
Apple , iPhone 15

Apple , iPhone 15

heise+ Gesetz zum Datenaustausch: Der EU Data Governance Act im berblick

Trying to explain your job as a systems admin/engineer/* to someone is a real struggle at times.

*whatever fancy title we using today

Apple iOS 17



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Hacker News: Researchers Detail 8 Vulnerabilities in Azure HDInsight Analytics Service

The Register: Dutch consumer groups sue Google over its entire business model

Apple ,

Full-time Senior Software Engineer at Prisma

WhatsApp - Telegram,

Noon to 1 p.m. is lunchtime. It's not hard to understand right

It seems like for a lot of people "IT" shouldn't be having lunch at "NOON" because that's the only their free to get support. (LOL) News flash. IT needs to eat as well and we follow the same schedule as the majority of the business. WHO KNEW!

iPhone 15 Pro - ,

Did you know The Helmholtz Institute Wrzburg is not only training the next generation of but also two apprentices.

Hacker News: Alert: New Kubernetes Vulnerabilities Enable Remote Attacks on Windows Endpoints

Security professionals and executives are both concerned with stamping out Shadow IT. But they're also the most likely to be using it.

82% of executives we surveyed admitted that they do company work on personal devices.

In the same vein, security professionals were the most likely to report that they used their personal device because getting through security measures was frustrating.

Ironically, the people with access to their organization's most sensitive data are the most likely to bypass Security and IT's management. Shadow IT is risky, no matter where it occurs on the org chart.

Read the full report to discover the full impact unmanaged devices have on security:

New Life, new books

Books read / Libros ledos / Livres lus

But *that* scne, very very well / Excepto *esa* escena, muy muy bien / Sauf *la* scne , trs trs bien

Book reading / Libro leyendo

last 100 pages are so great! Long worthfull travel / Las ltimas 100 pginas son la leche. Un viaje largo pero lo merece / Les derniers 100 pages sont gniales. Un voyage long mais a vaut la peine

Books in stand-by / Libros en espera/ Livres en attend

Books targeted / Libros en la mirilla / Livres dans la cible

Might need a new copy of IT. It's a shame, too, because the Bob Giusti cover art is my favorite out of all the editions.

The Register: Linux Mint Debian Edition 6 hits beta with reassuringly little drama

Herms Apple Watch Series 9. -

Das geht uns alle an, ich hoffe, es kommt nicht so weit.

I siti di Roma Capitale sono ancora offline dopo 3gg dallattacco informatico. Chiesto un milione di euro di riscatto

Anyone out there feel like their company's department only exists to maintain their bottleneck and keep users for flexing their knowledge

Apple - Apple TV+

Google : 90% , 10% Bing, Yahoo -

Happy 256th day of the year, the !

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Al CyberTrials di Torino, 50 women in cyber! Tra la giuria anche Red Hot Cyber

Come sempre abbiamo sostenuto, incentivare la propensione verso la nei ragazzi e nelle ragazze nasce dalle scuole e . Una volta varcata la soglia dell i percorsi sono gi stati definiti e occorre solo , ma non far scattare la .

As fall approaches, it's the busy season for ! Since many organizations book their annual this time of year, read our CEO 's advice on how to maximize your pentest ROI & results:

Coca-Cola .


Hacker News: Webinar: Identity Threat Detection & Response (ITDR) &#8211 Rips in Your Identity Fabric

The Register: iPhone 12 deemed too hot to handle for France's radiation standards

PlayStation 5 Dolby Atmos 8

Lancement du sminaire MSHMondes x : 1re sance avec Marcello Vitali-Rosetti autour des principes du Low Tech pour les outils et infrastructure des SHS.

Lancement du sminaire MSHMondes x HumaNum : 1ere sance avec Marcello Vitali-Rosetti autour des principes du Low Tech pour les outils et infrastructure des SHS.

iGuides, !

iPhone 15 :

HONOR 36 IFA 2023

Hacker News: How Cyberattacks Are Transforming Warfare

The Register: How to snoop on passwords with this one weird trick (involving public Wi-Fi signals)

iPhone 15 . Apple -

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