
But you'd to 's all in

But you'd to 's all in , which is ...


to : GB136,162
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to from : GB276,330

Insektengroer Roboter in Entwicklung
"Die vierbeinige Maschine kann krabbeln, springen und das 22-Fache ihres Gewichts tragen. Die Energie erhlt sie durch extrem schnell ablaufende Gasexplosionen."

Apple TV iPhone

iOS 17 , iPhone

Hacker News: Inside the Code of a New XWorm Variant

The Register: GitHub Copilot, Amazon Code Whisperer sometimes emit other people's API keys


Full-time Web Developer at Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project

Unity , 90% -

Mein privates Interesse gilt dem Thema in . Mein vorrangiges Verkehrsmittel ist das . Auf lngeren, Strecken in Kombination mit .
Mein beruflicher Fokus liegt im Bereich und .
Ab heute aktiv auf Mastodon.

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Hacker News: Operation Rusty Flag: Azerbaijan Targeted in New Rust-Based Malware Campaign

The Register: 'Small monthly payment' only thing that stands between X and bot chaos, says Musk

iOS 17

Esplorando l'ARP Spoofing: Tecniche Avanzate di DTP e VLAN Hopping

L' una tecnica di ben nota che sfrutta le debolezze nel protocollo ARP per manipolare il di . Ma quanto conosciamo delle sue varianti e delle per difenderci

Google Paga una Multa Record di 93 Milioni di Dollari per Violazioni della Privacy e annuncia maggiore trasparenza

will milliardenschwere -Kartellstrafe abwenden

Make your own VPN - Wireguard, ipv6 and ad-blocking included

I'm going to write a oriented version as soon as it'll be possible.

Hacker News: ShroudedSnooper's HTTPSnoop Backdoor Targets Middle East Telecom Companies

The Register: Nvidia's 900 tons of GPU muscle bulks up server market, slims down wallets

App Store TBank.

I had a super obvious idea. Why don't password managers guard against spoofing by checking whether the hostname they have saved matches the site you are trying to enter the credentials into I was spoofed a month ago and have been thinking about it since. Does anyone know if that's ever been proposed to a browser

It's so obvious I assume I'm not the first person to think of it, but I cannot find anything online. Links appreciated.

Whilst it may seem bad to weaponize against at first, as I can assure everyone that the time and frustration saved by forcing relatives onto your tech stack is worth it!

It saves time, money, pain and frustration...



Hacker News: Earth Lusca's New SprySOCKS Linux Backdoor Targets Government Entities

The Register: GitHub Copilot, Amazon Code Whisperer sometimes emit other people's API keys

Code-Leak: YouTube Music wohl bald auf dem HomePod

A mi compaero le huelen hoy los pies. Por si no fuera suficiente cuesta arriba el da a da aqu ltimamente.

Hassrede: X/Twitter gibt deutlich mehr Nutzerdaten an deutsche Strafverfolger

CNAS angajeaz cinci -iti: salarii de aproape 4 mii .
Oportunitatea de a contribui la proiecte inovatoare n domeniul sntii te ateapt

iPhone 15 15 Pro, Apple

I prodotti di sicurezza Trend Micro Endpoint soffrono di una critica Remote Code Execution

I prodotti di sicurezza per le aziende contengono una legata all di .

Hacker News: Microsoft AI Researchers Accidentally Expose 38 Terabytes of Confidential Data

The Register: BT confirms it's switching off 3G in UK from Jan next year

AliExpress UGREEN, .

5 , iOS 17

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