find out how far it is between any two cities.

Hacker News: Ex-Google Engineer Arrested for Stealing AI Technology Secrets for China

The Register: Fidelity customers' financial info feared stolen in suspected ransomware attack

It's obvious when someone who doesn't understand "Information Technology" or just how-things-works in general. Because they'll say things like, oh your jobs easy you just push buttons.

I had someone shadow me: This is so complicated, I though it was just about pushing buttons and sitting back and having coffee.

Yeah, who's laughing now

And, ...

... ... And, a ...


When I'm not using , I prefer ...

's ... I like ...



Reddit rolling out AI bouncer to halt harrassment

If any mods are considering an anti-IPO blackout, you could be replaced by a bot Reddit is upping its AI game again, this time with the implementation of an LLM-powered harassment filter for the benefit of its army of volunteer moderators.

<Nim> please stop giving people bad advice,

Hallo Leute, openSuse Leap 15.6 Beta-Version ist zum Testen bereit.
Hi guys, openSuse Leap 15.6 beta version is ready for testing.

JetBrains TeamCity under attack by ransomware thugs after disclosure mess

More than 1,000 servers remain unpatched and vulnerable Security researchers are increasingly seeing active exploit attempts using the latest vulnerabilities in JetBrains' TeamCity that in some cases are leading to ransomware deployment.

We have several branches in high schools, in neighboring towns. Recently, one of those high schools moved into a new building. This is a small, rural, conservative town, and they made it very clear all along that they do not want a library branch there.

The county, however, requires that they do, so they've been making it as difficult and uncomfortable as possible for us to operate.

I'm dealing with their IT person this morning, and the hostility is pretty overt.

Tesla Berlin gigafactory to take week-long nap after suspected arson

Losses could surpass 1B as 1,000 vehicles a day go unfinished Tesla's Berlin gigafactory, the company's only production plant in Europe, is still offline following a suspected arson attack days ago, and may remain so for another week.

Hacker News: Chinese State Hackers Target Tibetans with Supply Chain, Watering Hole Attacks

The Register: 'We had to educate Oracle about our contract,' CIO says after Big Red audit

Nikon RED, 2 -

Linfostealer Snake sta attaccando gli utenti Facebook per rubare informazioni riservate

Cybereason ha scoperto un nuovo tipo di chiamato Snake che si sta diffondendo attraverso i messaggi di Facebook. Si tratta di un scritto in progettato per rubare utente riservati.

US wants ASML to stop servicing China-owned chip equipment

Dutch lithography giant caught in crossfire amid escalating tensions ASML is again at the center of chip wars controversy with reports that Washington wants the Dutch government to stop the company servicing and repairing chipmaking equipment it has sold to customers in China.

Hacker News: Hacked WordPress Sites Abusing Visitors' Browsers for Distributed Brute-Force Attacks

The Register: Copilot can't stop emitting violent, sexual images, says Microsoft whistleblower

Good morning! Today in the department, the big workstation move continues as we downsize student dorm computer labs that no longer see much use (most students have been issued Chromebooks or already have personal laptops now) and reallocate those resources elsewhere. Still a long way to go on this project but we're making progress!

"Do. Or do not. There is no try."
Jedi Master Yoda

Apple's had it with Epic's app store shenanigans, terminates dev account

No end in sight for 'horror show' even with EU's DMA Epic Games has followed the tried and tested approach of sharing executive email exchanges following the termination of its developer account by Apple.

Senza pi Birra! Il birrificio belga Duvel Moortgat chiude le operazioni per colpa del ransowmare

Il birrificio Duvel Moortgat ha subito un che ha portato alla chiusura della produzione di birra nei suoi stabilimenti. Il famoso marchio belga Duvel, il cui prodotto distintivo la Pale Ale, cos come altre famose birre dAbbazia.

Condividi questo post se hai trovato la news interessante.

Belgian ale legend Duvels brewery borked as ransomware halts production

Company reassures public it has enough beer, expects quick recovery before weekend Belgian beer brewer Duvel says a ransomware attack has brought its facility to a standstill while its IT team works to remediate the damage.

Apple Epic Games -

Hacker News: Human vs. Non-Human Identity in SaaS

The Register: EU users can't update 3rd party iOS apps if abroad too long

Venturing beyond the default OS on Raspberry Pi 5

The pros and cons of some other Arm Linux distros for the pocket powerhouse The Raspberry Pi 5 is a capable little desktop computer, and some alternative distros give you more choices than the default Pi OS.

Spannende Frage, die gerade bei uns im Team aufkam:

Fhlt ihr euch als in der wohler, wenn ihr gesiezt oder geduzt werdet

UK finance minister promises NHS 3.4B IT investment to unlock 35B savings

Now, who was it 'challenged' the NHS to go paperless by 2018 The UK's finance minister has promised the country's National Health Service (NHS) 3.4 billion ($4.33 billion) in IT investment, claiming it would unlock 35 billion ($44 billion) in efficiency savings by the end of the decade.


HP print rental service seeks more users to become subscription addicts

13M Instant Ink customers signed up and now a new plan is after millions more HP has 13 million customers signed up to the Instant Ink subscription program, and a recently introduced rental service that includes hardware is similarly forecast to extract "more value" from customers.

Hacker News: Watch Out for Spoofed Zoom, Skype, Google Meet Sites Delivering Malware

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can't even ... ... "He's" and ...! of in of ...

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'll be ... ...

:wolfparty: :fediverse::fediverse:

The Register: Logitech MX Brio 705 where Ultra HD meets Ultra AI

CryptoChameleon Il nuovo Kit di Phishing che colpisce la Criptovaluta

Gli specialisti di sicurezza hanno scoperto un nuovo kit di , , che imita le pagine di login di noti servizi di . La minaccia prende di mira principalmente i dispositivi mobili e ha gi colpito molti utenti.

Bank's struggle to replace Atos threw system back to dark ages

Costly project to switch supplier likely to continue into 2025, says watchdog A report on UK government debt reveals that a public sector bank relied on "people and paper" to process transactions during the pandemic as it struggled to replace outgoing service provider Atos.

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