
Apparently Windows 11 changes the keyboard

Apparently Windows 11 changes the keyboard layout, while I'm typing my password...

The default is English (US) and I also have Hungarian. At least one character is on a key that enters different characters depending on layout. I have messed up earlier as well but it was 95% of the times due to layout, so switched, entered again, done.

Now it shows the correct layout, but not instantly. It switches to the default when the indicator appears.

detektor.fm-Podcast: Gen Z und IT Sind Gen-Zler die wahren Boomer am Arbeitsplatz "Eine neue Studie zeigt: Die Gen Z hat im digitalen Berufsalltag weniger Kenntnisse als andere Generationen.

"Scheitert die Gen Z am digitalen Arbeiten

Warum die Gen Z anders mit umgeht
Zur sogenannten werden diejenigen Menschen gezhlt, die ungefhr ab der Mitte der 1990er-Jahre zur Welt gekommen sind. Damit sind sie ziemlich sicher also Personen, die mit dem Internet und der digitalen Welt aufgewachsen sind. Das bedeutet, dass sie mit vielen Aspekten der digitalen Welt souvern umgehen knnen. Sie wissen, wie Social Media funktioniert, und finden sich in der unbersichtlichen Welt des Internets zurecht anders, als es den vorausgehenden Generationen nachgesagt wird.

Aber: Auch die Generation Z hat ihre Probleme im Umgang mit der Technologie. So gehren Menschen unter 30 einer zufolge oft zu denjenigen, die sich besonders stark selbst berschtzen, wenn es um die eigenen IT-Kenntnisse geht.

Suchleiste statt Ordner-Struktur
Whrend die Nutzung von Social Media keine Probleme bereitet, ist fr die Gen Z nmlich der Umgang mit professionellen Tools oft weniger intuitiv: Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die mit Gen-Zlern arbeiten, berichten, dass die Suche nach wichtigen Dateien lieber ber die Suchleiste gelst wird, weil ein fehlt. Eine mgliche Erklrung: Diese Ordner als digitales Abbild realer Akten sind gerade fr junge Menschen schwer greifbar. Viele Unternehmen klagen darber, dass bei der Einstellung von jungen Menschen solche fehlenden Grundkenntnisse Probleme bereiten. Was kann man dagegen tun"

via :

Updated Post: Where do I start with Accessibility Updated 18 Feb 24

The Register: Election security threats in 2024 range from AI to anthrax

Knstliche Intelligenz Wissenschaftler schlagen Notausschalter gegen KI-Apokalypse vor:
Ein Paper der Universitt von Cambridge legt nahe, dass KI-Systeme im Notfall durch hardwarebasierte Lsungen effektiv in Schach gehalten werden knnten

Oder wir gucken, dass es gar nicht so weit kommt. Einfach den KI Einsatz verhindern. Ich weiss, dies liest sich plump aber was ist dann die konsequente Lsung

Election security threats in 2024 range from AI to anthrax

Unsettling reading as Presidents' Day approaches In time for the long Presidents' Day weekend in the US there have been multiple warnings about what will undoubtedly be a challenging and potentially dangerous year for voting processes and government workers.

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The Register: Zeus, IcedID malware kingpin faces 40 years in slammer

Lamministrazione Biden crea lAI Safety Institute Consortium (). Miglioreremo le IA

Intelligenza artificiale e scuola: la Russia punta alla correzione dei compiti tramite le IA

Hi guys, I baked another open source cake today..
The recipe is called openSuse Slowroll and here is the recipe and the baking instructions.
Please use a test disc like I always do. If something goes wrong, don't do it on a system you need every day.
I wish you good luck .

Hallo Leute, ich habe mir heute wieder einen Open-Source-Kuchen gebacken.
Das Rezept heit openSuse Slowroll und hier ist das Rezept und die Backanleitung.
Bitte benutzt dafr eine Testfestplatte, wie ich es immer mache. Sollte, was in der Hose gehen, dann nicht auf ein System, was man tglich braucht.
Ich wnsche euch ein gutes Gelingen.

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:wolfparty: :fediverse::fediverse:

The Register: Microsoft 'retires' Azure IoT Central in platform rethink



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:wolfparty: :fediverse::loading::loading::fediverse:


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The Register: Nginx web server forked as Freenginx to escape corporate overlords

The Register: Cutting kids off from the dark web the solution can only ever be social

Donkey sentence (relative clause): Every farmer who owns a donkey beats it.
Donkey sentence (conditional): If a farmer owns a donkey, he beats it.
FOL translation of donkey sentence: : x y ( ( farmer ( x ) donkey ( y ) own ( x , y ) ) beat ( x , y ) )
While this translation captures (or approximates) the truth conditions of the natural language sentences, its relationship to the syntactic form of the sentence is puzzling in two ways. First, indefinites in non-donkey contexts normally express existential rather than universal quantification. Second, the syntactic position of the donkey pronoun would not normally allow it to be bound by the indefinite
Epistemic contradiction: 's raining and it might not be raining.
These sentences cannot be analysed as logical contradictions within purely intersective frameworks such as the relational semantics for . The Epistemic Contradiction Principle only holds on the class of relational frames such that R w v ( w = v ) displaystyle RwvRightarrow (w=v). However, such frames also validate an entailment from to . Thus, accounting for the infelicity of epistemic contradictions within a classical semantics for modals would bring along the unwelcome prediction that "It might be raining" entails "It is raining". Update Semantics skirts this problem by providing a nonintersective denotation for modals. When given such a denotation, the formula can update input contexts differently depending on whether they already contain the information that provides

Hacker News: FBI's Most-Wanted Zeus and IcedID Malware Mastermind Pleads Guilty

The Register: Someone had to say it: Scientists propose AI apocalypse kill switches

Dalla tecnica alla psicologia. Lo IARPA fermer il cybercrime sfruttando le limitazioni cognitive e i pregiudizi

LIntelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency () ha lanciato un nuovo programma volto ad analizzare ed eventualmente sfruttare i punti deboli nella dei .

Wilson rilascia il primo pallone da basket airless al mondo realizzato in stampa 3D. Il costo di 2500 dollari

OpenAI lancia Sora. Il modello Text-To-Video. Ma la sicurezza sar avanti a tutto

gioved ha annunciato , il suo primo strumento in grado di trasformare un di testo in un della durata massima di un minuto.

A bit of knowledge on !

USB 3.0 - USB 3.1 - USB 3.2 - USB 4 - confusing We think so, too! Let's clarify!

How Far is it?

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what people think studying cybersecurity is: alright, and here's how to hack into the government

what it really is:

The Register: Oxide reimagines private cloud as... a 3,000-pound blade server

The Register: Cutting-edge robot space surgeon makes first incision in Zero-G

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The Register: Dems are at it again, trying to break open black-box algorithms

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Translation: "We noticed that, when we cut jobs, the remaining employees worked harder to compensate. So we figured we could cut more jobs, squeezing more out of them while spending less. Win/lose!"

This is the fundamental conflict of interest between employer and employee. It is why unions came to be to counterbalance the singular power of management.

With Apple, you get a useful device ecosystem

With Windows, you get great gaming support

With Linux, you get a tight-knit community

The Register: FTC asks normal folks if they'd like AI impersonation scam protection, too

Barbara hepworth